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     Raulwicke looked out of the bushes at the boar, its tusks twinkling in the moonlight. He had been tracking the beast for almost a week now, desperate to prove himself worthy of the Rebellion. He braced himself and leapt out of the bushes with a warriors yell. But Raulwicke is an assassin, built for quick movements and working from the shadows. He never knew what hit him.
     He woke up hours later, bandaged and bloody. Rebel One stood over him and chuckled. "What did I tell you Raul. You bit off more than you could chew and you got pinned for it. You're just lucky I was around to bail you out this time."  Raulwicke fixed a steely grimace at the leader of the Rebellion. Rebel One stood up, shaking dust from his cloak. "Perhaps this time you'll listen Legendsinger. Train before you go chasing after things bigger than you. And for the Gods' sake: Find a team already. This one man army routine is getting old, and I think you know it." The Legendsinger frowned, part grimace of pain and part acceptance, and nodded his head. With that Rebel One left the tent and Raulwicke sunk into his thoughts. He had never been one for teamwork, but perhaps this time he should try.


Greetings and Well met fellow adventurers!

I'm Raulwicke Legendsinger (Nicholas), and I'm new to the Rebellion! I'm currently residing in Upstate New York (Poughkeepsie to be precise) and I'm looking for either online accountability partners or even someone close by to meet up with every so often and go hiking/ work out with! 


I'm also on the prowl for a mentor, someone who has been through this and can give me pointers. I've always tried being on my own and trying to improve myself but it always ends up failing a few weeks in. I want to change that. 


R. Legendsinger

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