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    • Have you considered marrying a European 😇
    • That sounds like a very good idea to me - if I have time to think and I'm doing nothing I find I dwell on negative things. If I have the same amount of time but I'm out for a walk, or painting, or doing the washing up, I find that my thoughts are more positive and productive. I'm never sure why that works for me, but it does.
    • Got mine done Thursday, missed Friday, but done again on Saturday. Must do a set today once I've digested dinner.
    • Yeah, if you like. It's dropped in value somewhat in the last few years anyway  
    • This chart buttered my bread in the best of possible ways. I'm definitely following this thread!   You don't have to update on the regular, you just seem like a cool dude who is doin' his best. 
    • Bloody hell, a week from now I'll have done the marathon. Weird.    Anyway, last run before the race today. I made it a shorter one: about 9 miles at a pace I'd like to be my race pace.    I've been thinking about my expected time because I want to be in the right starter pen. I'm torn between 4.30 (possible, and I'd be well chuffed with that) and 5.00 (perhaps more realistic at current levels, I'm afraid)    Anyway, ive made my plans and booked hotels for half the stay (it's complicated!) and test driven my race gear. I've decided the new ear buds will have to go because they battery life is lamentable, and the shorts I thought I was going to wear aren't as good as the weird flowery ones so... Fuck it, I think I might just wear the weird flowery ones. The new shoes are great though, which is the main thing. Studied the race route, told work not to expect more than a couple of days or work out of me that week and now it's just about holding my nerve, eating right and keeping up the yoga, I think...    Oh and not catching Mrs 18ck's cold. 
    • That is a wonderful way to honor her
    • Right, hand over your passport. It's mine now. I've won it fairly.      
    • Hey all Sunday eve 8.30pm.   Been OK weekend. Not done much so feel a bit guilty.   Last night had roxys two friends round - they also my friends now ofc.   Was fun.   Today has been slow and this eve I feel sad.   It's my birthday tomorrow. Nothing planned.   I miss being out and drinking. I miss drinking with my friends. I miss all that.   I feel lonely tonight if I'm honest. Lonely and sad.   I miss my dad. And I'm bored of saying that.   I have a lot of work to do but I can't make myself do anything.   I just feel like curling into a ball and disappearing.   I've come up and lying on the bed.   Jackson is with me.   I've cried. And I may read a bit. Or I don't know. Sleep.   How depressing. Birthday tmoro and I'm going to bed at half 8.  
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