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    • Wednesday night was R-O-U-G-H and fortunately Cidran was very supportive and already had food prepared. Unfortunately, I prevented us from having game night, but I had an emotional meltdown from how hard it was to get home that day. Downtown traffic is its own circle from hell. I managed to minimize it yesterday by correcting my route and distracting myself in the backed up traffic with an I spy type game I used to play as a kid (look for alphabet letters in sequence).   I am proud of using the stairs daily. I even had a lunch time walk twice this week - once with a friend who works down here and once today to accomplish a couple errands.    Last night I began my attempt to map out my New Leaf Island onto my New Horizons map. The reality is that it can't be perfect (thanks, Resident Services 🤦🏽‍♀️), but I was able to determine one placement method that wouldn't work, and can make way for the next attempt, which hopefully will make sense.    In reality, I really need to look into answers for how I'll handle the character death from last session. Weather stopped me on Tuesday. The desire to play video games stopped me last night. And it makes a solid excuse to not leave the house for an event I'm not entirely sure I want to join.   Anyway, time to return to work. Hope you're having a successful day. Maerad
    • Here’s the full text:
    • I'm glad you weathered the storm (literally and figuratively) and were able to move your appointments to give yourself the rest you need.   That is very apocalyptic.
    • I really like this for you. You are such a creative person and have so much to offer.
    • Niiiiiiice.     Woohoo for raises and for time to close out the current position with dignity. And hurray for a new mattress!  I hope you get a nap and feel rested enough to enjoy the game this evening.  
    • Thank you. I want me safe and intact, too.  
    • He seems to have, yes. Glad you and he and everyone else are all well enough, and hooray for solar panels!   Heidi took a hit from the .303 Bookworm and felt the world spin and grow dark. Her ears rang and nothing made sense. She fumbled in her small satchel for a Maxalt potion and her flask of tea, swallowed, and laid down in a patch of moss until the storm passed, however long that might take.   The storm unleashed some serious TBI effects, with a tornado coming through and messing with the atmospheric pressure, which also messes with my head. It was a long night, friends, and I’m glad I have Maxalt and a safe sturdy building   This morning I was still tender and dicey, and obviously haven’t walked. I did the work things, and all of my appointments were canceled as of yesterday, a bit of Wisdom on my part, since we got a national weather service alert on our phones (that everyone heard during the meeting, which was super embarrassing and also hilarious) that we were about to encounter extremely dangerous flash floods and should stay inside wherever we were unless we were “fleeing.” The NWS is making no bones about the dangers in this, and it’s adorable, but also I’m glad. I’ve never heard them use terms like “unsurvivable” before, and it was warranted (for the storm surge in Florida). There was a very goth-metal moment when an Emergency Services account tweeted that anyone who was ignoring the mandatory evacuation order should “write your name and emergency contact information on your arm or leg with a permanent marker so we can identify you and contact your families.” (Bold in the original). I am collecting moments of real life that I am using in an as-yet-unspecified apocalypse novel, and this is definitely going in.   I was up most of the night until, finally, I wasn’t, and I slept well. Thank you pharmacy. I got up and did some domestic things while the kettle heated for tea: unloading the dishwasher, loading the dishwasher, putting away the produce from yesterday’s farm share, which somehow I had managed to get into the kitchen and not actually put away. Okay, Universe, I hear you.    The work meetings were a lot, and I did them. The house is clean. My homework is done enough. My appointments can all wait until next week.   I think I’m not good for much other than a cup of tea and a nap.  ❤️   
    • Please take the best care of you. We want you safe and intact. ❤️ Sending so much love. 
    • I think I’d be in for Inktober. I am not sure I can commit to anything really amazing (or even every day) but it would be nice to be part of a group doing things. 
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