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MizValentine's Workout Log

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Love this! As a reminder to myself, I'm starting this on my last week of a summer full of physical therapy. Starting with the last two days...

Sun Oct 2:

- Bench press, 3x10 @ 60#, added 5# today with no problem!

- Birddogs, 2x10 (right glute aggravated)

- Front planks, :50 and :35

- Side planks, :55 and :45

- Lat machine straight arm isometrics, 3x10 + :10 hold, 40#/50#/40# (50# HARD)

- Cable machine punch isometrics, 3x10 ea. side @15#

- Dumbbell bicep curls, 3x10 @ 15#

- Standing overhead press, 3x8 @ 35#

- Front rows, 3x10 @ 35#

Mon Oct 3:

(coming back after a weeklong bout of sciatica... low sets, being careful.)

- KB Squats, 3x10 @30#

- Step back lunges, 2x10

- One leg balance exercises, 2x10

- One leg deads, 2x10 @10#, still frustrated with balance probs GRRR :(

- Lying leg lifts and band clamshells, 2x10

- Bridges, 3x10 w. :10 holds

- Up-up-down-downs, 2x10

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Question barrage incoming. How bad is the pain in each knee? Is it present or worse before, during or after squatting? Any swelling? If so, when? Are you treating it in any way? Are you currently able to hit full depth on your squats? Compensatory movement patterns can definitely cause these types of upstream/downstream issues which is why we strive to move as pain free as possible.

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
Follow my Weightlifting team's antics: Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Looking for a strength program? Check out The Danger Method and remember to do your damn abs

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Question barrage incoming. How bad is the pain in each knee? Is it present or worse before, during or after squatting? Any swelling? If so, when? Are you treating it in any way? Are you currently able to hit full depth on your squats? Compensatory movement patterns can definitely cause these types of upstream/downstream issues which is why we strive to move as pain free as possible.

All good questions! Knee pain is during squatting towards the end of my sets, but its moderate, about what I get from other times I tire out my quads (ie walking up many flights of stairs carrying weight). It typically subsides as soon as I rest. No swelling. I think its because, without my ACLs, if my quads get fatigued there's less musculature supporting the knee joint. I do hit full depth (or 90 degrees to the floor... I don't go below that) and have good form (according to my physical therapist).

That said, I've been out of PT for two weeks waiting on insurance, and in that time I think I may have started overcompensating a bit. I was originally leaning very slightly towards my worse (left) knee while squatting (and walking, standing, etc) and didn't realize it til I entered PT. In an effort to train me to stop doing that, my therapist taught me to center myself, but to me "centered" felt like leaning to the right. Because I keep irritating my right glute recently, my suspicion is that I've gone a little overboard and am now actually leaning right because overall my posture is more centered. In a nutshell, I need to get in front of a mirror next squat session (and have a PT checkup!).

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Gotcha. The one question I forgot is where is the pain specifically? Front/side/back/above/below etc.

The knee thing is probably why your PT likes hamstring heavy exercises like stiff leg DLs as a few of the hamstrings perform a similar function as the ACL (resist anterior translation of the tibia). This is also why squat depth is important. In squats that aren't sufficiently deep the hamstrings never really get engaged and the anterior sheering force on the knee is greatly increased. Obviously no bueno.

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
Follow my Weightlifting team's antics: Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Looking for a strength program? Check out The Danger Method and remember to do your damn abs

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Work is trying to ruin my life AND my workouts...I will not fold!!

Couldn't get to the gym today but did a nice little leg workout at home...

Tues October 11:

KB Squats - 3x10 @ 30#

Step-back lunges - 3x10

Standing calf raises - 3x40 @ 30#

Front planks - :50, :48

Side planks - :35 ea side x 2

Bridges - 3x10 w. :10 holds

Lying leg raises & banded clamshell progression - 3x10

Standing one-leg balance progression - 2x10

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Missed my walk today, super bummed. Up most of the night with muscle spasms (from new medication, I think?)...DH sat up all night with me, because he is awesome. Finally gave in and took a painkiller (I hate those freaking things)...maybe got 1 hour of sleep, the hour I'd normally be walking. Now my brain is fuzz, tired, hurting, cold sweat. But I'm at work! Feeling very food averse from gut probs with paleo...apples and almonds are about all I can stomach right now. I think I'm running mostly on vitamins, meds and water. Tomorrow HAS to be better.

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Walked 2 miles this morning, super fast. Got in a good sweat. Will walk another 2 at lunch. Helping with my mental state a lot. Looking forward to a heavy lifting day tomorrow.

Also decided today to make a major adjustment to paleo/primal...high fat animal protein feels like its killing me. Sleep, digestion, energy and mental state have all been absolutely terrible since I started, I can't go another week like this, I need to listen to my body. Back to chicken, fish, salads, and a little yogurt...still no bread, grains, sugar or beer.

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Feelin pretty good after a long weekend of shows. Marked tightness in left hip that's causing an inward rotation in stretches and birddogs, do not like. Will check with PT next week.

Sun Oct 16:

Front plank, :50 and :50 (soooo close to a minute each...)

Side plank, 2x :45 each side

Birddogs, 2x10 @ :05 hold

Up-up-down-downs: 2x10

Overhead press, 3x8 @ 35#

Standing front row, 2x8 @ 35#, 1x6 @ 45# - tough but I got it!

Bench press, 3x5 @ 65# - toughed it out, might need a week or two at this weight.

