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Just wanted to have a place to start writing things down again.  I've been away from NF for about five weeks. Spent most of the month of September either ramping up the school year where I work (CU Boulder), or on vacation in the Pacific Northwest (North WET!), or on a business trip to the greater DC area for work.


Mind you I wasn't a couch potato during any of that, though the days with the 12-14 hour drives were pretty rough, non-moving-wise.  But since there's a 6-week challenge currently underway, I thought I'd start posting what I've been up to here at least as a form of self-accountability.


So, starting with today!


3.2 mile run in 28 min.  Followed by a one hour yoga class.  Breakfast was cereal and almond milk, morning snack was a banana and a tiny "nestle crunch" bar, and lunch was a half of a burger, leftover from our anniversary lunch on Saturday.  Followed by an apple.  This afternoon, I'm heading to the physical therapist so she can help me develop a plan to rehab my right leg (hamstring, peroneal tendon, achilles tendon) so I can safely and painlessly (OK, that's a relative concept) run longer distances than six miles.  I'm assuming she's going to beat on my legs and stab them with needles, because that's her MO, but it usually works wonders.


Also, I did five pull ups at the gym on my way to yoga class today.  Which is kind of sad because two months ago I could do ten without a problem.  And then a set of six, and another set of six.  So I need to get back to work on that.  


And, I signed up for Trap 3/4 at the aerial gym, starting tomorrow night.  And, I scheduled a Lasik evaluation in Denver tomorrow morning, because I'd like to have 20/20 vision for at least part of my life, and it's time to buy another pair of prescription sunglasses, since on our 3600 mile road trip, my glasses broke.  I've glued them back together twice now, but when you live in Colorado at 5400' and need to wear glasses, you must have functioning sunglasses. Because UV and all that.  


So that's all that's fit to report.  Oh, and I need guidance:  Should I switch over to the Ranger camp?  I always felt like a ranger, what with the archery and the distance running, but then there's the circus work.  Which I might not want to do much of forever since I'm feeling like I'm old and not very flexible anymore, and being flexible is a BIG BIG DEAL in aerial work.  Meanwhile, I'm still an assassin...



Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Ouch my eyes!  The eye doctor made them both numb and dilated them.  Now it's time to decide if I want to get the buck rogers treatment....

Yesterday's visit to the PT was productive.  She did her usual mash on my muscles followed by dry-needling.  I'm hoping that it helps the hamstring.

Today is a non-cardio day since I'm going to trap tonight.  Which will likely hurt, in more ways than one, since I haven't been in about two months. 


Fun times.  Will report tomorrow on how things go.

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Yesterday was a good run... 4.8 miles, 55 min.  Today I rode Flagstaff on my bike and then ate too much at the C4C.  Oooohhhh my stomach :(


Tonight we get to see the kickoff of the tour of If/Then with Idina Menzels!  Woot!

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Yoga today, followed by a brief bench press session.  Since it's been probably two months since I hit the weights, I wanted to start slowly.  So, here's REAL slow:


55x10x1; 65x10x1, 75x10x3


Yeah, that's right.  I put two 5# plates on the bar and lifted it ten times, then swapped them out for 10# plates, then did 15# worth of plates per side and that was all I could do.


Weak sauce :(


I'll be working that....

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Saturday:  Ran with the wife.  4.2 miles.  Way slow.  Lots of hills and, well, wife has not been running much lately.  Started my new PT regimen--heat of glutes and hams before and after running.  Glute and ham stretches afterwards.  Lacrosse ball etc.  Ouch.


Sunday:  Ran early, solo.  Fast.  4.25 miles in 36 min.  Woot!


Today:  yoga, except maybe we'll be at the humane society finishing up adopting a dog :)

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Found you! :)



Re your question of rangers vs assassins, I think that's up to you. Swap back and forth, commit to one and stalk the other, whatever makes you happiest. Which one is 'your people'? Where do you fit? Therein lies your answer. 




Dog: Yea? Nay?


Hey you:

Thanks for responding!  How nice :)


Yeah, I think I'm gonna try rangering for a bit.  Assassination is fun too but I've been feeling the call of the wild lately, and my love for all things aerial is waning for some reason.  


And YES!  We got a BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING dog!  She's 11 months old or thereabouts, she's from our local shelter, and I couldn't ask for a better dog.  She gets along with the kiddo, knows some commands, and is a breeze to train on things.  Fetch took about 10 minutes.  Part rough-coat collie, part something else, like maybe doberman or possibly greyhound.  I'll post a pic soon :) 

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Recap for the past seven days:


Ran and rode most days last week, except Friday when I drove home and walked the new puppy instead of running or going to yoga or what not.  Thursday was interesting--went to a class called Hydro Power (the Avenger in me was a little nervous about that, but the teacher assured me it was Hydr-O, not Hydra, so it was OK).  It was an hour of treading water, water running, water calisthenics, water weights (which are made of foam, and they're just big and hard to keep underwater).  Kind of a cool workout but not one I'll likely repeat with much consistency.  It was spitting rain out and cold, and I didn't want to go run in all that.

Saturday and Sunday I took the new dog for some shorter runs, on soft-ish trails, so as to slowly build up her pads for real running.  Which was GREAT!  I'd forgotten how cool it is to run with your dog, since my old dog and I hadn't run together for a couple of years--she just wasn't up for it--and then she passed away.  Anyway, YAY!  I've got a new running buddy :)


Yesterday I rode to and from work, twice, returning mid-day to take the puppy out for a throw-the-ball session.  Today I rode to and from work, going home for lunch to throw the ball, but then I drove back because I get to pick my wife and son up from the bus depot, after their long weekend in NYC.  It'll be good to see them, and for them and Selkie-Roo (the dog, AKA just Roo) to interact some more.  I've been a little concerned that they've not been around and she and I have been bonding too closely, since I want her to be a "family" dog, and not just MY dog.  Anyway.  


I haven't made it back to the gym for actual weightlifting since last week.  And, frankly, what with having to go home to exercise the pooch over lunch T-W-R that might not happen as much as I'd like.  It's soooo hard for me to squeeze the gym into other time slots in my life--I tried all summer long to adjust to going after work, or before work, and it just didn't work out well.  At least I've got Mondays and Fridays--Maria is home with Roo and the boy, and I can do what I need to over lunch.  Like, go to yoga and then do a half hour weights session before getting back to work.


I should really write more frequently!

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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Tuesday night was a good but slightly brutal trap workout.  Lots of front and back balances (think pilates 5' in the air) and also a goodly amount of ropes work.  I was definitely tired the next morning!  Plus plenty of dog walking (1+ hour) and bicycle riding (35 min).


Wednesday was just a day for walking the dog, about an hour total.  I was at a trade show in Aurora/Denver most of the day, so I didn't get out to exercise.  And last night was the new D&D game at work, which was well attended and fun but mostly involved sitting at a table for three hours.


Today is a double commute day with a long dog walk this morning.  I might be able to jet over to the gym for a quickie, or maybe take the dog for a quick (30 min) run when I go home at lunch. Whatever happens, you'll hear about it right here!

Level 21 Wild Elf Ranger/Assassin


I'm not really sure these stats are relevant anymore...

STR: 31 DEX: 26 STA: 30  CON: 24  WIS: 30 CHA: 26

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