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Ashzombwee's Battle Log

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Okay so I officially started my first day of SL 5x5...the squats and bench press went pretty well...the barbell row...not so much. Anyways this is what my workout for today looked like...

Warm up:

jog 5.5mph for 5 min


2x5 body weight

3x 15 pounds (this is how much I guess the little bar weighs)

5x5 45 pounds (just the bar)

Bench press:

2 x 5 20 pounds (set weight barbell)

3 x 30 pounds (set weight barbell)

5x5 45 pounds (just the bar)

Barbell row:

This one was kind of crazy...the program has me starting out at 65 pounds but I did that for 4x5 and my form was terrible and it was killing my back so I went down to the set weight barbell (30 pounds) and did my 5x5..it might have been a little too light but my form was so much better:

4x5 65 pounds

5x5 30 pounds

I decided not to run afterward the program suggest not doing any cardio so for the next 12 weeks I think I'm going to give that a try...maybe just a long run on Sunday (well long for me..like 3 miles lol) because its killing me to do nothing for two whole days!!

Now my only problem is that my gym doesn't have 2.5 pound weights so instead of increasing my lifts by 5 my only option is to increase them by 10...I think I may see if I can buy a set of 2.5 plates and just bring them to the gym with me.

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Yeah, definitely buy the plates. They're worth it, as the progression makes the program. The thing I follow actually calls for jumps of 2.5, so I had to go and order 1.25 pound plates, and I tote them around with me. :)

Good luck!

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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Went to the gym this morning and I thing it went pretty well…

Warmed up with a five minute jog on the treadmill at 5.5 mph


30 lbs 5/5

40 lbs 3

55 lbs 5/5/5/5/5

Overhead press (this are the fucking devil)

20 lbs 5/5

30 lbs 3

40 lbs 5/5/5/5/5

Deadlifts (for some reason I felt like vomiting at this point)

40 lbs 5

50 lbs 5

65 lbs 5

Bought me some fractional plates today as well and I'm getting my body fat measured tomorrow!! I’m kind of nervous for it though because it is either going to validate how I feel about my body and make me sad at all the progress I need to make…or it is going to prove that I really am insane and have a warped body image…

Best case scenario I'm in the lower twenties however based on how much flab I can pull off my stomach my guess is somewhere around 25-28

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Most people are able to put up on squats 2-3x more weight than they are able to put up in OHP. Seems like you just haven't calibrated right, or have extremely strong shoulders and upper body in relation to your legs and core. Don't be discouraged. I'm surprised you were able to lift that much in the OHP. Congrats and take it easy on yourself tiger...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Well I wasn't too impressed by that benderball thing so I ended up not doing it...

And unfortunately I got to the gym a little latter then expected...(I was trying to finish reading the last few chapters of the 3rd Harry Potter book so I could give it to my sister once I was finished at the gym =() so it kind of threw my I guess you call it energy level off (I usually eat an hour before I go to the gym..however I didn't get there until 2 and a half hours after I'd eaten...which is a problem because I eat every 3 and I was starving when I got there) so I felt pretty weak...anyway heres what it looked like

Warm up 5 min jog at 6 mph


70 lbs 5/5/5/5/5

Bench press:

55 lbs 5/5/5/5/5

Barbell row:

55 lbs 5/5/5/5/5

And like an hour and a half ago I walked a mile and ran a mile...

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Hmmmm guess I better dust this old thing off lol

I'm writing down my workouts in a notebook but I figured it couldn't hurt writing them down here as well to share them with everyone else =D

So yesterday (March 5) I did ...

WOD-partner workout, 5 rounds

8 tire flips (it was a little one and I have no idea how much it weighed)

Handstand holds


Random Practice Stuff (Mostly crossfit stuff I'm trying to improve on)

10 situps-I suck at that machine thingy so my trainer is showing me the proper way and I just do 5-10 of them everytime I come in


Handstand Holds- 5 minutes total (not all at once)

Single Unders-500...I wanna do double unders at some point so I'm just working on it


Deadhang pullups- 5 (not in a row)

Knees to Elbows-6

Run/Walk-3.5 miles total

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I'm actually doing a little bit of both due to the fact that the gym I go to doesn't have a strength component to it and its not crossfit affiliated just crossfit inspired. You go in warm-up there is a WOD you finish stretch and leave all within 30 so it is not as intense as what people at actually crossfit gyms are doing although I really wish it was.