Tricep rope pulldown, 3x8 @ 65# - new personal best for weight

Cable isometrics, obliques - 3x10 @ 15#

Cable isometrics, abs - 3x10 and 20#/30#/40#

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Home workout today, swamped with projects and rehearsal tonight. Proud of myself for getting this in! Hoping to get back to barbell squats in the gym next week.

Tues Oct 18:

KB squats, 3x10 @30#

Grappler's get-ups, 3x10 (5 ea. side) w. 10# dumbbell

Backstep lunges, 2x10 ea. leg

Bridges, 3x10 @ :10 holds

Dumbbell calf raises, 3x10 @ 30#

One leg standing stability exercise, 2x10 ea. side

Leg lifts & banded clamshells, 3x10 ea. side

5 knee pushups (just cuz)

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Sat Oct 22:

Deadlifts - 3x5@65# (new personal best! Felt awesome. Tried wider stance and grip.)

Lat pulldowns - 3x8,6,5 @ 75# (new best but might have to sit here for a while, last reps were tough)

One-arm dumbbell rows - 3x8 @25# ea. side

Bodyweight rows - 3x6 (tough today, think I did them too late in my workout)

Barbell EZ bar curls on preacher bench - 3x10 @20# (added these because regular DB curls aren't progressing and inner biceps seem weak and under developed. Can't quite lift 25# yet, odd because I can do DB curls with 20#s...something's getting left out, muscle wise. Hope this will help.)

Also started losing weight again this week. I thank eggs and bacon.

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Tues Oct 25:

Bench press - 3x8 @65#

Squats - 1x10, 2x8 @35#

Back step lunges - 3x10 (felt GREAT today, I can get so low now!!)

Single-leg deadlifts - 3x6 @10#

DB calf raises - 2x20 @ 40#

Major landmark: I finally did squats with a barbell in the squat cage! What a difference. Only 35# with the mini-bar, but still felt great.

Major bummer: got tired and missed the peg somehow when i reracked. 35# bonked me on the shoulder. Squat cage: 1, Jordan: 0...man, does that smart. On the plus side, I'll never do it again!!

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Sat Oct 29:

Incline pushups, 3x10

Bodyweight rows, 3x6

Squats, 3x8 @45#

Overhead press, 1x6,5,2 @45#

Lat pulldowns, 3x8@75#

One arm DB rows, 3x8 @25#

Tricep rope pulldowns, 3x8@65#

EZ bar preacher bench curls, 3x8@20#

Knew I wouldn't get in the gym more than 2x this week, so I tried to do a thorough full body workout. Oh man am I sore but this felt really good. Starting PT again this week, need to remember to ask about the nerve impingement I'm feeling in my shoulders. I can deal with DOMS but this feels like someone shocking me with electricity. Fairly sure its referred from my discs but...I don't like it!

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Sat Nov 6:

Pigeon pose, 2@ :30 each leg. Trying to loosen up my stiff hip flexors per PT's advice.

Hip thrusts, 3x10 bodyweight

Front squats, 3x8 @ 35#

Incline pushups, 3x8 w. bar at mid-thigh

Bodyweight rows, 3x6 w. bar at low chest...tried to lower it but the damn floor is too slippery to maintain the angle without my heels slipping. Very frustrating.

Kneeling overhead DB press, 2x8 ea arm @ 15#

Grappler's Getups, 1x6 ea side w. 15# DB

Wanted to do more, but some a-hole was in there yelling and yelping like a hurt animal and dropping 300# of plates everywhere. I understand we all make noises in the gym, but jesus man, chill the eff out. It was so annoying and obnoxious I had to leave. I dream of the day I have a squat cage in my house...

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Gah, got SO freaking off track...traveling last week, looking for a new job, and working 2 jobs. Did a killer PT session last Tues, a decent lifting session Thursday and walked probably 20 miles around NYC this weekend, but that's not nearly enough and I feel it. I'm right back in it now...

Tues Nov 15:

Mostly bodyweight workout at home.

Pigeon pose

Side plank, 2x :30 ea side

Front plank, 2x :30

Sumo Deadlift & high pull, 3x8 @30#KB

Backward lunges, 2x10 ea leg

Kneeling pushups, 3x6

Bridges, 2x10@ :10 holds

Kneeling overhead press, 1x6 ea side @20#KB (no strength at all today so had to stop)

One arm row, 3x10 @20# KB

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Been SWAMPED but working out...just not updating my battle log! I graduated PT on Friday (6 months!) and am now working out at home for a bit while I get my job situation sorted. Trying to use the KB's to maintain my PT progress and incorporate more cardio while maintaining strength....intend to get back to lifting heavy after the new year.

Tues Dec 6

Pigeon pose, :30 ea side

Chair stretch, :30 ea side

Calf stretch, 2x:30 ea leg

KB swings, two handed, 5x10, 1min rests, @30#

KB overhead figure 8s, 3x8x2 @20#

Kneeling pushups, 1x10, 3x8

Front plank, 2x:30

Full side planks, 2x:15 ea side

KB deadlift & high pull combo, 3x10 @30#

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I'm back!

Sat June 23:

200 KB swings, 20#

3x8 DB benchpress, 40#

3x8 DB skullcrushers, 20#

Sun June 24:

2x:30 front planks

2x:15 side planks

3x8 kneeling pushups

3x8 KB squats, 30#

3x8 swiss ball wall squats

3x8 one arm rows, 1x 30#, 2x 20#

3x8 overhead press, 30#

3x8 DB bicep curl, 15#

Mon June 25:

200 KB swings, 20#, alternating one- and two-handed

3x8 KB ribbons, 20#

3x8 hip thrusts, unweighted

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