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Phoenix Burning Joins Bridge Four

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 Kaladin walked, feeling numb.  He'd thought that there was nothing more life could do to him, nothing worse than the slave's brand with the shash, nothing worse than losing all he had to the war, nothing more terrible than failing those he had sworn to protect.

  It appeared that he'd been wrong.  There had been something more they could do to him.  One final torment the world had reserved just for Kaladin.

  And it was called Bridge Four.  - p. 126, The Way of Kings



I have been pretty discouraged lately.  I have tried so many diets and workouts and plans and schemes and so on, but I am right back to where I started.  Overweight, unfit, and almost to the point of giving up.  The odds feel so stacked against me.



 How long had he been with Bridge Four now?  Two weeks?  Three?  An eternity?

  Of the twenty-five men who had survived his first bridge deployment, twenty-three were now dead.  Two had been moved to the other bridge crews because they'd done something to please Gaz, but they'd died there.  Only one other man and Kaladin remained.  Two out of nearly forty.

  The bridge crew's numbers had been replenished with more unfortunates, and most of those had died too.  They had been replaced.  Many of those had died.  Bridgeleader after bridgeleader had been chosen.  It was supposed to be a favored position on a bridge crew, always getting to run in the best places.  It didn't matter for Bridge Four. - p.169-170, The Way of Kings



And yet, for some reason, I can't just quit.  I can't accept that I am destined to stay this way.  There has to be a better way. One more try....


In a similar vein, I was tempted to just vanish from NerdFitness, to not burden my friends with my angst, but just struggle on on my own.  But I need help.



 For some reason, Bridge Four always seemed to get targeted.  Kaladin didn't bother to learn the names of his companions.  None of the bridgemen did.  What was the point?  Learn a man's name and one of you would be dead before the week was out.  Odds were, you'd both be dead.  Maybe he should learn names.  Then he'd have someone to talk to in Damnation.  They could reminisce about how terrible Bridge Four had been, and agree that eternal fires were much more pleasant. - p.170, The Way of Kings



I am trying to pull it together, get some semblance of a plan together.  I know more about what doesn't work than about what does.  All I can really determine is that I need to move more and eat less sugar.  (I really eat an inordinate amount of the stuff, not even counting where it's hidden in normal foods).  


I am starting with some very simple steps:

1.  Run 3 days a week (I am training for a 5K in December)

2.  Pay the Closet Tax (I hung a pullup bar in my closet doorway and must do a 5 second straight arm hang whenever I go through it)

3.  No sugar before noon (Hey, it's a start).



 Kaladin waked back to Bridge Four's small barrack, pulling open the thick wooden door.  The men huddled inside, just as he'd left them.  But something had changed.  Had they always looked that pathetic?

  Yes.  They had.  Kaladin was the one who had changed, not they.  He felt a strange dislocation, as if he'd allowed himself to forget - if only in part - the last nine months.  He read back across time, studying the man he had been.  The man who'd still fought, and fought well.

  He couldn't be that man again - he couldn't erase the scars - but he could learn from that man, as a new squadleader learned from the victorious generals of the past.  Kaladin Stormblessed was dead, but Kaladin Bridgeman was of the same blood.  A descendant with potential. -p. 192, The Way of Kings

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*Scout cheer*

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Level 20 Ferret Demon Scout

STR 43 | DEX 21 | STA 49 | CON 30 | WIS 45 | CHA 21

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Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma não é pequena.

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Also I've been reading Way Of Kings for the first time just now. Kal just got judged by the Stormfather. Sanderson is a freaking genius, I swear.

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RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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I get the discouragement thing so much. Even now that I'm doing something about it again, I'm still discouraged, feeling like I'll never have the self-control to eat little enough to be at a reasonable weight for long. But I'm trying, and if I try, I might succeed.


They say 95% of diets fail, so if I try dieting 20 times, I'll succeed once, right? Okay, that's not quite how statistics works, but there are a lot of things that I failed at many times before succeeding. Why can't fitness be one of them?

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A start is all you need. Then you get to step 2, and we cheer. Step three, and we cheer.


You got this.

Yes, I need baby steps right now, but as Kaladin would say, "Before you can fight, you have to learn to stand." (Yay!)


Also I've been reading Way Of Kings for the first time just now. Kal just got judged by the Stormfather. Sanderson is a freaking genius, I swear.

He is. I will read anything he writes, and I have to thank you for introducing me to him. Have you read any of his Reckoners series? Part three comes out in February....

I am actually about 75% through on my second reading of Way of Kings (which means I am on page 984 o.O ), and I am glad you are far enough along that my quotes gave no spoilers. 

