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Hi everyone, I am new to the site and the forum. I have had on and off again success with getting fit. I had previously been very successful losing weight doing the South Beach diet, but in the throes of finally dealing with some issues with Generalized Anxiety Disorder I got on meds and threw caution to the wind and gained every pound back. This was about two years ago. I then started (on a whim) training in Filipino Martial Arts and it has been a life-altering experience (I guess I am a monk?). I am not the thinnest I have ever been, but I am likely in the best physical shape I have been in a long time. I'd like to be even better, and I think the martial arts mentality lends itself greatly to NerdFitness' message of "leveling up IRL." 


I ran my first 5k on New Year's Day of this year. I never thought I would do that. 


I'm about 260lbs and 6' tall. I'd love to get down to the 220lbs where I was before gaining all of the weight back, but with the added leg and core strength I have from training. 


In regards to my status as a nerd.. I work in the IT field and sit on my ass far more than I would care to, so that's one big hurdle. I am a graduate of Berklee College of Music as well, so it's probably pretty easy to connect the dots and see that I am pretty comfortable being sedentary. It's something new for me to have so much passion for a very physical hobby. I'm a relapsing comic book reader (started reading books again when I turned 30 and now I have a strict "trades only" policy otherwise I know it could get really outta hand), my wife and I are pretty big BBC fans (Who, Sherlock, and also various comedies). I'm a big film fan: classics and crap.. Alfred Hitchcock to Russ Meyer. 







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Ah, a kindred spirit.  Film Noir, westerns, screwball comedies, Black Adder...Godzilla.  I'm in IT as well, but there are plenty of ways to sneak in some activity.  I park at the back of the metro station, do walking laps on the platform while waiting for the train, hit the stairs in the station, 10 minute walk at lunch, walk to a coworker's office instead of email (how un-IT of me, I know).  I manage to get 7,000 - 9,000 steps in before I even get home for my workout.  You could go for a walk with your wife in the evening; its a great stress-buster. 


I hope you're planning to join the challenge starting next week too.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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OH! I forgot about my wife.. we both lost a ton of weight.. then I started training... THEN SHE GOT PREGNANT. Walking in the evening used to be a big thing for us when we got the weight off the first time.. now that our lil Beans is getting bigger we'll probably take her out more often too. 

What's the challenge? I'm interested in taking on just about anything. 

Ah, a kindred spirit.  Film Noir, westerns, screwball comedies, Black Adder...Godzilla.  I'm in IT as well, but there are plenty of ways to sneak in some activity.  I park at the back of the metro station, do walking laps on the platform while waiting for the train, hit the stairs in the station, 10 minute walk at lunch, walk to a coworker's office instead of email (how un-IT of me, I know).  I manage to get 7,000 - 9,000 steps in before I even get home for my workout.  You could go for a walk with your wife in the evening; its a great stress-buster. 


I hope you're planning to join the challenge starting next week too.





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Challenge FAQs at http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/26795-challenge-faq/


It's really just a way to challenge yourself to meet 3 - 4 specific short-term goals.  If you look around the current challenge threads, you can see what the other folks have been up to. 

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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