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I'm starting slow, just trying to get the basics down. Gotta learn to walk before I run. (Literally, though, because I've been walking incorrectly and tried to run and now have Achilles Tendonitis.)


I've taken the first steps to getting healthy at this point; I have a rough plan that I'm finalizing and organizing in an easy to track format, I'm doing research and getting professional help to make sure I do things right, and I'm working on fixing the problems that have been brought to my attention.


For the next 3-4 weeks I have 2 main focuses. #1 is nutrition. I'm working with a nutritionist and have a goal of 1-2 pounds per week as well as keeping a food diary. For now I'm just aiming to lower my caloric intake; I'll add exercise as soon as the second focus is done. Focus #2 is physical therapy for my ankle and calves. My goal is to do the assigned stretches 2-3 times a day, with ice and heat as directed. Heading out today to get a foam balancing mat thingy (technical term) so I can do the balancing exercises at home.


I have a third focus as well, but it's more of a change in the settings menu. I had labs done when I went to the doctor for the first time in *coughwaytoolongcough*. Thyroid levels high, thyroid antibodies very high, possible autoimmune disorder. Still waiting for the doctor to tell me what the plan is but she mentioned something about sending me to an endocrinologist. So hopefully with a little help I can lower the difficulty level and get ready for level 1.


Lastly, I'm horrible at social things and communicating and blogging and self-discipline and everything like that. I may not post everyday, but I'm gonna do my best. I will not complain if you see that I haven't posted in a few days and send me a message to remind me to post. I will return the favor upon request.

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Today was a bad day with food. My boyfriend cooks breakfast on Sundays and the food is absolutely amazing, but soooooo bad for me. I'm not gonna force him to change his ways for me. (He supports my journey, there's just a complicated situation with his ex forcing him to make changes he wasn't comfortable with. So we work together to find a balance to make both of us happy.) I need to have more self control with portion sizes. Today I did not have much self control and ate more than I should. Thankfully we have some fruits and veggies around that I can munch on the rest of the day. Not gonna fast, but I'll make sure I keep the calories low for the rest of the day and drink plenty of water.


I've done pretty well with the physical therapy. Already stretched twice and it felt like I'm making progress. I don't feel as sore afterwards as I have been. I wasn't able to find the foam balancing mat thingy yesterday when I went out. Of course I didn't look very hard due to weather constraints and the fact that everywhere I went was stupid crowded. I'm gonna just order it online. In the mean time I'll keep doing the other stretches. I'll find out on Tuesday if I've made as much progress as I think I have.

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Physical therapy went well today. They added 2 more exercises for me to do. Stepping up and down with an 8 inch platform and balancing on my weak foot on a foam balancing mat thingy while throwing a small weighted ball at a slanted trampoline and catching the ball when it bounces back. I really enjoyed the balancing catch, and my therapist was impressed with my balance.

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Went grocery shopping yesterday. I usually let my boyfriend handle it, but I had a few things I wanted to pick out for myself (and I feel guilty if I give him a list of 50 things when I'm perfectly capable of getting them myself.) My heel was hurting pretty bad by the time we got home. Put some ice on it and ended up going to bed early from lack of energy. I don't like that the simple act of walking around the grocery store was enough to drain me. On the bright side it's reinforcing my resolve to get in shape. My heel feels better today; about to do my second set of stretches for the day.


Finally got my prescription for my thyroid filled yesterday. Still need to go to the endocrinologist, but at least now I can start addressing one of the problems.

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I fell off the wagon big time yesterday. I tried so hard to get back on it, but the wagon was too damaged. Broken axle, missing wheel, floorboards rotted... Woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to be at physical therapy. I have to take the new meds first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then can't eat for 30 minutes, so I couldn't even grab a quick snack as I ran out the door. Physical therapy went great! Impressed my therapist with the major amount of progress that I've made in a short time. He's concerned my progress is gonna plateau at some point in the near future, but I'm gonna do what I can to keep making progress and not get discouraged if the progress stops happening as fast.


Was starving by the time I got done and had another appointment 30 minutes later, 10 minutes away, so I caved and got fast food with a soda. By the time I got done with that appointment and got home I was exhausted and caved and had an energy drink. Then promptly fell asleep. I don't even know how long I napped. Dinner was mac and cheese and chocolate milk. I did add veggies to the mac and cheese, so it wasn't completely bad. Still bad, though. So was the second soda.


But today is a new day, I have a brand new wagon, and I'm back on track. I do have to start the food diary over and fill in the days I lost thanks to my dog thinking yet another notepad was a chew toy. This one being the one I had been using as a food diary until I finish my BuJo set up. At least the other two he's torn up this week weren't being used.

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I lost 7 pounds! ?


I had my two week follow up appointment with my nutritionist today. I was worried it was gonna go badly. As in, I was certain I had gained weight kind of going badly. He and I were both surprised when it was that much lower. Now let's see what I can do with some real effort behind it, lol.


Physical therapy is still going well; still doing the stretches 2-3 times a day. My foam balancing mat thingy finally came in the mail so I can do the balance exercises at home now, too.


I got my bullet journal all printed out and started using it this week. Gonna tweak a few pages, minor design flaws that make it a little awkward to write in some places. I probably won't have that done until after the weekend. I might need to set aside a time to make sure I've written in it each day so I don't forget. Maybe I'll include that in my next challenge.


Had a job interview yesterday that went well. Trying not to get my hopes up too high too fast, but a friend of mine who works for the company says that if I got to the point I did, I've got the job. *Fingers crossed* I'll be riding my bike to work everyday pretty soon. Planning ahead and packing a lunch will help with eating better, too. Sitting at home there are too many options and temptations.


My body is adjusting to the medication and I have an appointment with an endocrinologist at the end of September. Getting my thyroid levels normalized is gonna help with the weight loss as well.

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