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AuntAbby's Accountability Log Thingy

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I'll come back later and insert more of my goals, because I want to have a record of them, too. Then I'll put my log entry for the first two days in the next post.


Short-term Goals

  1. Grab the pole behind me for Titanic stretch (bad flexibility -- I can touch the pole but not grab it)
    • 6/30: improvement: can hold pole with fingertips of both hands. Still doing the stretch wrong, but getting better.
  2. Plank for 15 seconds. (Done!! 6/30/13)

Medium Goals



Long-term Goals

  1. Greatly reduce dosage or go off of insulin
  2. Wear sleeveless shirts


Food: Not so much an issue. I've been eating Paleo-ish for 18+ months, but with little exercise and a littlelot of the gluten-free-trap kind of food. I started back seriously about two weeks ago. I pack my lunch every day for work and have been doing really well. I'm trying a breakfast beverage with lots of oils to see if it will help me cut down to two meals.


I bought the Rebel Fitness Guide yesterday and did my first workout (A) yesterday. I'm starting to feel like this is something that could actually happen. I've started and stopped all kinds of plans over the years, but getting strong was not ever a goal. The idea that I could get fit and strong? Never occurred to me. I just hope I can keep it up, because I know myself. I'm not lazy and I'm stubborn as hell about all kinds of stuff, but give up too easily when it's about taking care of me. And I need to get this right! I need to get healthy and lose weight and I'd like to be fit, too.

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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My first log entry...


Saturday (6/22/13)

Eating: tried the "bulletproof" coffee recipe (with regular coffee). Drank it before 7 AM, wasn't remotely hungry until 2 or so; didn't acutlly eat until 4 PM. Had a little snack then of hald a serving of chili and a couple pieces of roast beef with some guac. Dinner was just a brat (I usually have 2) and some strawberries. I was amazed at the energy I had all day -- got so much done! I'm usually a couch-surfer on the weekends.


Workout A (RF Rookie Guide)

squats  15 x 2
incline push-ups 8 x 2 (not well)
step ups 10 x 2

Lat pull down (1-arm DB row) 15/0 lb (no resistance bands, so I just did the motions (my flexibility is poor enough that I still felt it)); then realized that I could do another exercise in its place)

DB 15/5lb ea.
hip raises 10 x 2
plank 2 x 10 sec. (really a 10-count)
cardio - 10 minutes


I honestly don't believe I got through it! I was pretty sure I was only going to make it through the warm-up.

Sunday (6/23/13)

Food: Same coffee beverage as yesterday, with decreased quantities. I actually felt over-full for a good part of yesterday and need to find the right amount for me. I had to go in to my office, which isn't usual so I packed a lunch (1 brat, chopped veggie salad with Paleo dressing, strawberries). GF food was promised, but all GF means is that it won't make me ill, and I wasn't sure how they were going to define it. The "gf" option was lunchmeat and cheese slices without bread, salad with impossible dressings and some random raw veggies, so I'm really glad I took my own food! Dinner was breakfast: eggs and bacon, and I had a handful of cherry tomatoes and some celery with cream cheese (should have skipped that) with it. (It's getting near grocery shopping time; we're getting low on stuff.)


Workout: The guide calls for me to do 30 min. of any exercise on alternate days. For me, that means a walk, so I went early and walked around the trails on the "campus" for 30 min. or so. I was excited to discover a FitCourse there, so I can do some of the posted exercises along the way if I'm up for it. I tried most of them until I ran out of time. (There are multiple routes and I only discovered the course about halfway through my time.)



I'm hoping that I can do the course at work as my alternate workout on week days. Even though I'll be doing it early (6 AM-ish), I'm concerned about getting too sweaty for the work day. My only option is to pack my work clothes and do a sponge bath before getting dressed.


I'm going to try getting up early tomorrow to do the next workout ( B). I think working out before I leave in the morning is going to be the right time, because I am so wiped out when I get home (from the day and the commute). I'd really hate to get to the end of the day and find that I am falling asleep on my feet (like I am now, and it's not even 9 PM).

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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What an awful week. I am flat out exhausted. "Crunch time" on a project due today and I've been working (if you count my commute) 10-17 hours a day since last Sunday. So no time to log my workouts. Looking back on this week, comparing to my past behavior, I am utterly in awe that I have kept to my workout schedule. The only thing I missed was logging it. Going to post the week in pairs of dates until caught up (so one post isn't HUGE).


