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Hello everyone, I am a fairly skinny 18 yr old guy who has recently gained flab, not quite enough to be considered unhealthy, but it's reminded me that I would like to both flatten my stomach and gain muscle mass.  I'm not interested in becoming as thick as a bodybuilder, but not as slender as simply toned; if I had to place a model, I would like to gain the physique of an MMA fighter (we'll see how that goes lol).

I'm into heavy metal and progressive/nu metal vocals, so I am also trying to trim up my body to retain air and endurance during practice; smoking during my early teens had left me easily winded for awhile and I stopped exercising as much, so not only am I not toned but I get short of breath very easily.

As with that, I'm vegetarian, which makes getting proteins a bit more complicated, so wondering if anyone can give me some pointers.  I know their is something called Whey protein but I hear mixed reviews. Thanks and I look forward to the day when my username is an antonym. 

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