March 6, 2012

Strong Lifts (I'm starting over so my form can be super sexy...I got up to body weight on my deadlift and squats but was very sloppy and just figured I should start all over again)

Squat @ 45 5/5/5/5/5 (I went super low and felt super doing it)

Bench press @ 45 5/5/5/5/5

Bent over row @ 65 5/5/5/5/5 (I was actually really impressed with how well I did these I was only at 65 (I started out at 45 the first time but the app has you start at 65) when I stopped and it was a struggle)

Random Practice Stuff


Handstand holds- 4 min 17 sec (was supposed to be five minutes but I was so tired and didn't like the idea of face planting)

Single Unders- 507

Pull ups-3

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March 7, 2012

WOD-Tabata (40/20), 2 rounds

Push presses with 33 lbs

Plate Overhead walking lunges with 25 lbs

Handstand walks (I just used an exercise ball to kind of walk out to a plank)

GHD situps

Step ups with 18 lb KB


Jumping pullups

Hammer swings



Handstand holds- 5 minutes

Single Unders- 514


Run/Walk-3 miles

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March 8, 2012


Squat @ 50 lbs 5/5/5/5/5 90 sec rest

OHP @ 45 lbs 5/5/5/5/5 90 sec rest

Deadlift @ 95 lbs 5


Burpees-20 (supposed to be 25 which means 5 extra tomorrow)

Handstand holds-3 min (I lazied out..but i did lots of practice trying to hold myself up without timing)

Single unders- 521

Pull-ups-5 (I did 2 in a row =p)

Run/Walk-5.5 miles

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lol its my spring break so I'm trying to be a little more active than usual

March 9, 2012

WOD-12 minutes of

3 burpees

KB figure eights with 18lbs

KB swings with 18 lbs

outdoor lap @ minutes 4 and 8

Rounds completed- 9 rounds


Burpees- 32 (total with workout)

Handstands- practiced with Luke

Single unders- 541


GDH situps-10

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When I went to my gym the other day I didn't even do the workout, just practiced lots and lots of handstands with Luke and Shane and then Luke helped me with my lifts...

Strength training

We did lot of warm ups because we weren't sure what the heaviest weight I could do was but my best

Clean and Jerk @ 85 lbs

Deadlift @ 155 lbs



Pushups (I actually did these all with un modified push ups..my form got to crap at the end and I had to take lots of breaks but at least I did it)


Air squats

Time: 9:30 (very slow but at least I did it)



Handstands-LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF PRACTICE ON THE MATS and I actually held like three of them for a few seconds =)

Single Unders- 536


Run/Walk-2.5 miles

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March 11, 2012


Squat @ 55lbs 5/5/5/5/5

Bench press @ 50lbs 5/5/5/5/5

Bent over row @ 70 lbs 5/5/5/5/5



Single unders-65 (I was just super exhausted I haven't had an off day in forever so I figured I'd just skip these today and give my body a little break)

Handstands-practiced a little maybe like 10 times (my elbow is really bothering and it hurts to do this so I figured I'd let it rest a little bit)

Run/Walk-2.5 miles

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Thanks bigM I need it!! =D

March 12, 2012

WOD, 15 min of

15 OH air squats

10 KB high pulls @ 26 lbs (I did pretty well they usually either start me out with or switch me to the 18 lb one at some point)

6 tire flips

1 indoor sprint

Completed 7 rounds


Push-up challenge 6/6/4/4/9 (all unmodified =) )


Single Unders-760

I practiced some handstands but my elbow still feels hurty not all the time just when I'm working out it get aggravated =(

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March 15, 2012


squat @ 65 lbs 5/5/5/5/5 90 sec rest

Bench press @ 55 lbs 5/5/5/5/5 90 sec rest

Row @ 75 lbs 5/5/5/5/5 90 sec rest


5 outdoor laps (may have done 6 I lost count and did one more lap for good measure)

10 tire hops

20 pull-ups (with band around knee)

30 back extension

40 hammer swings

50 situps

Time: 15:45



Handstands-lots of practice

Singe unders-794


March 16, 2012


5-10-15-20-15-10-5 Knees to Elbows

2 3D lunges (it was supposed to be 5 but I had a 5 mile race to run the next day so I took it easy here)



Single unders-375

March 17, 2012

5 mile st louis st pattys day race (so freaking hilly and painful) Time: 51:33


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