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Been following you on facebook for a while and finally joined the community :) I've been running 5K's all this season and ran one Warrior Dash, but now signed up for the Tough Mudder in the Poconos this April and started my training today! I hope to contribute and maybe get a few pointers from you guys.

Here is my workout schedule I will be following for about a month:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

"feel run" Gym "pace run" Gym "long run" Gym

Sets Reps Rest

1A DB Lunge (not enough room at gym to do barbell lunges.....) 3 20 45

1B Hyperextension with Dumbbell Scarecrow Twist 3 15 45

2A Barbell Bus-Driver Rotation 3 15 45

2B Barbell Squat and One-Arm Press 3 10 45

2C Barbell Drop Squat and Row 3 10 45

3A Pushup and Row 3 15 45

3B Inverted Row 3 15 45

4A Dumbbell Curl with Static Hold 30 3 45

4B Pushup 3 15 45

4C Single-Leg Squat 3 15 45

Orpheus' Toughmudder log || Facebook

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.â€

Edgar Allan Poe

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