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(side)Kick Me, and I'll (side)Kick you back!

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Hey y'all!


I need some help. I've been trying to do this fitness thing alone for too long, and I have a terrible habit of being motivated, but not accountable, so the motivation wanes, and I can't keep it going on my own (working on my "grit").


I'm looking for a sidekick. Not necessarily in the same location as me, but someone who can chat and we can keep one another accountable for continuing to focus even when it gets hard or I/we feel like giving up.


Basic stats: I'm looking to lose about 30-40 lbs, but I care more about my body feeling energized and able than the number on the scale. I live on my own, and have a job that I love and can work as late or early as I want, so I often struggle to leave work and get to the gym, or go for a walk. Really, right now, I just need to get back to some healthy habits - cooking more, working out more than once a week, etc. I'll be starting a M.Div program in January, and I want to get back into the swing of things before school and homework and additional scheduling challenges hit.


Anyone looking for a sidekick or accountability buddy? Let's chat!





Level 0 | Wood Elf Recruit

Starting Weight: 180 lbs | Current Weight: 180 lbs.


Weight Loss Progress:

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I'm up for it if you are. :) How do you want to set this up?


Fantastic! Um, to be honest I'm not sure what will be the best. I'll send you a message and we can figure out what will work for the both of us.


Level 0 | Wood Elf Recruit

Starting Weight: 180 lbs | Current Weight: 180 lbs.


Weight Loss Progress:

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