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Roamer - My Personal Journey to Self Improvement

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Hey all! I figured I'd try to make one of these threads too - see if it improves anything.  Maybe it can help someone else out too! I'm going to post my biggest failures the past few years as well as my successes and my current goals/habits. Here goes!




1. Failed to make much progress on getting a job in computer programming or something related to tech.

2. Failed to make (and keep) many new friends or meaningful social connections. 

3. Had a falling out with so many people that I've lost count of it all.  These were people I thought were close to me but later found out I didn't matter all that much to. Really hurts... But I guess it's better to have people like that gone - even if you thought they were your friends/family.

4. Failed to travel to new country once every year (2020 and possibly 2021)

5. Failed to become a millionaire by 30

6. Failed to buy a Dodge Challenger %100 down

7. Dropped out of college

8. Failed to attract this one girl I had a crush on




1. Visited Japan and Thailand 

2. Learned enough Spanish to be able to communicate, interact, and listen

3. Lost about 32lbs (Originally 237lbs at the start of this year)

4. Ran an official 10k in less than 1 hour, and received 2 medals from the Conqueror Challenges (Mt Fuji and Ring of Kerry) this year!

5. Enrolled at WGU and resumed studying Computer Science (About 1 year ago I started this)

6. Paid off ALL debt

7. Started retirement and investment accounts and made consistent contributions for the past three years

8.  Met Dave Ramsey at Ramsey Solutions

9. Cosplayed at Comic Con in Kansas city and met Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum of Smallville fame

10. Visited Metropolis IL, got a photo in front of the Superman statue and visited the Superman museum

11. Got a good paying job (Just not something I enjoy or want to do long term)

12. Did make at least three new friends (Though lost many more)

13. Faced fear and asked girl out that I had a huge crush on. (She... didn't accept - but I did face my fear so that's what matters to me)

14. I've read hundreds of books in the past few years alone. I'd wager at least 400.

15. Gave away everything and tried minimalism. (Started collecting stuff again though, but willing to give it all up if need be)


Physical Health{


//NOTE: I have a job where I sometimes unload lots of boxes. Can involve a lot of walking and repetitive movements.


Height: 6'1

Weight 200 - 210lbs (fluctuates)
Current habit:  About 4 workouts in a week (1-2 hours per workout)  + physical activity at work

Diet: Trying to stay under 3000 calories a day with an increase in protein intake and a decrease in carbs/fat.

Goal: 4 workouts a week. Emphasis on lifting right now.


Last workout 7-10-2021:


-5 minute stretches

-Pullups 5x6

-Press 4x8 (100lbs)

-Lunges 3x20 (30lbs)

-Barbell curls 4x10 (70lbs) -Superset1

-Wrist curls 3x20 (30lbs) -Superset1

-(Bat)Man makers 3x8 (25lbs)

-Leg curls 3x10 (132lbs)


Maintain diet log each day






IQ - Unknown/Irrelevant (Probably 70-80 haha)

Currently enrolled in college for Computer Science (34% complete as of now)

Really enjoy learning spoken languages

Also enjoy learning about sciences, arts, economics, mathematics, etc.


Language Improvement:

//NOTE: I drive long distances for a living as of now. So I have lots of time to listen to stuff. 

-Listen to radio in Spanish at least 15 minutes a day on work days

-Listen to Pimsleur Learn Japanese audiobook 30 minutes a day on work days


College work:

-Work on bits of each section assigned a day 



-Try to listen to at least one podcast on programming or something computer related once every work day

-Try to listen to at least one podcast on financial advice once a week (Usually Ric Edelman) //NOTE: Also goes under Wealth

-Try to listen to at least one Joe Rogan podcast (Interesting stuff usually)




Doing quite well in terms of money right now.

-Focusing on saving up my emergency fund (66% done), paying for college (about $600 a month), and contributing to my Roth IRA (about $500 a month)

-Outside of that I invest maximum in company 401k and buy some employer stock.


