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Determined to succeed... this time XD

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Hiya, my name is Jo. 


I stumbled across this website after I was trying to educate myself on the best possible way to get healthier and how to get fitter. 


As the title of this thread suggests I've tried to do this so many times but I always end up falling off the wagon. I have those times where I feel that I need to get healthier and what not and I stay on track for a couple of weeks and then I just get bored and lose all motivation. But this time I'm determined! 


I'm fed up with feeling tired and lethargic all the time. So I joined up to nerd fitness to see if I could keep motivated by reading about other peoples stories and keeping everyone up to date with mine. Hopefully I'll make a few friends and also make lifestyle changes that I will stick to. 


I can't wait to get to know everyone and share stories and tips on living a healthier life  :peaceful: 

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