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DaveInBris Ass Getting Kicked

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Incline Pushups: 3*40 (met progression)

Supported Squats: 3*30 (met progression)

Wall Headstand: 47 seconds (best 60 seconds)

Time: 40 minute round trip.

Feeling: Pretty good, will keep an eye on traps, last time I did 120 incline pushups they hurt for days.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Horizontal Pulls: 13, 9 (aiming for 2x20, less than best (13,10) )

Knee Tucks: 2x25 (met intermediate, next goal 3x40)

Straight Bridges: 2x10 (met beginner, next goal 2x20)

Time: 30 minute round trip.

Feeling: Wary of dropping off the pace on the pulls, stoked I finally got to intermediate on the knee tucks, first time trying straight bridges - could probably have done more, was more focused on getting form correct. Overall, feeling alright. Very hot though, expecting a storm tonight - humidity is through the roof.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Incline Pushups: 3x40 (met progression, traps still alright, will move on to kneeling pushups next session)

Supported squats: 3x30 (met progression, will move on to half-squats next time)

Wall Headstand: 30 seconds (did bare minimum, neck was tender this morning)

Time: 22 minutes.

Feeling: Nothing spectacular, got in, got it done, got out. Will progress on 2/3 exercises for Monday or Tuesday.

EDIT: Added some homework - 2x20 straight bridges (met intermediate, next goal is 3x40)

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Forcing myself to have a recovery day, which is surprisingly difficult. May have done a couple of chinups, just to make sure I can, but things have been going so well fitness-wise lately, it's a struggle not to keep it going.

Will be rested and stronger again tomorrow.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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(Not part of the CC Progressive) Farmers walk - 1.5km with 25kg weight.

Horizontal Pulls: 14, 11, 10 (aiming for 2x20. Making progress slowly)

Knee Tucks: 30, 20, 20 (aiming for 3x40. PB also)

Straight bridges: 3x40 (Met progression, but was painful. Will do again next session, focusing on maintaining form).

Time: 40 minute round trip.

Feeling: Buggered. I think I worked harder today than I have in a long time. The 1500m carrying a 25kg box was a pretty punishing warmup, especially going straight into pulls after that! Arms are a little shaky.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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I found it pretty tough going at first, the first few sessions of pulls made me hurt for days afterwards. I think that was mostly just shock from being lazy for so long - muscles that weren't expecting to be asked to do anything.

Otherwise, it depends on the exercise. I think I'm still in my comfort zone for push ups and squats (but I'm 'doing the time' and taking it slow, as Paul recommends). Struggling with the pulls and knee tucks already, but making steady progress.

Overall, pretty happy with it, more often then not I walk away feeling pumped without being totally spent, and I'm definitely starting to notice results (reps are getting easier every day).

I'm happy enough with it so far that I'll be sticking with it for the foreseeable future. Gotta work up to those one-armed handstand pushups, afterall =p

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Kneeling Pushups: 2x15 (met intermediate, next goal is 3x30)

Half Squats: 2x35 (met intermediate, next goal is 3x50)

Time: 18 minutes round trip.

Feeling: Rushed. I had 40 minutes between workshops to get my workout and lunch done, so it was a bit of a rush job. Could have tried to press into the progression-grade goals, but played it safe. Something to shoot for next time.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Horizontal Pulls: 16, 11, 10 (aiming for 2x20, P.B)

Knee Tucks: 40, 30, 10 (aiming for 3x40, P.B)

Angled Bridges: 8, 10 (met beginner, next goal is 2x15)

3-a-side soccer for 60 minutes. Temp was around 29-30 degrees Celsius, no cloud cover.

Time: 2 hour round trip.

Feeling: Pretty knackered. Never played soccer as a kid, so easily the least co-ordinated. None of the stamina I used to have has stuck around, I was puffing after about the first minute and spent the last 15 shambling around the field like a zombie. Will keep going, improve, and eventually kick ass. Didn't help that everyone else there were regulars, except for one other new guy. Who cycles hundreds of km's per week. Bah!

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Very, very aware that I have thighs now. Stupid soccer. =p

And just realized that I've got squats today. Feck o_0

Knee Pushups: 30, 15, 15 (aiming for 3x30)

Half Squats: 3x30 (aiming for 3x50)

Time: 35 minutes round trip

Feeling: Totally blown. Probably should have had a rest day, still feeling stiff from yesterday. Will monitor closely for tomorrow. I feel like I should have performed better than I did though. But that's ok, nowhere to go but up.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Horizontal Pulls: 19,13,10 (aiming for 2x20, PB)

Knee Tucks: 3x40 (met progression, will start on flat knee raises next time)

Angled Bridges: 2x15 (met intermediate, next goal is 3x30)

Time: 30 minute round trip.

Feeling: Pumped. Was very stiff beforehand, especially thighs and lower back, but smashed it today. =)

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Junk food cheat day (burp)

Knee Pushups: 3x30 (met progression, moving onto half-pushups next time)

Half-squats: 3x50 (met progression, moving onto squats next time)

Time: 15 minutes while watching the end of France v Wales at the World Cup (Wales deserved to win, full marks to France for holding them out at the end though)

Feeling: Gassy from all the junk food, but also really happy with the athletic performance - I achieved everything I wanted to this session =)

No aches and pains this morning.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Weekly rest day, went and met our wedding celebrant for the first time. Kangaroos slaughtered the Kiwi's in the League Test, Wallabies are losing 14-6 in the one that matters. C'mon boys, better second half!

