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Hello from Europe

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Hi guys,


greetings from Germany. I've been reading at NF for a while and decided to introduce myself to the community. 35 years old, father of two kids, fulltime-office worker. Well, years go by, fitness goes down. Time to change something.


NF's articles already gave me a lot of inspiration. Currently i'm planning my participation in the next challenge starting at July, 29th.


My main goals are lowering my body-fat-percentage, increasing my performance at body weight exercises (pushups, pullups, squats, etc.) and improving my English language skill (btw, sorry for my mistakes, hints are welcome ;-)).


So far,


Current challenge 02/01-02/26
1. Reduce coffee consumption (1/28)


2. Stretching 3 times a week (0/12)


3. Sports 3 times a week (1/12)

4. Work on financial issues (0/10h)



Previous challenges: 1

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