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Ink, who's got ittttt

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YAY ink!

I have one tattoo for now. It's a lower back tattoo that I designed of a skull that has a crown tilted to the side, wings and a gold tooth. The gold tooth the tatt artist actually threw in and told me after. I was slightly irritated at first but now I love it.

Make today your someday~~~"It's a lifestyle - train like there's no finish line~~~"I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion." - Muhammad Ali, Boxer~~~"There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above, and overcome." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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i've got a bunch.

only pics of two though.

my most recent:

Posted Image

second most recent:

Posted Image

i also have some sanskrit on my other wrist, a memorial tattoo on my back, and a celtic knot on my solar plexus.

"Come with me if you want to lift" -The Brominator

"Later, I would learn that coincidences are the most planned things in the world. Later, I would learn that every single moment is a coincidence." - Douglas Coupland

"Anyone who doesn't want french fries every day is a commie." - AngelaTheGeek

Current Challenge


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Guest Snake McClain

My tats are as followed.

chest: Banner with tri force symbol in middle and being carried by two blue doves. I will be getting one of the doves turned black thus making it a crow or a raven. In the banner I want to get the words "courage, love, power" written in if i can fit them. IF not then i dunno.

Left shoulder: (up on the ball of the shoulder and creeping everywhere else) a sun comprised of blue and green flames. the flames creek pu my chest and shoulder/neck and back area a bit and down my arm.

Bicep: Going down my bicep like it is crawling out from behind the sun is a lion. the lion is all orange and yellow (to conflict in color scheme with the blue and green sun).

Additions to come. soon i will probably get a dragon tattoo that is wrapped around the left bicep as if it is in battle with the lion. At some point i want to get a squid tattoo on my right side. with the head portion up really high on my traps and the tentacles going down my right arm, abs and back.

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just added this li'l guy when i went back home for thanksgiving.


one of my good friends is working toward full-time tattoo artistry, so i just wanted her to give me a li'l sumpin sumpin for some bra-mance bonding time.

...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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Guest guest4729


Here are my two tattoos.

The Taurus symbol is a representation of myself and my father. I got it just over two years after my father passed away. He was a Taurus and I am also a Taurus which is why I went with this symbol. He was always really stubborn and bull-headed and I am VERY much the same way. At the same time, it also represents that down-to-earth side of me that enjoys lavish things and comfort.

The second is an ambigram and can be read the same way either way you flip it. The text reads "atheist" both ways. I have been an Atheist since about 2008 and it has changed my life for the better in SO many ways. I am a much happier and intelligent person who isn't afraid to ask questions. I love learning - especially about space, science and history.

If you have any questions about either of them, feel free to send me a PM! :D



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I have quite a few... 18 tats (soon to be 19). a wolf, a firebird, a lady in red, an angel, lady death, Sailor Pluto, a snake, a heart/dagger combo, the japanese for "spirit of fire" (another anime reference), my nickname tattooed on my stomach, a tribal pattern on my left pec, a dragon, the five chinese elements, a tribal sleeve, a mage, a centaur, and a full backpiece reminiscent of Samson and an "ohm".

Number 19 comes in January for my 40th. My name in Hebrew across my collarbones.

I also have the outline of Italy branded on one leg, a lotus flower cut into my stomach with a scalpel and a subdermal implant in my right arm. :D

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.


MY NF Blog

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Banner with tri force symbol in middle and being carried by two blue doves. I will be getting one of the doves turned black thus making it a crow or a raven. In the banner I want to get the words "courage, love, power" written in if i can fit them. IF not then i dunno.

:( It's courage, WISDOM, and power!

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This is my newest baby. Been working on it since Feb.


Other than that, I have a pair of ravens on my chest, a sunflower on my stomach, a moustache on my index finger, and of course, my geek tattoos: the script of the one ring and the white tree of Gondor on my back and a moth off the cover of InkDeath, one of my favorite books, on my wrist.

This is beautiful!

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When I was in Tahiti two years ago I got a freehand polynesian design on my hip by an artist who does traditional tatau (hammer-style). I opted not to have it done traditionally ($$$ and time), but it was still pretty danged cool to get tattooed on the shores of Moorea. I'd like to go back next year and have a traditional hammer tattoo done to expand on the design I currently have.

Also, I'm hunting around for the right artist to do a Japanese brushwork-style back piece. Anyone got recommendations :)

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I've got a few :) Some are just ... meh. I was young and not really thinking much about them (dolphin on my lower back hip, chinese symbol on my ankle).

I have "kitten" and "vixen" on my wrists. Nicknames and personal reminders.


Dandelion going up my leg. There is a ladybug on it that represents my oldest daughter, a butterfly that represents my youngest.


I have "This is everything" on my ribs. And lastly I added this when I hit my last weight goal: (the sun/moon is from about 10 years ago, the phoenix is new)


It was still healing then so its not entirely readable and attractive but it says "where dwell the brave at heart"

Planned still:

Steampunk gear/traditional roses upper sleeve

Steampunk/sock wearing roller skate wearing girl on my forearm

Garter going around my thigh

A word that means a lot to me in binary code

Tiffany -Elven Ranger & Derby Girl
STR 7 | DEX 5 | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 4 | CHA 3
@moxie_hart. Tumblr. Fitocracy

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