I try to budget, cut costs, and listen to financial talk radio once in a while. (Not too often as I'm fairly content with my current setup and the advice can be quite contradictory at times.)



I'll leave it at that for now.  I have many goals though (Biggest one is to become a digital nomad). I have traveled to a couple of countries pre-COVID though. I guess I'd like to travel to another one this year if possible - but I wrote it off back in February. Looks like I might be able to travel again though so I'll see how it goes.


-Stay healthy, and happy everyone! Keep exploring and growing and do what you feel is right!

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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I'm going to post an update for today:



1. Got readdicted to Overwatch - I've been playing it when I should be doing other more productive stuff.

2. Been procrastinating like crazy on college work... Mostly due to failure number one listed above.

3. Bought a bunch of action figures off ebay (Went over budget)

4. Was only able to do the following workout last night:


{Bench 4x6 200lbs (Tried for 5 x 6 but couldn't do last set)

Squats 4x8 (2x8 175lbs) & (2x8 180lbs)



5. Called off work on Saturday and didn't catch any work today (Monday) - likely to affect paycheck for next couple of weeks



1. Listened to podcasts at scheduled intervals

2. Been practicing Japanese and Spanish properly

3. Still passively investing 

4. On track for workout goal for this week IF workout is performed today/tonight


Diagnosis/prognosis: I think it's time I re-evaluate my quests and start trying to really crack down on stuff. I've been listening to Level Up Your Life again via audible and it reminds what got me so far in the first place. I stopped making small quests/boss battles, I stopped really focusing on things and just let stuff fall onto autopilot. I've amassed more underpants than what I need and have spent too much time in the tavern drinking and not enough time in the wilds questing. That being the case I'm going to start planning my quests now!

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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On 7/12/2021 at 1:46 PM, Roamer said:

, I stopped really focusing on things and just let stuff fall onto autopilot


It's an easy thing to do in this world. But it sounds like you're gearing up for a good re-direct!

  • Thanks 1

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"...You must always keep the star in your heart
shining strong to defeat the dark and evil souls." - Queen Serenity



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On 7/14/2021 at 4:49 PM, Doe said:


It's an easy thing to do in this world. But it sounds like you're gearing up for a good re-direct!

Thanks Doe! I appreciate the input! :) It's not going perfect... But I have made an effort.


My update for the week so far:


I've really been thinking a lot about what I'm doing and why. I think I'm going to try and MAYBE start creating some content for twitch, or youtube in regards to my gaming. It's a passion... Maybe I'll do a geek talk podcast, or something that has to do with my love for geek culture and examining it. I don't know yet - but I know I enjoy it and can make SOME time for it once I get a better idea on it. Now, in regards to more tangible successes and failures:




1. I let work piss me off. I really shouldn't but they got under my skin. I consider this a failure on my part because I didn't handle it well.

2. I did play too much Overwatch again.

3. Really slacking in my college work... Or at least prior to today I have.




1. I reordered a hard copy of "Level Up Your Life" (My previous/personal copy with all my notes I loaned to someone and it got destroyed in a fire). Really going to go through and analyze my life and habits once it arrives. Start a new one with new notes etc.

2. Started the 15 minutes minimum challenge for important tasks I procrastinate on. Did it for my college coding final today - worked well! Going to keep doing this for other goals.

3. Finished several good workouts, had a few hard unload days, and kept my diet steady.

4. Haven't spent any more money on "unimportant" stuff.  Get paid tomorrow and plan to invest accordingly.

5. Still studying Japanese Pimsleur courses and listening to Spanish radio. 

6. Really started listening to Jordan Peterson more - he's a tremendous help in navigating a world gone mad. I'd highly recommend him if you're having trouble  finding yourself, dealing with mindless political nonsense and trying to discover purpose. He does an EXCELLENT job explaining his points. NOTE: NOT FOR IGNORANT PEOPLE.


SIDE NOTE: My new goal is to try and report more successes than failures.

