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"a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu


Step One: 07/18/2015 - ?

Starting Weight: 207.6lbs

Finishing Weight: ?


Qigong/Stance Training
8 Piece Brocade
Stance Training: horse (30s), bow (30s), cat (30s), natural (5 breaths) and monkey (30s)


Martial Arts

Sil Lim Tau

Basic Bodyweight Strength Training
3x3 chinup (assisted)
3x3 pushup

3x3 supermans
3x3 row
3x3 dip
3x3 hanging leg raises (bent knee)
3x30s wall sit

Fat Burning Routine
Jumping Jacks - 30s
High Knees - 30s
Rest - 15s
Mountain Climbers - 30s
Rest - 15s
Knee Tucks - 30s
Rest - 30s
Burpees - 30s
Rest - 30s
Sprints ~ til failure


Sledgehammer Work

Overhead swings x10 - regular and switch

Saiyan Hermit | Level 0 Monk

Battle Log | Epic Quest

[ Challenges: 1 ]

Groups: Pullup Quest 2015


Step One:



Fat Burning Routine

Sledgehammer Work

+ misc. yard work



Qigong/Stance Training

Fat Burning Routine

Sledgehammer Work



Basic Bodyweight Strength Training



Qigong/Stance Training

Fat Burning Routine (Sprints ~ til failure, Stair runs ~ til failure)

Saiyan Hermit | Level 0 Monk

Battle Log | Epic Quest

[ Challenges: 1 ]

Groups: Pullup Quest 2015


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