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Hello, where to begin?

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Hi, I'm looking to bulk up, someone at work challenged me to do so, so I thought why not. I am 36, 5' 6" and around 145 pounds, but alas I am also one of those people who looks like a human stick insect.


I have started a weight lifting program in the last couple of months that has been blown out of the water by illness in the last couple of weeks, so I am getting back to it. My plan was to combined eating more with deadlifts, squats and pullups. With some dumbell exercises. Basically because I am lazy and these seem relatively simple things to do.


I am not 100% inactive, I play tennis twice a week, normally for 4 hours at a time. Which I understand is not optimal to combine with weight lifting, but I am loathed to give it up. I suck in the gym, but I am quite a good tennis player.


My big issue is I have all the upper body strength of a smurf, so lack the strength to do anything but the lightest lifts and minimal number of reps on things like pullups.



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Nah, no one said you need to pick just one sport. Lifting can be a great support for racquet sports, supporting healthy knees and helping with power. Nadal for instance, dude looks savage.  Low upper body strength is also a great reason to lift, it'll get better over time. What program are/were you playing with? 


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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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