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    • Autumn is deer mating season (prime time for photographers) and deer hunting season šŸ˜.Ā  But it isn't a deer.
    • Oh I love the idea of 'cave' decorations Ā 
    • I almost wrote deer, is that an autumn thing over with you? Ā 
    • Close, but wrong season Ā  Ā  I'm hopeful! Ā  Ā  Y'all already have your Christmas trees up, don't you? šŸ˜‚ Ā  Ā  I have no idea who taught me to call it that or why, but Google informs me it is actually called an EZ curl bar. Ā  Ā  It's shorter and lighter than my olympic barbell, so I used it as an intermediate step up from the dumbells.Ā  Ā  Ā  No, but that would be cute!
    • Thank you ā€” the TBI effects were largely manageable, and involved a lot of resting and letting my mind just wander wherever it needed to go. They are no joke indeed. Iā€™ve read that epileptics and other folks with neuro-cognitive disorders were treated in ancient times as receiving messages from the gods. I donā€™t know about all of that, but positioning myself in this light when an episode happens is helpful: I am not in control, the best thing is just to find someplace safe and protected, and make sure I have water and healthy (bland) snacks around for whatever times make sense. Itā€™s a wild ride, made smoother only by acceptance.Ā  Iā€™m dropping in this morning to say that I am okay. I am grateful for my sturdy brick-and-cinderblock building (it used to be a YMCA and was a designated disaster shelter back when cities did those sorts of things). Iā€™m grateful that my apartment is on the second and third floors, and grateful that the windows in this section of the building are modern and seal well (my windows in the ā€œoriginalā€ section 4th floor were not double-hung, and dated back to the original construction in the mid-70s). I am grateful for maxalt and modern medicine and for the the cave environment that I set up in my bedroom. Speaking of the cave environment in my bedroom, I think I need to go full-on Druid and decorate it accordingly. Iā€™ll need to find some ā€œforest-ishā€ fabric, or whathaveyou to world-build the walls. But I digress. Ā  I logged out of work at noon on Friday and that was a good thing. I really sort of have no understanding of time and space since then, since I didnā€™t need to go anywhere or do anything, and I just went along for the ride with my beloved .303 Bookworm. Ā  I think it was the middle of the night when I woke up and made golden noodle soup with chicken.Ā  I am well and safe and whole. All will be well enough. ā¤ļø Ā 
    • More reps of the exam route, and also drove to a nearby city and back. Got honked at for not taking a right turn on a right turn only lane. Lane changes feel a lot smoother and less panicky.
    • I will start exercising in 2 weeks as going for a relaxing holiday in Cyprus and will ease my way into it then.
    • If 90 minutes is working for you, I'm all for it, but just want to point out the PvP goal was a cumulative 90 minutes for the week. Just to let you know it's ok if you need to build up to it some.
    • What is an alligator bar? Ā  Ā  Y'all went straight to winter/Christmas, but it's Halloween season! It has to be bat butts.
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