I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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I had a major falloff the past couple of days due to the depressive side of my manic depression rearing it's ugly head. It was brought on after being confronted with a difficult college challenge that (I felt at least) should NOT have been difficult for me. After that I ended up stress eating junk food and it all went from there. I even considered dropping out of college because of how difficult it has been juggling work (Which is unrelated to my college studies in every way possible), college and personal fitness... Not to mention trying to have a social life. But... I decided to keep fighting on today. After spending all of yesterday feeling upset, sleeping, eating junk food and playing video games I decided today to try again.


I'm going to retackle the problem that brought me to my knees. Then I'm going to pick back up my physical exercise and diet. But first... I'm going to have to finish my day job. lol Either way... it was a fail, but I'm ready to turn it into a win!

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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I haven't been active the past couple of weeks. Been busy with work and battling bipolar. Here's a synopsis so far:




1. Still haven't finished my final for college class.

2. Still kind of drifting/coasting - not focusing!




1. Benched 250lbs ORM (One Rep Max) - a new personal record for me. My goal is to reach 300lbs by the end of the year.

2. Ran a mile in 7:15. Close to a personal best. I haven't run a mile that fast since my mid teens. New goal - less than 7 minute mile run.

3. Made quite a bit of money at work. (Been working a lot of... 'overtime'.)




1. GET A PLAN!! I keep drifting around and kind of sort of doing stuff. I need to get focused again. I have physical goals (bench goal and run time goal) but most of my goals are too abstract. In fact... That's the only goal I'm setting for myself publicly. I need to come up with a plan to get shit done! There's so much I want to do yet... and I'm killing myself trying to tackle it all without a solid idea of getting it done. Next entry here will be me with a plan for getting shit done!

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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It's been nearly two weeks since my last post. As I promised myself I put more focus on trying to set more tangible goals. I've developed a better plan for myself and so far things seem to be going well. The basic idea is this: I have my set long term goals right now which I try to work a little towards each day. For example:


1. Graduate College - Do at minimum 15 minutes of online classes each day. Overall try to finish one course a month average. This may require more than 15 minutes a day per month, but as long as effort is made progress will be done.


2. Exercise - This is abstract the way I worded it. However I do have subset goals in this category. As of right now I have three primary subgoals in this category with are:

   I. Bench 300lbs by the end of the year (250lbs current max)

   II. 120 workouts for the year (currently at 80)

   III. Complete the Route 66 Conqueror challenge. RUN and ONLY RUN 2,280 miles. I expect this to take no less than four years, but it's become my new running goal. I want to earn the medal for this for running that many miles. Running for me is defined as anything above 5.5mph or a brisk walk.


3. Become wealthy - Again, this sounds vague, but I do have a number assigned to this. My goal right now is to reach that number. I currently invest the maximum allowed in my Roth IRA each month, take full advantage of my company's 401k plan as well as investing a little in the ESPP (Employer Stock Purchase Plan). I also dabble a little with crypto and collectibles. Not to mention my own personal savings account. My primary goal in this category aside from meeting the quotas listed previously is to try and increase my personal income via a career change and/or by working as efficiently as possible. (ie getting as many high paying tasks at work as I can get)


Right now those are my biggest three goals overall. The next goals will be ones I add on a monthly bases. Like learning a language, playing an instrument, etc. Maybe one month I'll put more time into learning more Japanese, or trying out the guitar more. Another I might explore learning Russian and do the drums instead. The overall practice improves general language and music understanding and will give more experience to help find what it is I might want to focus on long term. As this month I don't have anything chosen because I'm working to get caught back up with school. But I plan to take this approach for next month (which is fast approaching in my eyes haha).

I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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I suppose there is a pattern with me posting about every two weeks? Either way, I have a progress report. I've been on vacation the past week and a half. I didn't do much exercising, but I did manage to complete the college class that was giving me trouble. I also managed to break away from "competitive gaming".  I also started listening more to Jordan B Peterson - a clinical psychologist and spokesperson who does an outstanding job illustrating the human condition and why we should be embracing challenges (He does much more than that too, but I'll leave it at that). In short, this break has given me time to really reflect more on myself and what steps I will take next.


