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Greetings, I'm new here but not new to fitness. I was a high school athlete and in the USN before I found my inner geek and started on, around, in, through, over, above, and with computers. Which meant I sat a lot. And I ate a lot. Long story short I got very, very big.


In April of 2012 I was up to 450lbs and over 50% body fat. I changed my diet to a decent, non-fast food diet and lost some weight. I got into a gym and got a personal trainer and lost some more weight. As of today I'm down to 381lbs and 33% body fat. I strength train four days a week and for cardio I play a lot of tag with my five year old daughter and wife.


I'm excited there is actually a place for my fellow nerds. I'm no expert but if I can help anyone I most certainly will.


Currently I'm on a strict ketogenic diet. I'm following a very loose interpretation of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program and will be going strict 5/3/1 BBB in September after my current lifting cycle is complete. 

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You've already made great progress :), keep at it! How tall are you also by the way?  Self discipline will be your best friend in this. As I wrote in my signature, if you want something bad enough, you'll obtain it. How badly do you really want to lose? YOU can do it. So many success stories on NF to motivate anyone.


I personally fell in love with bodyweight training, it's free and basically you decide how hard you go. I mean gymnast have godly bodies and do almost only bodyweight training. There are a few good articles about it on NF :) http://www.nerdfitness.com/bodyweight-training-resources/

It's not 80% diet, 20% exercise, it's 100% diet, 100% exercise. Give it your all.

My journey (Date - Total - BF % - LBM)

2012-01-01 - 242 - 35% - 157

2013-12-15 - 172 - 10% - 155

2016-05-01 - 231 - 25% - 173

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You've already made great progress :), keep at it! How tall are you also by the way?  Self discipline will be your best friend in this. As I wrote in my signature, if you want something bad enough, you'll obtain it. How badly do you really want to lose? YOU can do it. So many success stories on NF to motivate anyone.


I personally fell in love with bodyweight training, it's free and basically you decide how hard you go. I mean gymnast have godly bodies and do almost only bodyweight training. There are a few good articles about it on NF :) http://www.nerdfitness.com/bodyweight-training-resources/

I'm 6'4''.


I had looked into TRX training and I might still do it as HIIT, but I'm really addicted to pushing weight around. I hit a new personal record Monday but doing 5x5x295 on deads. 295 is over my initial 1RM from April. I had thought about entering a powerlifting tournament at one point, but guys in my weight group are putting up 2600+ numbers and I'm just over 1100. I may actual try the Highland Games next year though.

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