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    • If 90 minutes is working for you, I'm all for it, but just want to point out the PvP goal was a cumulative 90 minutes for the week. Just to let you know it's ok if you need to build up to it some.
    • Welcome back to your fitness journey! Progress varies widely, but after six months, you might expect improvements in strength, endurance, and body composition. Remember, consistency is key, and everyone's path is unique. Keep pushing forward!
    • What is an alligator bar?     Y'all went straight to winter/Christmas, but it's Halloween season! It has to be bat butts.
    • I found that one helpful too 😊  Anecdotal information for you from myself and my very fitness knowledgeable friend.  Since it does increase water retention in the muscles it can drastically increase water weight and at the same time it can make your digestive system back up a bit.  So be very aware to drink more than enough water.  Or she and I discussed that we are not elite athletes and don't need that much.  She is doing 1/2 amount daily, where I decided 4 days per week.  And I put in my coffee because it blends best in warm liquid.   hahah. Nope, I'll just not try to think it too deeply 🤣 My plan is to try it my morning oatmeal.  I already do savory oats with an egg in it, so I'm hoping it won't be too bad.  After I finish the shakes I have currently   I hope the upcoming week is a decent one for you
    • Week three recap:   ✅🔁🔁🔁✅🔁🔁 Goal 1 -- Intentional rest, but made the weekly minimum. 🔁✅✅✅🔁🔁🔁 Goal 2 -- No commute, but made the weekly goal. 🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁 Goal 3 -- I learned some stuff. Just not what I listed at the beginning of the week. Rethinking this tomorrow. 🔁✅🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁 Goal 4 -- Solo Sunday was actually pretty nice. Still made the weekly goal. So there's a lot of gray there, but made 3 out of 4 at least to minimum level.  Hope you have a good week 4!
    • Soreness is more likely after doing something new, or after a break. The best indicator of progress is being able to lift more weight, or more reps, or with better technique. 
    • Wk 3 Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins ❌ ✔️ ❌✅ - 50% (2/4)   Deep breathing (video recommended) ❌ ✅❌ ✅ - 50% (2/4)   Move my Body ❌ ✅❌ ✅ - 50% (2/4)   Eat from Home  ✔️ ✅ ✅ ❌ - 75% (3/4)   Clean Something   ✔️ ✅ ✅ ✅ - 100% (4/4)   Drinking a gallon of Water  ✔️ ✅️✅ ✅ - 100% (4/4)   Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs  ? ❌️❌❌- 0% (0/3)   Shiny Sink  ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅ - 50 % (2/4)   Bed by 9 pm ❌️ ❌️ ❌ ✅ - 25% (1/4)   Couple of things could use some help, no? While 2 things are rocking on the path.    I've been reading the RPG PVP, where one of the goals is to be off screen time for 90 mins before bed. I allowed myself meditation videos, and I was in bed for the first time well before 9 pm. So might adjust the goal to that..    Upfront with food adjustments I think taking out caffeine and other bought treats as significantly helped me move out of pain. Still using up brown sugar at home with cookies. May have made oatmeal cocoa drop cookies yesterday morning when I didn't have much around.  Also can't discount the 1 gallon of water to flush things out.  I bought everything on the meal plan shopping list yesterday but was able to buy 2 things from the frozen aisle... instead of pantry items. Realize saving a box of butternut squash mac and cheese balls for Friday this week can help perk me up as I navigate cooking all week. 
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