I've concluded that I need to embrace more complexity in life, rather than trying to avoid it. Those who can solve complex problems are the ones most rewarded in life (though that DOES NOT mean they are better people). I feel like I'm capable of doing this, but I am also psychologically wired to avoid it because it is difficult. I suppose time will tell what these results will yield. 


Here is the progress on my biggest goals listed above:


1. Graduate College: Completed a course that had been giving me some trouble. Four credits earned! Currently working on the next course. Just finished about an hour of studying actually. This course appears easier than the other so I may be able to finish it before the month ends! That will be my current goal.


2. Exercise/Be fit/Be healthy:

   I.  Bench - Max still at 250lbs. 

  II. 120 workouts for the year (Currently at 81)

III. Conqueror Route 66 Challenge (Current miles: 4.1)

IV. (New Goal) Weigh 200lbs (Currently 212lbs)


3. Be wealthy: Still passively investing in company 401k, Personal IRA, Employer Stock plan and HSA. Spent a little out of personal savings on vacation but will work on increasing it once back to work. Current progress toward financial goal counting ONLY accounts current value (i.e. Not personal possessions value) :  ( currently 8%)



Sub accomplishments:

- Quit competitive gaming for good UNLESS I enter a tournament or play ONLY with friends. No more Overwatch, Halo Multiplayer etc.

- Toured the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg TN. (Very interesting and cool)

- Visited an old friend in another state.

- Learned more about self through psychology videos and thought

- Bought books to help improve Japanese reading

- Still practicing Japanese speaking and listening on long travels

- Still posting progress here

- Cooked new Beef Lo Mein recipe that turned out well.


That's about all I have to report for today. Going to keep working on the big three and maybe add/improve some more sub goals too.

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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I'm trying to get in the habit of posting one of these every Sunday... But my current work schedule sometimes gets in the way, so I'll post one today - Monday. Things have been going alright since my last update. I've run a few more miles, lost a couple pounds and made some September sub goals.


Big Three Progress:


1.  Graduate College: Still working on finishing current enrolled course. Progress has been a bit slow but I am still on track to finish all my courses in time for the term.


2. Exercise/Be fit/Be healthy:

   I.  Bench - Max still at 250lbs. 

  II. 120 workouts for the year (Currently at 86)

III. Conqueror Route 66 Challenge (Current miles: 10.9)

IV. Weigh 200lbs (Currently 210lbs)


3. Be wealthy: Still passively investing in company 401k, Personal IRA, Employer Stock plan and HSA. Back to work and trying to get savings back to original amount.  Current progress toward financial goal counting ONLY accounts current value (i.e. Not personal possessions value) :  ( currently 8%)


September Goals: 


-Create resume' for new profession field

-Apply to 5 jobs in said profession

-Run 30 miles for the month for conqueror. (Not counting miles run so far)

- Complete current college course (Data Management Foundations)

-Reread Level Up Your Life and take notes

-Decide on next place to live (Stay here another year or move away)

-Sell off stuff/collection (Get back to my minimalist roots and make moving easier if that route is taken)

-3 workouts a week - 12 total for month. 

-Replenish savings to original amount

-Weigh 200lbs or less by end of month.

I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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I actually got around to posting on a Sunday as I wanted to. Not too much to say. I've tried to keep with my goals I set last week for the month. Here are the results:


Big Three Progress:


1.  Graduate College: Still working on finishing current enrolled course. Progress has been a bit slow but I am still on track to finish all my courses in time for the term.


