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    • Gald the event went great! Were they the cans of toxic waste? You can't just casually drop that you've seen the perfect costume and expect us to hang politely without wanting to know more. šŸ˜œ
    • Yesterday I had a ttrpg game and went to bed almost straight after, so no time for anything. Ā  Today: 1 & 2: done 3: done 4: done 5: It wasn't someone local, but I talked to someone I've been meaning to get back to, so I'm going to count it. Ā  We had a costume exchange at the library today, and it was enough of a success that I think we will repeat it next year. Lots of the kids ended up with a costume that just seemed perfectly suited to them, from dolphin outfits to Harry Potter uniforms to cans of toxic waste. One parent found the perfect outfit for her daughter, then another that she thought would be great for her cousin. When she asked if she could take both, and then was told there was no charge, she was just overflowingly grateful, thanking us over and over and saying that it was too good to be true. It's the kind of thing that makes the job worth it.
    • Week 3 Roundup Main goals Seek and defeat evil: šŸŒŸšŸŒŸ Vanquished a small swarm of dire rats and banished a minor demon, then made the rounds of the local tavern job boards looking for next weekā€™s adventures Regain spells: šŸŒŸ Lesser restoration: šŸŒŸ Buff the party! šŸŒŸ Protect the party coffers:Ā  Side Quests: šŸŒŸ Satisfy the Alderman: šŸŒŸ Ā  Bonus Patrol the Hinterlands:Ā  Long Rest: šŸŒŸ running on a cool, sunny morning Ā  Painted mini: šŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸ Ā  ā˜•ļø 3/5 šŸ’ŖšŸ» 3/5 Ā  Running total: 26 šŸŒŸ Ā  What a week! Balkan Babes had our first rehearsal after summer break and weā€™re working on some fun pieces for a show in November that Iā€™d kind of forgotten about. Had a couple of ukulele afternoons to round out Buffing the Party.Ā  Ā  Monday, my minis arrived! I backed the Reaper Bones 6 Kickstarter, didnā€™t get everything but I did pick up the core set and a few of the smaller themed sets. I painted one already (bonus stars!) and it has me fired up to tackle some of the bigger pieces I was so excited about from the Bones 5 KS.Ā  Ā  Ā  I had a lot of short workdays this week. Somehow didnā€™t feel like I made the most of them, but I did get in some yoga (including bonus sun salutations for West Marches!) and a dumbbell workout. Had a massage too, Iā€™ve been working with this RMT on the foot I injured in the spring but I havenā€™t been since early in the summer, so it was good to get in.Ā  Ā  Forgot about low-sugar Monday in the morning again, but kept it in the evening and skipped sugar in my morning coffee Tuesday and Wednesday, so. Iā€™m trying. Going to put a reminder in my phone to help.Ā  Ā  Today we had our Scion game that used to be Thursday nights, but we rescheduled to Saturday morning because the hours were too late for our remote player in Toronto. That meant I had to fit my run in early - I hit the trail around when I would usually get up on a Saturday. Warmed up with a couple of sun salutations for the West Marches! I donā€™t do much yoga without a video guide but it felt really good to actually move with my breath. Also feeling really good was the crisp fall air, just cool enough that my breath was misting. It was sunny with just a few wisps of clouds, perfect weather for running and for appreciating the beauty of the world around me. The trees are still clinging to summer, all pretty, sweet greens against the blue of the sky, but pops of brown and red are starting to appear. I snapped some photos of our hawthorn trees for @Sea-to-skyĀ I miss living on a street with hawthorns, in May the swallows would always swoop around them hunting bugs, mayflies maybe.Ā  Ā  Ā  I also had one of those moments that just lift you up, one of my fellow choristers happened to be biking past and greeted me, and it didnā€™t even happen when I was plodding slowly uphill like I usually seem to be when I cross paths with acquaintances. No, I was sprinting beautifully across the street trying to make a light, so I felt pretty dang cool.Ā  Ā  I also wanted to share some drawings I did. I signed up for a spooky card swap and I thought it would be neat to illustrate my own card so I have been dreaming up ghosties. Ā It would be cool to swap cards with some folks here too, maybe. DM me if youā€™d like to swap addressesā€¦doesnā€™t have to be hand made or anything, just seasonal, fall/halloween/whatever! Ā  Ā 
