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    • Lugano from the top of the mountain train     
    • OUTREACH DAAAAAY! Today was outreach day! I had a lovely time helping the homeless, and it made me feel really good doing good things with people who seem to have the same outlook as I do regarding helping others. I had a wonderful time. I met some cool people, and it was generally a low key and fun time.    And now? On to the fitness-ness   GOAL # 1: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE That was me today. It was hot, I was thirsty. I still haven't bought flavor packets so it was sixty-four ounces of RAW WATER BAYBEEEEE!   GOAL # 2: ALONE TIME AT THE GYM No gym today because the Y closes at weird hours on weekends in my area and I just didn't feel like it. I already finished this challenge this week and I? Was a tired potato after everything.  That is actual footage of me coming home after a long day.   GOAL # 3: HOOKAH IS FOR FUNSIES, NOT ANXIETY CAN'T SMOKE PAST MIDNIGHT IF YOU GO TO BED BEFORE MIDNIGHT!   TOTAL WINS: 3/3  
    • Very much this. Quoting for emphasis, because a single like didn't feel enough. Long may this trend continue.
    • With the others on this. investing in good sleep is very worthwhile. You are going to get alot of mileadge out of that purchase. Its like buying a good pair of boots knowing you will wear them every day or a good quality winter coat if you live somewhere cold. 
    • Ooh, sounds good. Hope they work well for you. 
    • Oh man, that fairy dragon mini is amazing! so cool and i love it. I bet it will look fantastic painted   love the bugger dragon too. Such a cool figureine.    The photos are lovely. The mossy rock formation (with added ferns) is beautiful. I miss living somewhere with big trees. Used to live next to a big wood and i miss being able to go for shaded walks under their branches.    
    • We stay green all year round here. Snow is not a regular thing here. Most years we barely get frost. We are a  mediterranean climate so can grow many semi tropicals all year round. If it weren't so wet in the winter i could leave my pots of succulents out there all year.  I have a few pots of lace aloe and mexican snowball that really dont care and just live outside all year. People grow giant yuccas and things in their gardens as ornamentals too. 
    • Gald the event went great! Were the costumes the cans of toxic waste or some yellow and black striped kamikaze insects?
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