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First 10 pounds down!


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Alright, not one to usually get too excited about these things, but damn - I feel like I am on a roll and in a good place.  10 pounds down, so I am 10% to my goal pretty much - it starts here!  

Quirkyself OUT!


Current Challenge, Third Challenge, Second Challenge , First Challenge

Level 4 Hobbit Adventurer

strength: 5 | dexterity: 2 | stamina:5 | constitution: 5 | wisdom: 6 | charisma: 7

Pounds lost:

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Awesome! Fantastic job so far. I'm sure you'll keep the momentum going. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkq

Half-Giant Warrior, Level 5

STR: 7 || DEX: 6 || STA: 8 || CON: 7.5 || WIS: 12.5 || CHA: 5

Challenges: 5 4 3 2 1


If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time.

But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine,

then let us work together. -Lilla Watson

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