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Game Exercise

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Not sure where else to put this but were all nerds here. Some of us (Like me) are gamers and I'm a completionist or super competitive and I told my friends I could beat them at any game. One of them pulled out Just Dance 4 and not only did she kick my ass but I was sweating, like, more than a 3 mile jog on a hot Texas Day soaking wet sweating. I kind of dismissed most fitness video games because lets be honest, controlling the connect is aggravating and those Wiimotes aren't really measuring anything (Never had a playstation) I don't feel that tired from it but I almost slipped on a puddle so I'm doing something XD


Anyways, what are your guys' thoughts on the Fitness Video Game Genre?

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"They need something to look up to. Having something nice to look at is just a bonus"

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Hi, I actually research video games ...


It depends upon the game.  We've seen the dance games (Dance Dance Revolution for instance) adopted by some schools for gym class - you can measure intensity my heart rate, and those games usually get kids moving and sweating enough to count as exercise.


A lot of the other games are not particularly useful.  I haven't seen any studies on the Wii yoga or balance games, but I do know that they challenge me. 


I'm a big fan of doing whatever will get you moving on a regular basis.  If competitive dancing is that magic thing for you ... do it.

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

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I heart the Just Dance games.  We play them quite a bit, especially on family holidays.


Wii fit is a great way to get moving if you're used to being a couch vegetable.  I wouldn't call it a fitness program or a workout routine, but it's a lot healthier than sitting on a cushion.

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Their great for getting you up and moving, especially for couch vegetables (like Shortgorilla), older people, and people with a injury or an issue that keeps them from doing a more harder workout. But as for a more in depth workout, it's a bit hit and miss

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STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
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Pretty much what shortstuff said. I know I used to work up a mad sweat when I was in the DDR craze, but the fitness games are good for the most basic of things. I know my grandpa used some wii fitness games and party games for rehab after he had heart surgery. For a post-op heart surgery guy in his mid-eighties it was wonder to hep him recover (and he has been mildly addicted to wii bowling since).


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