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    • It didn't feel remarkable when I was doing it, but I was undeniably calm afterwards. Obviously we need a lot more data.
    • I'm taking a 3 days break (today included) from tracking anything. This is taking too much space in my head and I want to let it drop a little and see if I can get a clearer mind to understand my longer term goals better. Have fun and see you on Monday!
    • Friday September 27 Tattoo this afternoon and it's a big question mark. The plan was to do the last two lines of the Maggie Smith poem with a house of bones, but after spending a bit of time doing mockups, every house permutation looks terrible. I know it's all clipart and just supposed to be a jumping off point to communicate the idea to the artist, but christ no. The skull idea is maaaybe my favorite, not sure yet, but Liam is allergic to skull tattoos, finding them badly overdetermined. I'm pitching the skeletal hand and bee idea, possible with dandelions as the flower and the finger bones done in solid black while the bee and flower are a bright gold?? But I'm not sure how well gold does on skin.   Rotting house  Bone House Smear house Decomposing skull skeletal hand and bee Drum circle night! I've been adding bits of bodhran practice here and there this month, and lets see how things feel tonight with having more of a consistent practice behind the single night of drumming.  Weigh loss stuff New trackable goal, who dis. 4 meals a day with 30g of protein. 4 is green, 3 is black, 0-2 are red.  
    • Week 3 Thursday No workout scheduled, but I did do candles and teeth for a short rest.   Ranger Hal: 10 hp Needle Blight 4: 9 hp Short Rests: 14 Week 3: 28 xp
    • I will probably draw rather than write, but I'm down for Inktober 😁
    • I think he is going to be a good boss. Maybe not to the level that Brandon has been, because that is a very high standard, but still good.   Hopefully not just like the Night Watch. But I kind of like the idea of using "white walker" as a code for difficult customer.   Hello, all. Not much to report from yesterday. I continue to feel a bit off this week and to just coast along.    Good news things, though: I called the electric company. My contact is still there and I left him a voicemail. Sending points! I have been given my new job description and the pay raise is even nicer than I had worked out on my own. Starting date is tentatively October 21. It does mean another pay period before I get that sweet raise, but I was feeling a bit under the gun to get everything organized at my old job before leaving, so I don't actually mind having a little extra time to tie up loose ends. My new mattress is being delivered today. The foam will be compressed, so not actually sure it'll be ready to sleep on tonight, but it's a step in the right direction at least.   Forbidden Lands tonight. I'm feeling a little flat, so a bit concerned I'm not going to bring enough energy to running the game, but maybe I'll sneak a nap in sometime today or find a second wind somewhere.  
    • I got permission to take one from work. It isn't a fancy light up one, but it should be fine for in the park.        Stayed up WAY too late reading last night. Woke up with my "sunrise" around 5:15 and decided more sleep was needed, so fed the cats, killed the lights and alarms, and slept until the 7am "leave for work" alarm. 10 minutes from alarm sounding to driving away, so not much morning prep happened. Fortunately, I now have toothpaste and brush at work, so my mouth doesn't feel gross.  I regret staying up so late and missing a morning walk, but I think the sleep was the right choice.   A point of clarity that no one has asked for: "specific goals" are not necessarily things to get done TODAY, but things to get done soon, or that I feel the need for a reminder about.       Thursday Daily tasks Take meds✅ Morning constitutional✅ AM & PM prayers✅ AM & PM oral hygiene✅ AM & PM Spanish✅ Cleaning / sorting✅ Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.✅ Growth reading. Fun reading✅ Ed to Go✅   Specific goals Mop kitchen floor✅ meal planning vet appointments✅ prayer book cat litter bags cat litter cat food clean out car reflective straps✅     Friday Daily tasks Take meds✅ Morning constitutional AM & PM prayers✅ AM & PM oral hygiene✅ AM & PM Spanish Cleaning / sorting Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect. Growth reading. Fun reading Ed to Go   Specific goals meal planning prayer book cat litter bags cat litter cat food clean out car  
    • It's Friday evening and we're just about to wrap things up at work so we can throw my farewell party. Don't be to quick to celebrate though, I'll be coming back again on Monday. One, I messed something up last minute and need to hit the courts first thing in the morning, two, my Case 6 client has booked an appointment that I should be around for and three, my replacement is starting on Monday so I have to hand over my cases to her. What are the odds of me leaving straight from the office to the airport on Thursday?   Now, let's update that list Sort out my proof of address papers Translate my latest energy bill Have the translation stamped and certified by a fellow lawyer Mail everything alongside my passport pictures (already have those) Get an acceptable birth certificate Just keeping this here for the sheer satisfaction of seeing things struck out and feeling like I achieved them. Let my accountant know when to terminate my tax and insurance ties Call and ask if I can suspend my bar membership instead of requesting a release. Ask what happens with my trainee. Pull the trigger on tax and insurance termination. Take termination papers to the local bar association. Texted the man to do his thing on Monday. Have my cats transferred to their new home Bit too exhausted to type out all the details here, but apparently I've found a more long term/permanent solution instead of the temporary ones I had in mind. This would leave them in a large enough house, with a garden, plus one doggo, two other cats and a human who loves and knows how to care for them. Finalize the sale of my car Receive payment Do the transfer of ownership paperwork Hand over car, keys etc I'm told it's as good as sold. Still, not striking this out till it actually is. Pack my things From the looks of it, it'll either be done on Sunday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday. Make arrangements regarding household bills Still not done this, but there is time. Wrap up my personal cases Case 1 Make sure someone checks my mail and notifies me when a certain letter arrives. The rest can be done online and remotely. Notify my client I'll be living in a different country? Still waiting for the letter, still need to sort this out as part of arrangements for my mail and any bills that are still coming in physical format. Case 2 Re-check the lawsuit I've drafted Get the payslip required Mail it to be submitted Make sure a copy of the submitted lawsuit is properly served to the other party Sort out a subsequently required mediation process Let my client know I'm leaving Appointment was done and it went good, now the papers have officially received a number in the office and assigned to someone, so as far as I'm concerned, it's off my hands. All I need to do is keep checking up on them and adding pressure to make sure they'll see it through instead of leaving it on indefinite hiatus. Case 3 Figure out the process and how it involves the client's sibling (see Case 4) Inform them of my departure See if I need to do something else or if I can hand this over No progress made here, but I really should make a call sooner rather than later. Case 4 See how this client is involved in Case 3 See how the 2 pending cases before the court of appeals can be technically handed over to another lawyer Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Same as Case 3, it's kind of a package deal really Case 4 Call the Courthouse employees and ask what happens in this procedure Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Think I'm doing this next week when I'm gone from work. Said client is my ex's mom, so you can understand why I'm procrastrinating here. Case 5 Serve the papers I've submitted Make sure the lawyer I have in mind is indeed interested in seeing this through If so, bring them in contact with client Make arrangements (they both already know I'm leaving) The meeting was had last night, the papers were handed over this morning and this one's done. Case 6 Ask Courthouse employees about the technicalities of a lawyer change at this stage of the process Add some final missing papers into the case folders Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents As mentioned, the client here called me with what sounds like a new case, so I told him about me leaving and redirected him towards my current employer. He's booked an appointment for Monday and I'll be around for it.
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