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    • I misread this as saying that porridge was your favourite kind of soup and I was like "yeah, same, 'soup season' is weird but I love sticky glop when it's chilly." But, er, I guess it's just me. Enjoy your soup, it is the perfect time for it!
    • Way to go for noticing this and responding! Hope balancing less tracking with maintaining a list to keep your brain quiet goes well. 
    • For you metric folks: Hurricane force winds (120+ KPH) are extending about 100km out from the center of the storm, and tropical storm force winds (64-119 KPH) extend just over 500km out from the center. This thing is huge, and it’s currently rolling through the gulf with 218KPH winds, traveling NW towards land at 37KPH, which is fast enough that it will still be a hurricane 300km after it makes landfall.
    • Yay for renewing your DL and getting a full walk in!     I'm a big fan of the LED straps you can get these days.  I actually have a whole light-up vest for cycling, but my rechargeable arm bands (just purchased off Wish) travel everywhere with me.    
    • Perhaps, but as a card carrying member of society, I have to point that finger back at myself and take responsibility for my attitude. 😀
    • Thank you. I always feel as though I’m kind of feeling my way along in the dark, and maybe that’s what grace and compassion is all about. ??   Today was very difficult for me to get it together. My head was, predictably, a wreck. The demo went well enough, and I’m blessed to have a team that works well together.  I did a lot of work with a difficult programmer after the demo, and about 30 minutes into it, feeling frustrated and as though I just wanted to vote him Right Off The Island, thank you very much, I took a deep breath and realized that the work was the same whether I was frustrated or not. I changed my inner-monologue tone and took a deep breath.   I asked the programmer what he needed from me to be able to complete his work and send it to me for testing. He waxed poetic for many lines in the group chat and I simply let them go by, because they didn’t answer the question, and waited until there was a glimmer of something that might, in fact, be an answer to a question. This helped keep me from gettin distracted by all the “hmmm, well maybe”s that he had going on. I mean, in my defense it’s pretty easy to pick up on the maybe energy.   While I was scanning, our team lead launched a call to us both, and set down some guardrails. This was very helpful. Thank you team lead!! The team lead is in South Carolina, and I am sending safety vibes his way. One of the other core team members is in Atlanta, which keeps getting mentioned explicitly in all the warnings and alerts. He does not, in fact have a generator (I asked, because of course I did), and he expects that he’ll be without power much of the day tomorrow.   Schools are closed here in my part of  Virginia. We are expecting a lot of rain (forecast is now nearly six inches, and depending on the track it could climb higher), and a lot of wind, with gusts in the 60-70mph range in the latest model. Okay, Universe.   Around lunchtime I rescheduled my dentist appointment mostly so I could continue working with the difficult programmer. My head was still dicey, but maxalt is a blessing, and it was doing everything it could to help. Around 4 I was starting to feel human and there was a break in the rain, so I ducked out to pick up the farm share and got some marinara, extra apples, fresh hummus, anther batch of local applesauce, and some bagel chips.   I made a kale salad when I got home and ate it while I finished up the day’s work and moved on to most of tomorrow’s work as well. There’s a better than even chance that I’ll be without power or internet or both at least some point tomorrow, and I don’t want to be caught empty-handed for my deliverables. This also frees up my day tomorrow for working with the difficult programmer to make sure his release package has all the non-code things that are also required and that he never seems to do. He is a big fan of saying “oh, hehe, OtherPerson always used to do that,” well yes, but that’s because it has to be done and he hadn’t done it and he made it so long and difficult a conversation that it was always simplest to do it ourselves and not talk to him. I don’t plan on taking that approach, and now I’ve carved out the space to make sure I can have a meeting with him and walk him through doing it himself and explain that this is required for every single release or that it won’t be promoted to production (in which case he would be fired, not anyone else).    I made some toast with butter and honey — the loaf of bread this week is an amazing five grain — and poured a large glass of milk, and by the time I was done with the work and the toast, I was pretty sure I was the luckiest girl in Roanoke. There is something about toast that is restorative to my spirit.   My head is also much better than it has been all day, at long last. I could read some Dewey, but I think I’ll just simmer a chicken breast and do a load of laundry and watch an episode while the rain pours down. It’s a good night for nothing much and an early bedtime.
    • I think my area largely gets a pass on this one, except for possible tornados from the far outer bands.
    • I like that your new boss went out of his way to create a space for you. This feels good and right. I hope you are feeling better and that the mattress serves you well. When I was waiting on my latex topper, I slept with a rice sock in the small of my back and that helped, partly from the heat and probably partly from the support from the sock itself. Sending wonderful, restful energy your way.   From the Philosopher-Librarian Grimoire: take a sock (any size, preferably clean) and fill it with uncooked rice, any variety (pro tip: if you buy in bulk, this is a great use for the end-of-bag rice that is sometimes broken and you always wonder if it’s too stale to be good anymore). Tie off the end in a knot or with a piece of twine (adorn as you choose with ribbons or whathaveyou, as long as it’s not metal). Heat in a microwave for 30 or more seconds until it’s the level of warm-to-hot that you want. Place the sock on your sore spots. Reheat as needed. I always carry one in my suitcase when I travel.)    
    • So I'm now half of a week into a new bodyweight exercise routine, using the model from hybrid calisthenics. I'm starting with the most basic exercise for each of the six movements, though it seems I can already move on to the next progression towards pull-ups. Push-ups might be moving ahead in rather short order as well. Squats, leg raises and bridges will need some major work. Twisting may have to be reconsidered, at least until the core strength is in order. We'll see on that one. Anyway, I'm rather enjoying it so far. And two exercises per day is more than manageable. 
    • 🔼Werewolf, not horny   🔼Not werewolf, but adventure and not horny.   🔼Wolves, not horny, no outright werewolves   🔼Giant bears, not horny (there is a sex scene but it's awks, not sexy, no animals involved), spooky, author has shitty politics      I hope you like it but you're still hearted in my book, even if you don't. 
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