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After my twitterfeed being spammed with NerdFitness things from Jacob Lee, I decided I'd check it out. I think I've found my home!

After reading the recent post, I figured out I'm a she-Ogre, but am working on becoming a Ranger. I've been heavy since puberty, but last year during a 10-week span of living in a hotel and eating all my meals in restaurants (and packing on 30 pounds in the process), I saw a picture of myself a freaked. I'd always been larger, but I was a beached whale! When I stepped on the scale I nearly had a heart attack when it said 293 (I'm a 6 foot tall woman).

Last June I signed up with Weight Watchers and lost about 35 lbs between June and October. In October I started a new job offshore on seismic survey vessels and everything health wise kind of fell by the wayside and I gained back about 10 lbs.. I recently realized that I was letting the fact that I didn't have much control over my food (which I've now realized I have more than I thought) make the unhealthy decision for me.

I have gotten back on the WW bandwagon, but try to use my daily "points" on things like fresh fruits and vegetables (well as fresh as they can be when we only get food out here every 2 weeks), lean protein and whole grains. I keep track of everything I eat and have decided to actually USE the gym on board. I very recently started doing a three day rotation: Day 1: Interval running using the treadmill because I can't exactly walk on water... along with squats, lunges and deadlifts (all using dumbells for added resistance); Day 2: Rowing on the erg (usually 3-4 2000m sessions) along with dumbell bench press, flies and other dumbell work with my arms/chest; Day 3: a long walk on the helideck because I can barely move any of my muscles! I've been back offshore for about 3 weeks now and have already managed to shed about 12 lbs and I want to keep it going. My goal is to be between 200 and 220 depending on muscle mass.

After this, I'm going to go post my goals on the 28 day challenge! I'm ready for it! I've already been on my own private 35 day challenge at work!

BTW: How many other chicks are here?

Oh, and some pics:

May 2009 (I'm the one without a Y chromosome)

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December 2009 (I'm the without ornaments)

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April 2010 (I'm the one without a straw)

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welcome. you can really see a difference over the year. good on you. I really liked doing the challenges, it does keep you on track a bit. Saying that, I'm not doing one this month, just keeping with the flow really but checking in to see how people are doing.

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