    • Day 6 of the hybrid calisthenics routine is done, so that's basically week 1 in the bag (as Sunday is a rest day). Thurs - Sat is just a repeat of everything from earlier in the week. I think I hit my stride with a few exercises I struggled with the first time around. Twists just needed a modification so that it wasn't so intense. I actually hit the goal for the first pushup progression (wall pushups), so I technically could move up to the next exercise. However, I'll probably wait another week to do that, to be safe. I started the next pullup progression using my brand new gymnastic rings. Overall, the conclusion of this first week of hybrid calisthenics has me feeling pretty good. It's quite a departure from my initial "just do any kind of movement" approach, and more fundamental than my tendency to hyper focus on martial arts activities. It's a good reminder that I am better off when I focus on fundamental fitness first, then add specific skills (like martial arts) later.Ā  Ā  I still got my taijiquan practice in, even a little bit with the long knife (1st of the 2 weapons we learn in my taijiquan class). Of course followed by my daily meditation.Ā  Ā  And it was a special day as a longtime Battletech fan, as the latest Tex Talks Battletech premiered today. Two hours well spent. IYKYK
    • I shall hug my cats and tell them they are loved Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
    • thank you for this! I too, smell delightful now. hopefully no one else noticed šŸ˜œ
    • Thanks, guys! šŸ˜ƒ Ā  Got in another Elements workout yesterday and did Wings therapy with some leg things thrown in today.Ā  Turns out Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts are easier to do with an alligator bar than with dumbells, even if the bar is 3 times as heavy as the dumbells.Ā  Ā Or maybe because it was heavier?Ā  I dunno.Ā  Balance was better in any case, and glutes more engaged so everything to the good. Ā  I have been counting evil calories, even the extra-evil ones that snuck in after the counting ought to have been closed.Ā  Sigh.Ā  It still happens, but less than usual and I am down 1.5 lbs since the challenge started, so it's going fairly well for a little toe-dipping into dietary control without being overly onerous.Ā  Ā  I am going through the motions a bit on starting my latest assignment for Portraiture.Ā  Ā I always have a hard time starting something new when I finish a work.Ā  I am doing the minimum 10 minutes, but not much more than that.Ā  Ā I am drawing more animal butts. Ten points if you can guess the animal! (Think seasonal). Ā  Fashion for Nevers is going fairly well.Ā  I feel good about the choices I am making and I am learning so much about hair care.Ā  I scored a major deal today with a haircare line I wanted to try from Curlsmith.Ā  I guess it was the one-year anniversary of the launch of their Anti-Frizz products, so they were offering a free full-size bottle (worth almost $30) with purchase!Ā  So, I ordered a bunch of travel size bottles so I could try a lot of stuff for minimal cost (and rate free shipping).Ā  Then, on top of the free conditioner, they let me choose 3 one-time use samples of other products I had wanted to try eventually, but wasn't ready to pay for yet!Ā  So, I got a clarifying shampoo, co wash, anti-frizz conditioner, heat/chlorine shield, 2 gels, and a deep conditioner for what I would have spent for the first 2. Ā  Ā  Ā 
    • Sleep is just a crutch! (that my body says I need soon) Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  One upside to my self imposed uniform; I never need to think about what I'm wearing to work. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Thank you! I'm trying to make choices that make it easier for me to hit my goals. Toothbrush at work takes away an excuse. Umbrella ready for the rain. High vis straps and flashlight if I'm going to walk in the dark. Pills already sorted ect.Ā 
    • Today is a good day to DYE! Ā  Just finished up a big round of tie-dying. Results tomorrow. Plan to also dye my hair today. Way too much root showing. (Mounting fatigue might see this kicked to tomorrow) Ā  Slept in a little this morning, then spent a LONG time in Wal-Mart. Needed some home goods stuff and was better to see it in person than online. Got some glass food containers for lunches and a bunch of other stuff.Ā  Also, got whatĀ  I need to make slow cooker vegetarian chili. that's the plan for tomorrow.Ā  I've been intending to try eating somewhat vegetarian for a while now. Health reasons, environmental reasons, the fact that I HATE touching raw meat, so things like chicken often just don't get cooked... Ā  Friday Daily tasks Take medsāœ… MorningĀ constitutional AM & PM prayersāœ… AM & PM oral hygieneāœ… AM & PM Spanishāœ…āœ… Cleaning / sortingāœ… Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.āœ… Growth reading. Fun readingāœ… Ed to Goāœ… Ā  Specific goals meal planning prayer book cat litter bags cat litter cat food clean out car Ā  Saturday Daily tasks Take meds MorningĀ constitutional AM & PM prayers AM & PM oral hygiene AM & PM Spanish Cleaning / sorting Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect. Growth reading. Fun reading Ed to Go Ā  Specific goals meal planning prayer book cat litter bags cat litter cat food clean out car cook chili
    • This happened to me the other day so I had a shower for my lunch break at workĀ šŸ¤£Ā (luckily I live alone and work from home so there was nobody to offend except myself)
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