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Lions and Penguins and Bears, oh my!

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I realized after writing that - it's Tigers in the middle there, not penguins. Just seemed like penguins had a nice ring to it. :P

Hello one and all!

I stumbledupon this site and got to reading and hopefully have decided to get in better shape. I'm not in awful shape, but I find that I've never really been completely happy in my own skin because I always seem to find something to nitpick on and want to fix. However, whenever I try to fix it I never seem to be able to.

So I'm trying something new - this.

I've never really bothered with a community before, since I find I am pretty determined and stubborn, but at this point I'm willing to give it a shot.

I find that my biggest problem with all this getting into shape stuff is that I neither know where to start, or if I finally do, I don't really know how to continue. I've done some looking around and researching on different exercise programs, tried yoga, running (HAHAHAHAHA oh what fail..) veganism (hehe) but I can't seem to find anything that sticks.

I think that my second biggest problem is that I don't have any time. No, seriously, I really don't. I'm a full time student, who works part time and is the mother of a beautiful baby girl (who just turned one!). I love being busy, and I enjoy all the things I do... I just wish I could find a way to enjoy working out just as much so that I didn't feel the need to push it aside. I find that the list of things to do never ends and working out is just another thing on there and that's just so stressful.

Now then, since you guys can better understand where I'm coming from and can maybe even relate, the purpose of this message (no, I don't just ramble on about myself for no reason!):

Are there any particular exercises that you guys find work really well together during a work out (I'm all about efficiency read ^no time!)?

Any particular recipes that are quick and delicious (I'll be honest, I haven't researched this quite as much as I ought to have before posting)?

Any words of advice you feel like sharing?

Any words of advice on where I should aim to start (or how I could try to find it for myself?)?

If you've read all this you certainly have my thanks. If you answer any or all my questions I'll make sure you find some particularly shiny lucky pennies!:)

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Hi e. I have a daughter about the same age as yours. Looks like you have a full plate, but are ambitious enough to continue to make strides fwd. That's really admirable. This is advice I gave a young lady here recently. Let me know if any of it applies to you, and if it doesn't maybe we can go from there.



Good luck and welcome.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Hi there!

Thanks for the reply!

I'm currently 5'6" and I weigh 160. It's not awful, and I find that it's not that accurate a representation of how much weight I have to lose. Especially given that if I toned up I probably would lose negligible amounts of weight - it's more in the way I look.

To address some of the advice you gave -

I'm in Canada. It's cold as all hell at the moment, so an outdoor workout routine is just not in the cards for me at this point in time. Not to mention how much I dislike running. Also, strength training sounds like it might be something fun, hence why I've asked for input on any particularly efficient exercises anyone may have to offer! Preferably using ones own body weight or maybe weights, because I really don't have time to go to the gym on a regular basis.

I took a look at the BMR calculation which clocks me in at about 1500 calories... unfortunately, as well as running the calorie counting thing is another thing I just can't get into. I would rather eat just apples every single day and not worry about calories than count them out and enjoy my meals. If there's one thing I hate more than running it's this! This is actually why I've asked for input on recipes - to clarify I meant on the Paleo Diet (lifestyle). What appealed to me while I was reading about it was the "eat when you're hungry, but only this stuff" mentality, calorie counting free! AWESOME!

At this point I'm just trying to grasp a starting point, figure out a plan of attack for working out regularly at home without getting bored, so anything on that note would be fabulous.

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I think you have the basics and I'll let others more knowledgeable about your specific questions respond. Good luck in your journey. You seem to know what you want, and also appear to have the grit to get'er done. Don't give up on your goals, dreams and aspirations.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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first off, welcome! it definitely sounds like you have a busy life but don't worry it is do-able! also, i just have to say that i love penguins. i have a bit of a collection of penguin stuff so i appreciated your title there :)

i think a really good option for you given the cold outside and the time contraints would be a program like p90x or even just using exercise videos in general. i haven't done p90x before but i have a couple friends who have done it and liked it alot. i have a biggest loser dvd and i always look for sales on exercise dvds at stores and yard sales. yes, they can be cheesy, but if you find the right ones you'll get a great sweat right in your living room (you can do it after the baby goes to sleep or something). plus they tend to not need a tone of equipment. another options might be to join a gym. la fitness (don't know if those are near you) has a babysitting service right in the gym...and i'm sure others have similar options. another idea would be to purchase an elliptical or something you can do in your house...while studying for school even! can you see i'm all about multi-tasking?

a few of my favorite exercises: lunges, squats, pushups. really simple...don't need anything...and you'll feel them.

as for food, i haven't given the paleo thing a try yet but i find i'm most successful with my diet when i plan ahead. i try and make sure i have healthy snacks with me almost everwhere i go because i know that if i'm hungry the vending machine is way too tempting. if i have an apple with me, though, i can fight off the urge. tupperware is my friend and i will pre-portion foods just because i'm not a morning person so i can't just grab it an go, then i'll be hitting the drivethrough come lunch time. what do you like to eat? how can you make those items more user-friendly. it doesn't take much longer to cook a week's worth of chicken than a night's worth so use that economy of scale to your advantage.

okie doke, well enough of me ranting :) welcome to the community!

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