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    • ...I guess?!       Well there's definitely a difference in cultural touch points here, because I had to reverse image search to find out who that was  
    • Ascona, Ticino. Really great town. I’d like to visit in summer season.  
    • Weird thing is, I basically have this dialled too! Jeans, graphic tee, and hoodie every. day. But it takes me a long time to wake up, and if I haven’t had the designated “sit upright until all systems come online” time, basic activities that typically take 1-2 minutes take much longer. 
    • Ooh it’s been a minute. Busy, busy week! 🫠 that’s end stage September for ya.   How’ve I done against my stated big goal of 1850 cals/day average? Hmm, not great, I am heading into the last day of the week about 500 over. Had two work lunches and two dinners out which are really to blame. At least the dinners were fun (one just me and hubby at our little neighbourhood burger joint celebrating the end of a long week, the other a reunion with my Grease cast mates at a groovy resto bar I’d been really wanting to try). Work lunches were just, eh, work lunches, tried my best to keep the macros solid but obviously didn’t do well enough.   the good! Hubs and I talked to both kids Friday and both are happy and busy, doing well at school so far. ❤️ Saturday we took our bikes out for a long ride along the river path and that was glorious to be out there riding together. Saturday also did some yin yoga at the studio, and Friday and today both I made it to the gym for some real lifting!!!    I also buckled down and braved our reimbursement system to submit well over $1000 of health claims (assorted physio visits, massage, post surgery assistive equipment, new glasses…) —should really have done that months ago but I always build it up in my head to be more of a barrier than it actually is.    For the rest of today, going to shower, then back to the yoga studio, then some data wrangling: I have tomorrow set aside for blah not-my-real-science-but-gotta-get-done tasks, like meetings, writing a slew of reference letters, editorial stuff, so if I want these data to get entered by the end of the month it’s really today’s job. Oh, and homemade pizza tonight, woohoo!
    • I hope I will paint it! I have not yet been brave enough to tackle either of the dragons I got in the previous KS which shipped…three years ago?  But I love them so much!   The absolute best!    Also, hey, I had soup for breakfast this morning 😜  
    • I watched The Man Who Invented Christmas and it has such an amazing and recognizable rendering of what the creative process is like, and how the characters come to be, and behave (and misbehave!).  Five stars, highly recommend.
    • I did some squats yesterday while the kettle boiled, mostly because I was feeling out of sorts from the TBI things and from not getting to go to the gym. Many thanks to our DMs for bringing this into my life.    Heidi wakes from the Bookworm state and looks around, giving thanks for the soft moss patch that has held her so gently over the last howeverlong. Her kit and kettle are still with her, and she gathers a few more herbs while the water heats for tea. She doesn’t know how many herbs Ellereth wants, but these few seem different from the ones in the field before. The trail is full of blessings.
    • Level up, friend, because this is straight gold. When we’re lower level, momentum is our biggest, and at times, only ally.  It takes mastery to be able to let the momentum rest and then start again. Very impressed.   I am delighted by the work things, and am very happy you are fortunate enough to have things so wonderful that it’s difficult to say goodbye. Pooh is a great philosopher. Have you read The Tao of Pooh?   Speaking of delight, the way you and Sovalis talk about running a game, and then also in playing the game,  is delightful. Thank you for sharing. It’s helping feed my nerdy D&D soul.   I hope you’re having a slow restful day. Hooray for good sleep! ❤️ 
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