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McBeth - Mum, Nerd, and now Rebel!

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Hello All!  I'm very motivated to have joined Nerd Fitness finally.  I read a few articles a while back, got really impressed, a little motivated and then really tired and totally lazy... but, I'm back! and for real this time - even paid a fee and everything.


A bit about me:  My name is Beth; I am 33 in November; I am an American living in Australia, and I am a SAHM with a soon to be 4 yo and triplets that just turned two. I am currently 87.9 kg on Day 1, with some fused vertebrae from a car accident ages ago and some military service, and a deep seated need to do this right this time, despite the fact that I have been a 'bare minimum' type of person my whole life.


Why I'm doing this:  I'm doing this because I'm tired of using my current life (a billion kids and no sleep) as a reason not to like myself.  I want to feel attractive, be proud of what my body can do, and when my kids say they want to be like me, I want that to be a good thing.


Who I am (my quest):  I am somebody who will try a new type of physical activity at least once a month until I find something I love. I am somebody who weights less than 74 kg, and can do 10 pull ups, 50 push ups and the splits.


How I'm going to do this: *drinking 4 cups of water per day (3 - 4 more cups that I drink on average) *flex training 10 minutes 3x per week *push ups/pull ups - one set of each 2x per week, gradually building larger sets *sleep by 10 pm (I can't control having to wake up heaps through out the night, freaking kids, but I can control when I start trying to sleep) *meditation for at least 5 minutes a day (I need to be more calm with myself and my family so I don't lose my motivation to be happy because of my anger) *Batcave chores  for 1 hour per day (we are in a constant state of upheaval around here, and I'm fairly type A, so I need to tackle those big projects one bit at a time until they are done.  It's good exercise and better for my mental health)


Sorry that was so long, I wanted it out there, so I am held accountable by peer pressure  :playful:  but wish me luck!

McBeth - Level 0 Fire Elemental

Newb Assassin - Epic Nerd - Legendary Mum

My Backstory - Challenges |1|

Challenge Main Quest - Lose 6 kg with being more active and better nutrition


No liquid calories - 5 days/week


Movement - Run 3 days/week, Walk (at least 5 minutes) 4 days/week 


Comfort Zone - Try 1 new class each week during the challenge

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You've got this! Finding what you love is probably the hardest part. 

Grey Jedi Ranger

Jedi Becomes Her Own Hero

Jedi Battle Log

“Keep Calm, Carry On, and Don't Freeze Up!”

- Oboro Shirakumo (Loud Cloud), My Hero Academia Vigilantes

Challenges: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10#11#12#13#14#15#16, #17#18#19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33,  #34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42#43#44, #45#46#47#48#49#50#51#52#53#54#55#56#57#58#59#60#61#62#63

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