6/24 Monday: Workout B from the Rookie Guide (Rebel Fitness). 


straight leg deadlift 15/5lb. x 2
overhead DB press 15/5lb, 15/5 or 3 lb (mix)
 back lunges (split squat) 10 x 2
1-arm DB row 15/5 lb x 2
bird dog 8 x 2
cardio - 10 minutes
Utterly bombed it, but got through with only downgrading to lower weights on one set. Talked to someone I work with who lifts and found that I'd done it correctly on Saturday and really wrong today. So that explains why I struggled so much. (Rested between exercises, not sets. Duh.) I also had a really rough time getting ready for work. I had laid out my clothes, packed my lunch, etc., but it was so muggy that I really couldn't get dried off after my shower. My hair wouldn't dry and I couldn't get my clothes on without a struggle (just sticking to me). Aaaargh. I resolved to try to do this after work instead, but realized at the end of the day that it was likely I'd not get it done at all if I switched. 
6/25 Tuesday: Glorious walk. Got up early so it would be fairly cool and drove to work where there is a great place to walk or run. I wish I could post pics, but it's a privacy thing. 

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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6/26 Wednesday: Workout A

squats  15 x 2

incline push-ups 8 x 2 (still not great, but better!)
step ups 10 x 2

DB 15/5lb x 2

hip raises 10 x 2
plank 2 x 15 count (HUGE victory! Next time, aiming for an actual second count)
cardio - 10 minutes


So much better than Monday. Still sticky and all, but I just picked clothes that went on easier (cotton bra and pullover top) and struggled less. Because I'd done this routine once before, I didn't have to consult my tablet as often for how-tos, so I got through it a few minutes earlier, which helped. 

6/27 Thursday
Another amazingly gorgeous walk. Got smart and wore a t-shirt on the drive and packed my top for work so at least part of me wouldn't be sweaty. I'm dreading having to pack a whole change of clothes and use baby wipes in a bathroom stall to clean off before I change.
Not a lot of variety here, because of what's going on with my schedule, but I'm making sure to get some kind of exercise in every day. According to the guide, this was supposed to be the Fun Exercise day. I was off, because I started on a Saturday and wasn't counting days, just going on with alternating. So, no playing in the dirt. But I really am finding these walks to be fun. 

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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6/28 Friday

Workout B again.

straight leg deadlift 15/5lb. x 2
overhead DB press 15/5lb x 2
 back lunges (split squat) 10 x 2
1-arm DB row 15/5 lb x 2
bird dog 8 x 2
cardio - 10 minutes


Followed directions and survived without tears or recriminations. Getting ready in time to leave for work at a reasonable time is still hard, but slightly easier today. The solution of getting up still earlier is right out. I just can't get up earlier than 5. I'm only managing 6 hours of sleep on average as it is. 


6/29 Saturday

Only perk of working weekends right now is using the course @ work. (It's an hour drive, so not convenient for visiting on weekends I don't have to make the drive.) And... it was closed. What?! Not to be deterred, I marched myself down to the end of the lot, where I figured another entrance might be (yes, unofficially so, but I got in). I entered the back part of the course and did multiple small laps in one section instead of the outer lap. Never saw another person, certainly no one doing maintenance or mowing like the "Closed" sign said. 


I did see a family of foxes playing rough and tumble, which was a delight. And a bunny. I see one bunny or another almost every day. 

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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Sunday, 6/30

Workout A.

Did warm-up chops with 10 lbs instead of 15.


squats  15 x 2

incline push-ups 8 x 2 (form improving)
step ups 10 x 2 (I need to come up with something a little higher than the one step (basement stair). I can make it up to the next step, but am nervous about the step down)

DB 15/10lb x 2 (weight increase!)

hip raises 10 x 2
plank 2 x 15 seconds
cardio - 10 minutes


I decided to skip my day off since I technically already missed it (would have been Friday) and work out today so I can walk MWF. Much better for my morning schedule. Then I can take Saturdays off or just do something fun those days.

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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Finally a break (from work). Whew!


Monday & Wednesday (7/1 & 7/3): Great walk. On Monday, a fox ran across my path. I talked to someone later who said she had a huge snake do the same to her. I much prefer the fox. No wildlife sighted on Wednesday, but talked to one of the grounds-keepers who said deer start showing up in the fall.


Tuesday, 7/2: Workout B.

straight leg deadlift 15/10lb. x 2 (weight increase)
overhead DB press 15/5lb x 2
split squat 10 x 2
1-arm DB row 15/10 lb x 2
bird dog 8 x 2
cardio - 10 minutes
Note: very hard time of it today. Had a hard time waking up, hard time getting through the warm-up and the cardio. I think I was dehydrated, although Monday was a zero caffeine day and I drank a lot of water. This is the closest I've come to quitting. I wanted so much to just go back to bed -- call in to work and everything -- but I persevered (went to work, too!).
Thursday, 7/4: Workout A

squats  15 x 2

incline push-ups 8 x 2 (the closest to correct form I've come - using third stair every time)
step ups 10 x 2 (Did one set on the first stair, and the other set on a stepstool/toolbox thing I use to kneel on for my DBs. I'll use this until I'm ready for something higher)

DB 15/10lb x 2

hip raises 10 x 2
plank 2 x 20 seconds (!!!!!)
cardio - 10 minutes


Note: I ordered an exercise mat, because I hate being on the basement floor even for the few floor exercises. Much nicer. Had an easier time getting through it (compared to my fatigue on Tuesday). May have had something to do with making sure I drank plenty of water yesterday and getting so much sleep (finally).



