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Hey everyone! My name is Robert. I've always been a skinny guy. Never really worked out. You guys might find this funny but there's this girl who is just yoked. Alot of other co workers wanted me to I guess try to flex on the this girl. Short story, I felt weak and I just I dont know it just inspired me. I had to share that so you guys know where im coming from. I searched google and found this nerd weight gain guide. HOOKED, as I was reading through the website I happen to find you guys while browsing. I was hoping I could get different inputs from the community. Anything... I just want real info or just a place to check out. Im currently at 140 and I would like to be 180. That is my main goal. I will note to you guys my metabolism is ridiculous. I am on a budget so any cheap choices you guys can give me that would be awesome. Again thank you for your guy's help. God bless!

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Hi there! Have you been finding the information you were wanting as you browse this site some more?

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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