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Hello there

Tim here.

I wrote a brief introduction in this topic that you can read.
As you can see from the first post in it, that was 2 years ago.
You can also see from that same topic that I lost track... for almost 2 years nonetheless.

I made myself the promise to start a topic for logging. For now not daily but at least weekly.
Once a week I will post in this topic to share some relevant (and maybe some non-relevant) things.

I will try to do these on a regular day of the week, most likely Friday or Saturday. A nice end of the week, so to say.
These things will include, but will not be limited to:

  • Practiced work-outs
  • Average food and drink intake
  • Other physical activities

I shall follow this format for the time-being until I get more organized and add more things to take track of.
Because, let's face it, just sharing how many reps I made, how much km I ran or how much I ate isn't all that interesting.
Occasionally I will share some other things as well. How I'm feeling or holding up, for instance.
I'll share tips that I found and might help others as well.
Actually, I'll share anything that I'll find worth sharing here.

I will add to this post what I think is supposed to stay at the top.
Maybe stuff like my current weight, body-fat and such. To keep track.
And try to update this once a month to see the progress.

I don't have much more for now.
I will get really into it from now on. I've started things half-***ed enough times and hated myself over it.
Not this time, I say! This will be the time. I will change. I believe I can change!

And with that,
Tim out!

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Hello again,

No, I didn't fall of the wagon. I really was extremely busy these past 2 weeks.
Following is a bit of a "log" of what I did health-and-fitness-wise these past 2 weeks.

The 1st week:
Monday, August 10th:
We got up awfully early in the morning to start building up a festival starting next friday.
All the activity was mostly composed of laying big floorboard and hammering them into place. This took about 6 hours in total.
Also a lot of heavy iron fences where placed to mark the outer area.
The food we got was mostly just some pieces of bread with stuff like baloney, cheese and eggs. Nothing special but felt like good to eat after such rigorous activity.


Tuesday, August 11th:
Again, up early. Lots and lots of building to do again. Today this consisted mostly of putting up the big tents over the previously laid floorboard.
The tent-pins were solid iron/steel pins about 1,2 meters ( about 4 feet I believe) in length. Had to be hammered into the ground with a device so heavy it had to be lifted by 2 persons. This took the better part of the day. After 5-6 hours of this we were finally done. My hands and arms felt like they were very tender meat. Probably one of the most intensive things I've ever done.
Same food as yesterday. And lots of water. The weather was getting absolutely hot. Sweating like a pig.


Wednesday, August 12th:
We got up a little later this time. We were ahead of schedule so we were allowed some extra sleep-in. Did quite a few things that were less intensive. On account of my arms not working quite right after the hammering of the day before.
This time the crew-tent was up so we finally had some more food choices. Still ate the same though. Instead of water I also drank a lot of soda and sugary drinks.

Thursday, august 13th:

Waking up early again. We had so set the inner parameter with the remaining fences to guide the camping guests to their appropriate areas. They'd be arriving at about 12 so we had those fences up first. The bar was set up. The stages were almost done by the electronics guys we hired. Only some last few small things. Lots of running around to get everything ready.

Same food again. Went to bed early. Instant sleep. So tired...

Friday, August 14th:
At 12 the festival would start so we had to be there to help start up. Get the bands to their stages. The guests onto the terrain. It was a little chaotic but lots of it was just standing around. So we had a chance to rest our weary feet and just inform people around us to activities. Later, of course, we joined the festivities. Lots of dancing. The food got a little less healthier for me. They had a real american hot-dog stand. I'm a sucker for those so I had some. Didn't feel proud of it. But they tasted really good. We went to bed early again because tomorrow everything would be way earlier.

Saturday, August 15th:
Woke up. Decided to weigh myself because I was curious. I noticed some pants felt way less tight all of a sudden. Did indeed lose about 4-5 kilos. Positively surprised! The day was composed of lots of dancing to some great bands. Also lots of beer (Guinness mostly) was drunk. Had the time of my life and we stayed till about 11 PM.

Sunday, August 16th:
We took our own instruments with us today. My guitar and my girlfriend her accordion. We joined in on a little jam-lesson workshop. We both just did a lot of sitting around this time. Our feet couldn't handle anymore, regrettably. We stayed around for the main set of "The Dolmen" ( Imagine pirate/folk mixed with rock/metal). After which we left early at about 10 PM, exhausted.

A lot of good meat-based stands were around, including one which had the best pulled pork I've ever tasted. Had a ton of that. 3 servings or something.

And now for the second, way less impressive week.

Monday, August 17th:
Up early again. We also volunteered for breaking down. When we arrived a lot of the smaller stuff was already done. Collecting all the chairs and tables and cleaning up the bar was already done. I helped around the tents breaking down what we could. I started feeling really ill though. They sent me home at about 11 AM.
Spend the rest of the day in bed sleeping and the evening watching Netflix. Started watching Lost. I must have caught some bug or something.


Tuesday, August 18th:
Spent pretty much all my time on the couch, recuperating from the last week. And also sicking out some more. Had nothing more than a cracker and some soup. Did lose another kilo tho!

Wednesday, August 19th:

Was able to eat something more. Also went out for some bit. Groceries needed to be done. Brought home some pre-made lasagna to beef up a bit more after feeling so hungry for 2 days. Did some fiddling around the TV and completely cable-managed everything around it. Later I biked about 30 minutes to get our bikes to the shop for repairs. It's hard to bike with just 1 intact pedal. Took the bus back home, naturally.

The pre-made lasagna was delicious. I started thinking about how I'm proud that I can control myself and get the 400 gram packages, instead of the 1 kg ones. I always ate those in one go...

Thursday, August 20th:
Slept in till somewhere around 1 PM. Finally feeling all better again. We took this chance to... sit around the house all day and play some games. We had a bad case of CBA (can't be arsed). We had some snack. I ate entire bag (300 grams) of cashew nuts. Unsalted, so not too unhealthy... but a lot.

Friday, August 21st:

We got up early again and took the bus to the city to retrieve our bikes from the shop. We decided to test them out a bit and take a detour to the electronics store. I needed a SATA cable cause the CD/DVD writer I ordered didn't come with one. We biked for a total of 40 minutes. When I got home I cleaned out our (always-)cluttered table so I could install it. I discovered that working on computers is sort of meditative and relaxing for me. Spent a good 2 hours tweaking and cable-managing some more. I spent the rest of the day listening to music and kind of passively browsing the web. (Oh NO! I could have posted to the Rebellion back then!).
I honestly can't recall what we ate that day.


Saturday and Sunday, August 22nd and 23rd:
Both days consisted of getting up early for a shower and ironing out my work clothes. 11 AM - 6 PM work times. I promote certain brands in-store at a big electronics store at about 20-minute bike ride away. I have to stand up and walk all day. Noticed my feet still are a bit sore from last week! I always take a half liter bottle of watery lemonade and 4 sandwiches to work. Standard Cheese, meat and chocolate-spread. In the evening had some delicious rice and chicken Madras, prepared for me by my heavenly girlfriend. ( I love it when she cooks!)

So, that is a summary of my last few days. I'm still not sure about the format.
I'm sorry it's so long. In the future I will try to make shorter posts and update more regularly.

I am open to any and all criticism, tips, love and adoration.

And with that,
Tim out!

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