2. Exercise/Be fit/Be healthy:

   I.  Bench - Max still at 250lbs. 

  II. 120 workouts for the year (Currently at 88)

III. Conqueror Route 66 Challenge (Current miles: 17.4)

IV. Weigh 200lbs (Currently 208lbs)


3. Be wealthy: Still passively investing in company 401k, Personal IRA, Employer Stock plan and HSA. Back to work and trying to get savings back to original amount.  Current progress toward financial goal counting ONLY accounts current value (i.e. Not personal possessions value) :  ( currently 8%) NOTE: Spent part of savings on a new (and needed) phone. Will work on restoring finances.


September Goals: 


-Create resume' for new profession field (Not complete)

-Apply to 5 jobs in said profession (None applied to yet)

-Run 30 miles for the month for conqueror. (Miles run for this month: 6.5)

- Complete current college course (Data Management Foundations: Almost halfway done -3/7 complete)

-Reread Level Up Your Life and take notes (Been rereading and making notes in the pages. Good book. Why I'm here. Haha)

-Decide on next place to live (Going to let wherever next job is be the determinant. Erring on a bigger city.)

-Sell off stuff/collection (Having a hard time letting for of my collection... Want to. But don't want to. Need to work on this.)

-3 workouts a week - (2 done so far for this week. - 2 total for the month)

-Replenish savings to original amount (Bought a much needed new phone, but am close to being able to restore original amount. NOTE: Changing jobs MAY affect this goal. Remains to be seen.)

-Weigh 200lbs or less by end of month.

I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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Actually got around to posting on a Sunday again. Yay!


Big Three Progress:


1.  Graduate College: Still working on finishing current enrolled course. Progress has been a bit slow but I am still on track to finish all my courses in time for the term.


2. Exercise/Be fit/Be healthy:

   I.  Bench - Max still at 250lbs. 

  II. 120 workouts for the year (Currently at 91)

III. Conqueror Route 66 Challenge (Current miles: 27 miles /2280 miles)

IV. Weigh 200lbs (Currently 210lbs - Keep floating in the 208 - 210 range. Might need to monitor diet harder.)


3. Be wealthy: Still passively investing in company 401k, Personal IRA, Employer Stock plan and HSA. Back to work and trying to get savings back to original amount.  Current progress toward financial goal counting ONLY accounts current value (i.e. Not personal possessions value) :  ( currently 8%) NOTE: Spent part of savings on a new (and needed) phone. Will work on restoring finances.


September Goals: 


-Create resume' for new profession field (Complete!)

-Apply to 5 jobs in said profession (Applied to 1 job so far)

-Run 30 miles for the month for conqueror. (Miles run for this month: 16)

- Complete current college course (Data Management Foundations: Halfway done -4/7 complete)

-Reread Level Up Your Life and take notes (Been rereading and making notes in the pages. Good book. Why I'm here. Haha)

-Decide on next place to live (Going to let wherever next job is be the determinant. Erring on a bigger city.)

-Sell off stuff/collection (Gathered everything up into giant pile to be sorted and sold accordingly)

-3 workouts a week - (3 done so far for this week. - 6 total for the month)

-Replenish savings to original amount (Bought expensive Halloween costume so may have SOME trouble with this now. The costume was a goal I'd had for a while and I bought it so I'd have it shipped in time before Halloween. But may be able to replenish savings with proceeds from selling off collection)

-Weigh 200lbs or less by end of month.

I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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UPDATE: I deliberately ignored posting a status update the last few days. In truth, I think I'm going to give up on this site. It's not really been helping me much. I have so many issues I have to face in my personal life I feel I'll need professional help. Basically, what I am saying is that even if I meet the big three goals I set out I will still be missing some other key aspect of my life I've been neglecting. I'm having such a hard time staying committed to things long term which is causing me severe problems in my social life. (Who wants to be friends/significant other of someone who won't commit?) No amount of miles run, weight lost, money saved,  places traveled to, or college degrees will change this. I guess what I'm saying is that I am going to leave this site. Probably permanently.  I need to focus on other more important matters. I need to try and get my act together - and I don't feel focusing on the goals I listed here will really help.


Hope everyone gets what they're after. See you all on the other side! 

I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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