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Hello from Vancouver! (with progress shots)

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Hey all,

Been a subscriber on the blog for a while now, really stoked about the new forums!

Anyhow I'm a 28 year old sysadmin from Vancouver BC who's been dabbling in the fitness thing for a while, but decided to step up my game mid-way through last year.

Most of my life I bounced between chubby and obese, and I had a hard time sticking to any kind of routine or diet. Around 2006 I realized something had to change, I started working out on a semi-regular basis and cleaned up my diet quiet a bit, I dropped from around 190lbs to around 160, and fluctuated near that weight for a couple years.

While I was certainly happier with my body, I never could drop that last 15lbs, or get the shredded physique that is hammered into our skulls by the media. June of last year I decided to change that and did what any nerd would do, I dug into the topic of fitness with a voracious appetite for information that only a geek can muster. I realized that by using machines, doing isolation exercises, and doing low intensity cardio; I was just wasting my time in the gym. And with that I started lifting heavy barbells 3 days a week, doing sprints, and eating clean; the results were dramatic;


*The first pic was taken in 2006, at a weight of around 185lbs.

*In the 6/1/09 pic I was at 160lbs, and probably the best shape I'd been able to muster through my inefficient workout routine, it was also the day before I started doing heavy compound lifts.

Over the next couple months I saw my body transform in ways I never thought possible. Now I'm addicted to lifting, and my goal for 2010 is to continue improving my strength, stamina, and flexibility.

I've learned a lot (and am still learning!) on my path, and hope that I can contribute towards helping others get the body they want.


Driving Enthusiast, Strength & Fitness Advocate, Sci-Fi Fan, Classic Game Collector, IT Professional


sostrich(at)live.ca | Instagram | Twitter

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Super Ostrich, I'm at the same point as you right now...very low body fat, looking to pack muscle on while building strength (which is my primary goal).

Hopefully we can help each other out!


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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I'm impressed. I think I'm about where you were on 6/1 (I'm 2 months into the healthiest eating/fitness regime I've had in 10 years).

Are you doing starting strength? Would you mind posting your typical weekly workout schedule, as well as what you eat?

Keep up the good work.

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I'm impressed. I think I'm about where you were on 6/1 (I'm 2 months into the healthiest eating/fitness regime I've had in 10 years).

Are you doing starting strength? Would you mind posting your typical weekly workout schedule, as well as what you eat?

Here is my current Mon/Wed/Fri split;

Day A

Squats 4x6

Chinups 5x to failure

Bench Press 4x5

Inverted Rows 4x to failure

R.Crunch 2x to failure

Plate Twist 2x to failure

Day B

Deadlift 3x5

Pullups 5x to failure

Overhead Press 4x5

Pushups 3x to failure

R.Crunch 2x to failure

Plank 2x to failure

Thurs / Fri I run sprints for about 6km and do hot yoga in the evening

Sat I take my dog for a jog through the trails near my mom's place, and sometimes workout or swim with friends.

Sunday I sit around playing videogames, reading, and watching movies ;)

As for food, I just try and eat clean. I don't count cals, and eat when I'm hungry. Mostly veggies, lean meat/fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, fruits, and nuts (pretty much in that order from most to least). I go out of my way to avoid any processed or pre-packaged food, and I only eat out maybe once a month.

Driving Enthusiast, Strength & Fitness Advocate, Sci-Fi Fan, Classic Game Collector, IT Professional


sostrich(at)live.ca | Instagram | Twitter

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Welcome to the forums!

Nice Job shedding all that unwanted fat. All it takes is that determination.

I find it so funny that once someone starts lifting heavy, they start to see incredible progress...and then after they see that, it becomes a (good) addiction and keeps you going.

Thanks! I'm always shocked at how resistant people are to lifting heavy (especially women!). All the fitness magazines seem to propagate these ridiculous myths that lifting heavy will make you bulky, or that the fastest way to a lean body is through hours of cardio and fasting, or some silly high-rep/low-weight resistance program. It's like they think that the second you step into a power rack you'll turn into Ronnie Coleman.

The only difference in my program pre-6/09 was the type of resistance exercise I was doing. When I dropped the isolation exercises and machines in favor of barbells I got smaller, like lost 3 inches off my chest and an inch and a half off my waist. Pretty much every major muscle group seemed to shrink; I got smaller, denser, and stronger. Only now, 9 months later am I starting to put on some size, and it's happening very slowly.

Driving Enthusiast, Strength & Fitness Advocate, Sci-Fi Fan, Classic Game Collector, IT Professional


sostrich(at)live.ca | Instagram | Twitter

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Been a couple years since I posted; figured it'd be better to ressurect my old introduction than to start a new topic. 


So since I originally posted, I've mostly kept the weight off, through dieting (80/20 paleo) and bouts of training.   I've dealt with a couple major setbacks from injuries; a bad rotator cuff from dodgeball, and a lower back injury that kept me from any serious training for a year (I still trained, but not as heavy, and not as frequently).


Anyhow, fast forward to June 2013.  Off the wagon again, but hit with a major bout of motivation (breakup). Started hitting the barbells harder than I have in a long time, body fat dropped back down to minimal levels, accompanied by the usual stall in progress.




Started eating a LOT more, and by August my strength was back up to where it was pre-injury, without any real fat gain; and now I'm powering through and making gains in the big 3 every week!   Bench, squat, and deadlift are all better than they've ever been.  Currently my 3x5 Squat is 285, 3x5 Bench is 185; deadlift is lagging a little behind with my 5x1 sitting at 350lbs, but it's improving every week by leaps and bounds. 


Anyhow, figured I'd check back in and point out that the the wagon won't leave you behind, if you fall off, just hop right back on.  Once you learn how your body deals with different types of food, and training regimes; you're never more than a couple months away from a better version of yourself!



Driving Enthusiast, Strength & Fitness Advocate, Sci-Fi Fan, Classic Game Collector, IT Professional


sostrich(at)live.ca | Instagram | Twitter

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