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I'm from Portugal. I discovered this site some time ago, via Art of Manliness, in 2010 I believe, and I've been following it ever since.


I have 29 years old, I weight the same since I'm 18 years old but I have a feeling I'm getting unhealthier year by year. I go in and out of exercise plans without actually sticking to it. Video games is so much fun that going for a run. :P


Anyway, I registered the forum because I really loved the concept of the 6 week challenge, and I though: "As soon as my classes end, I'm going to apply to one of those!".


And here am I, waiting for the next wave.



Level 1 AdventurerSTR 2 DEX 2 STA 2 CON 3 WIS 4 CHA 2

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Welcome! Glad you decided to get a little closer to us. The 6 week challenge is awesome. Have you been working on setting goals and such? There are threads that you can post to in order to get feedback on how your challenge looks and what other ideas people might have. You may well have several drafts before settling on one. Good Luck!

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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