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Horizontal Pulls: 20, 20, 10 (aiming for 2x20, met intermediate, next goal 3x30 =/ )

Flat Knee Raises: 3x10 (met beginner, next goal 2x20)

Angled Bridges: 3x20 (PB, aiming for 3x30)

Time: 45 minute round trip

Feeling: Super psyched about finally meeting the intermediate pull goal! That is the longest-standing target so far. Hitting 3x30 is going to be a bitch though =/

Also, it's raining, made for a pleasantly cool workout but a sad walk back to the office. And a semi-redundant shower.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Half Pushups: 3x12 (met intermediate, next goal is 3x25)

Full squats: 3x30 (met progression, will do again next session, if no problems then step is close squats)

Time: 30 minute round trip.

Feeling: Sweating lots (humidity here is punishing atm, looks like another thunderstorm tonight), otherwise feel alright.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Soccer: 55 minutes (before workout this time, was a mistake!)

Horizontal Pulls: 20, 17 (down on last time, stupid soccer)

Flat Knee Raises 2x20 (met intermediate, next goal is 3x35)

Angled Bridges: zonked out tonight, will skip this session.

Time: 1 hour 45 minute round trip.

Feeling: Exhausted, only able to take little tiny steps, slight twinge in my left thigh from soccer. =/

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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First injury-forced rest day, my left thigh and upper back are not happy campers today. Thigh was bad enough that I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night, too. Must do some stretching before soccer in future!

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Half-pushups: 25, 23, 13 (PB, aiming for 3x25, work to do but happy with progress)

Full squats: 2x30 (met progression, next time is close squats.)

Time: 30 minutes round trip

Feeling: Good! Didn't progress to close squats today, simply because my thigh was still a bit tight. Feeling much better now. Squats = nature's morphine.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Pull-up Negatives: 3x10 (didn't bother setting up for horizontal pulls, substituted)

Flat Knee Raises: 3x30 (met progression, next time flat frog raises)

Angled Bridges: 3x30 (met progression, next time head bridges)

Time: 30 minutes.

Feeling: Exhausted, this was the toughest workout for a while, even doing pull-up negatives instead. Sweating like a sauna.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Decided that my push-up form needed some work, so I got someone to take a video of me doing a set on their phone. Without really being aware of it, I've been doing more superman pushups than normal pushups, probably because of the kneeling pushups step first. To correct this form issue, I've reverted back to kneeling pushups with proper form, and will work up from there again.

Kneeling Pushups: 30, 30 (very slowly for the last 10), 10 (aiming for 3x30, damn form changes)

Close Squats: 2x20 (met progression, I found these very easy for some reason? Easier than 3x30 full squats by far. Next session will be close squats again (to ensure they were done right) or uneven squats.

Time: 20 minutes.

Feeling: Disappointed about the pushup saga, but happy that I made the decision to take the step back and do it properly rather than just push on.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Horizontal Pulls: 23, 18 (destroyed by head bridges), 13 (aiming for 3x30, PB)

Flat Bent Leg Raises: 5, 10 (met beginner, next goal 2x15, I can tell that completing this progression is going to take a long, long time)

Head Bridges: 8, 4 (met beginner, next goal 2x15, holy heck these feel weird, so much harder than you'd think they'd be!)

Time: 35 minutes round trip.

Feeling: The first set of pulls felt strong, made it to about 18 before I started struggling, NO KIPPING in these figures (I'll admit that my previous sessions always have 4 or 5 kipped pulls per set - stomping these out. This isn't CrossFit!). Two new exercises = muscle groups being worked in weird combinations = wahhh!

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Kneeling Pushups: 30, 15 (met intermediate, next goal 3x30)

Close Squats: 2x20 (met progression)

Time: 30 minute round trip.

Feeling: Feeling like I should start incorporating rest days, I'm still stiff from the workout before every time this week. Will move to every second day, once the Japanese trip is completed.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Pullup Negatives: 2x5 (real issues with the muscles in my upper arms, just under the shoulder, where they attach to my back. No idea wtf is going on there, but they just wouldn't do ANYTHING. Will try to find why later)

Flat Bent Leg Raises: 2x15 (met intermediate, next goal 3x30)

Head Bridges: 2x10 (PB, aiming for 2x15)

Time: 15 minutes

Feeling: Happy enough with everything except the pullup muscle question. Combination of flat bent leg raises and head bridges = feels like a punch to the gut =p

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Been in Tokyo for a week, no workouts. Going to Melbourne tomorrow, PROBABLY no workouts.

Going back to square 1 (or in some cases, 2) the week after next, but will be looking to get back to my (laughable) peak pretty quickly after that!

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Had a week in Tokyo where I did nothing but eat delicious Japanese food and drink gigantic delicious Japanese beers. Then a week of training in Melbourne, where my hotel had a built in Krispe-Kreme. Epicfoodfail!!

Kneeling Pushups: 20,20,15 (met intermediate, aiming for 3x30)

Close Squats: 2x20 (met progression, need to buy a cheapie basketball)

Time: 30 minute round trip

Feeling: Bloody hot, it became summer while I was away. 32 degrees + no cloud cover + no shade = hot.

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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