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Hello all. I found this website off of a friend of mines blog. She said WWOPD? It sparked my curiosity because I often wonder WWOPD?

I am currently in the fight of my life agains being fat. I started at around 350 pounds in 2007. Since then, I had some stuff happen that caused me to lose weight. I dropped to about 300, but I was packing the weight on again. Finally I am doing something about it. On Jan 11, I decided that I wanted to lose 145 pounds in a year and get down to 170lbs. Since then, I have lost 52 pounds, I am here because I actually care about fitness now. I didnt do any fad diet, I just watched my calories and started exercising. I am here because I care about my life. I am here because I want to look good and feel good.

Im currently looking to add weight training to my routine. I only do cardio for 1 hour a day now. I'll continue to brown the site. thanks all.

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What Would Optimus Prime Do?

Duh :)

Glad to have you Monday 315!

Congrats on your success up to now, keep that momentum going. And let us know if we can help in any way - especially with adding a weight lifting day or two to your routine!


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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