Even though I'm not working out with "real" weights, as I've been told, I'm pretty effing proud of myself. I'm continuing to eat well, and this plus the regular exercise are really having an impact on my glucose levels, which have been pretty close to excellent. I am sleeping better and waking less often (was averaging waking up every two hours; now it's closer to four). My shoulders are better, too. Flexibility is a little better (I can almost do the Titanic stretch correctly) but I'm really seeing a difference in how my arms are at night. I'm able to sleep on my side now without my hand going to sleep or just being in pain within minutes.


At my weigh in last week, I was really discouraged, because I'd only lost a little over a pound, but cannot argue with the other results. I'm hopeful that the low weight loss - considering how I've been eating and exercising - is due to some muscle gain. Just in case the coffee drink I had been trying was a culprit, I've given it up for a week to see if there is a difference. One thing I have noticed is a small decrease in energy and mood compared to the previous week.

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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The plan was to do something this afternoon with hub - find a park or walk a mall or something - but I decided to go out on my own this AM and get it done in case it was too hot or things didn't work out. I stepped outside and...rain. But not really. Misting so lightly that you couldn't feel the drops hit. So muggy that it hung in the air like a fog. I walked to the corner & back (30+ min (country)), stopping at a playground on the way back to swing. Pumped pretty hard for a few minutes, pulling with my arms (feel it in my shoulders) and then continued home. Afraid to see the seat of my (light khaki) pants. That playground is not really maintained and the seats were wet & filthy. (But I love swingsets so it was okay.)

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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Full disclosure: I absolutely want to quit today. After two weeks of exercising daily and eating really well, I've gained over six pounds (the 1.4 I lost the first week and another almost 5). I am in despair. My overall goal is to get fit and healthy, but the weight loss is needed as well, because I"m diabetic and don't want to be chained to this insulin or, you know, go blind or lose a foot or something.


I'm not quitting and am not consoling myself with a pint of ice cream today, because there are other indicators (mentioned in previous posts), but I honestly don't know what else to do. Starving myself will do no good (and will make me crazy). I can continue to reduce portions, but I was already not eating much. already not snacking except on occasional Pale-friendly treats. My next step is to cut out nuts and the small amount of cheese I've allowed myself (mostly for psychological reasons). There is nothing left.

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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Hi Abby :)

You're doing AWESOME. Weight is one of the biggest lies around, believe me. You've said your glucose levels are excellent and that you feel much better-THAT'S what's important. Sure, docs tell you to lose weight when you're on insulin, but there are plenty of people who weigh a LOT who are not diabetic. What they really MEAN is "eat more healthy and get moving" which you're doing :) :)

Don't give up! Go by that sugar level and how your clothes fit!!!!!!

Last time I started NF, I lost ONE pound in three months. BUT, I lost 3" off my waist, my double chin, and developed a butt for the first time ever.

Weight is a lie.






Half-Elf STR 5 || DEX 2 || STA 4 || CON 4 || WIS 4 || CHR 2.5

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riotgrly: thank you for the affirmation. Yesterday was rough, but I got through it without major incident. I did learn that our scale is probably broken. The hub says that he can weigh himself three times in a row (within minutes) and get vastly different results (up to a 14-pound variance). It told him last week that he'd gained 20 pounds overnight. Because of the diabetes thing, I lose weight slowly no matter what, so I tend to avoid the scale. I had no idea it wasn't working well. I'm only weighing myself now because it's a step in the fitness guide.


So, I don't really know what my starting weight was, or what it is now, which is okay. I also don't know what my measurements were. But we did a round of measurements yesterday and they're in a log on my computer. I also ordered a new scale. I may do a weigh-in for a new starting point, and wait to do it again until we do the measurements. Just before my birthday, so it will hopefully not suck too much.

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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Workout B today.


straight leg deadlift 15/10lb. x 2
overhead DB press 15/10lb x 2 (weight increase -- groan: this was HARD)
split squat 10 x 2
1-arm DB row 15/10 lb x 2
bird dog 8 x 2
cardio - 10 minutes


Glad I had this log going, and my tablet with me; I almost did the wrong workout. (I could have come upstairs to check my spreadsheet - I ended up having to come up for my water bottle anyway.) First time I remembered to take water with me. Bad exercising habits, I have 'em.


I may have officially retired the 5-lb kettlebells. I didn't use them at all, even in the warm-up. I'll see how I do on Tuesday with Workout A, and then can set them aside. I already ordered a set of 15-lb bells.

My Battle Log

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow." - Anais Nin

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