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Chiz's barbell battles

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Firstly I work shifts so I cannot follow a strict '2 on 1 off or a 1 on 1 off routine' so you'll have to bear with me on my training days.



As I am currently trying to shed a fair few pounds (im currently 24 years old, 5ft 9inches and a whopping 182 lbs (13 stone) I have opted for around 2000 calories on non training days and 2400 calories on training days (if I have the wrong idea here someone please inform me) And i'm running at between 40%protein 40% fat 20% carbs and 45% prot 45%fat 10% carbs)


I am keeping a food log on livestrong/myplate


These calories will be strictly paleo except from bisto gravy... I know its totally un paleo but I can't eat chicken without it.. its my fiiiix ;)


DAY 1:


PULL UP - 6 sets of 3rep pull ups


DEAD LIFT - 5 sets of 5rep dead lifts with 60kgs + the bar (roughly 80kgs = 176lbs)



Note to self - add 2.5kg on each side of dead lift next time and try 6 sets of 4rep pull ups

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today : 


5 sets of 5rep push press 35kg (including bar)

5 sets of 5rep squats 60kg (including bar)


note to self - an extra kg on each end of the push press

an extra 2.5kgs on each end of squat next time 


also maybe add bench press 5x5 to this session

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Keep it up! I know what it is like to have inconsistent workout patterns, but just stay as compliant as you can, and if you feel great on a rest day, go ahead and go to the gym to make up for potential days you gotta take off in the future. Also, don't worry about missing a workout if you do as long as there is a legitmate reason you can't go (i.e. watching TV doesn't count)


As for adding 5x5 on bench, depending on your level of fitness, it would be a good or bad idea depending on how you feel. Push Press and Bench both put a lot of the strain on the shoulders. If you've been lifting for a few months, it should be fine, but shoulder issues are common among lifters, so be sure to gauge how your shoulders feel before, during, and after the workout.


Best of luck, and again, keep it up!

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Thanks i have been playing with weights for a few months but have never really had any structure to my training. I figured i would start light and work up so i can see progress each week.

I am going to Spain for a week on 5th July and Egypt for2 weeks on 27th august so the idea is toget used to the routine now, diet until Egypt or until i am ready to bulk then by the time i am bulking i should be well on my way. Thanks for info on the bench i might leave it a few weeks. Just get the feeling that i am not working my chest at all with the exercises i am doing

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todays log:


5sets of 5rep dead lift - 80kg including bar again.  -  will defo step this up a few kgs by the next time, found it too easy.


pull ups - no idea what happened here but I got 5 sets out - 1st set 5reps, 2nd set 4reps, 3rd set 3reps, 4th set 2reps,  5th set 1rep.  -  next time try going back to 5 sets of 3. then after that try one set of 4 then 4 sets of 3 and work up to 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.

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i have had 2 weeks off due to a family holiday to Spain, did a few press ups / body weight rows and skipping on my holidays but nothing major. time to get back on it. 189 pounds weight (hopefully a lot of it is water weight) !!


I go to Egypt in exactly 6 weeks - I am on a calorie deficit paleo diet for  the 6 weeks and sticking to strength training throughout. Time to get serious. I am steering clear of almond butter and milk.


todays session 


5sets of 3rep lat pull ups


5 sets of 5rep dead lifts 80kgs inc bar


5 sets of 3 rep lat pull downs with 70kg


3 sets of 5rep squats just the bar (20 kg, just to get my legs stretched out for tomorrows squat session)

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