I get the discouragement thing so much. Even now that I'm doing something about it again, I'm still discouraged, feeling like I'll never have the self-control to eat little enough to be at a reasonable weight for long. But I'm trying, and if I try, I might succeed.


They say 95% of diets fail, so if I try dieting 20 times, I'll succeed once, right? Okay, that's not quite how statistics works, but there are a lot of things that I failed at many times before succeeding. Why can't fitness be one of them?

The twentieth time is the charm. That's a thing, right?

Welcome back, and good luck on the 5k training. Have you been able to get any advice about this foot issue ?

Also , what's this 'Way of Kings' book ?

Only gazbazillion posts behind!

Thank you. It's good to be back.

About the foot, my stupid doctor gave me the oh-so-helpful advice to give up running and get a bicycle. Thanks, Doc. I am particularly vulnerable to ligament issues of every kind, and have been since birth. It is possible to make progress without injury when I am careful, but often ambition gets the better of me. I really thought I was ready this time, though. Boo.

The Way of Kings is the first book in the brilliant Brandon Sanderson's (unfinished) Strormlight Archive series.

I long for the days before the Last Desolation.

The age before the Heralds abandoned us and the Knights Radiant turned against us. A time when there was still magic in the world and honor in the hearts of men.

The world became ours, and we lost it. Nothing, it appears, is more challenging to the souls of men than victory itself.

Or was that victory an illusion all along? Did our enemies realize that the harder they fought, the stronger we resisted? Perhaps they saw that the heat and the hammer only make for a better grade of sword. But ignore the steel long enough, and it will eventually rust away.

There are four whom we watch. The first is the surgeon, forced to put aside healing to become a soldier in the most brutal war of our time. The second is the assassin, a murderer who weeps as he kills. The third is the liar, a young woman who wears a scholar’s mantle over the heart of a thief. The last is the highprince, a warlord whose eyes have opened to the past as his thirst for battle wanes.

The world can change. Surgebinding and Shardwielding can return; the magics of ancient days can become ours again. These four people are key.

One of them may redeem us.

And one of them will destroy us.

This synopsis from the back cover doesn't begin to do it credit. As my fellow Pheonix put it, Sanderson is a genius. His Mistborn series, Reckoner series, and several stand alone novels, all of are all top notch fantasy reading. I highly recommend if you are into that sort of thing.

Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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A good start for a respawn. I got up early-ish and went for a short run this morning. I paid the closet tax faithfully, which got really interesting when I had to hang up the clean laundry. I didn't really eat breakfast, but had soup and half a sandwich late morning (no sugar). No sugar all day, in fact, until after dinner, when I had some carrot cake and 3 "fun-size" chocolates. Not exactly covering myself in glory, but I stuck to my goals.

My husband suggests that I break up my weight loss goals into something more bite-sized, so I don't get overwhelmed. So, I am aiming to lose 2.5 lbs by December 1st. See, that seems almost too easy compared to "lose a pound a week for the next 7 months". I like it.

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Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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PHOENIX_B IS BACK!! Good to see you again! I've adopted a new alter-ego since the last time (previously BlimeyCharlie). Good luck with all your goals, I'll be cheering you on!

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Current: Assassins / Instagram

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2020 Races: 
CANCELLED! Spartan Trifecta: Beast: 18-APR / Super :11-JUL / Sprint: 12-JUL

Summer Nuts: 5/6-SEPT / Nuclear Blast: 12-SEPT / Nuclear team race: 04-OCT 

"You have the heart of a Rebel"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

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Your husband gave you sage advice. Good job getting up and going for a run, and for paying the closet tax. Now rinse and repeat for tomorrow.

I try not to run back-to-back days, but I will try to get in some other movement today. Maybe a trail hike or even just cause my kids around the park.

When's your 5K? Any chance it's Dec 12? We have a history of doing races on the same day :-)

Haha! You know it. Race twinsies!

PHOENIX_B IS BACK!! Good to see you again! I've adopted a new alter-ego since the last time (previously BlimeyCharlie). Good luck with all your goals, I'll be cheering you on!

Charlie!!! I am glad you told me, because I never would have found you under the new name. Looks like you have some exciting races coming up next year (looking at your signature).

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Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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A good start for a respawn. I got up early-ish and went for a short run this morning. I paid the closet tax faithfully, which got really interesting when I had to hang up the clean laundry. I didn't really eat breakfast, but had soup and half a sandwich late morning (no sugar). No sugar all day, in fact, until after dinner, when I had some carrot cake and 3 "fun-size" chocolates. Not exactly covering myself in glory, but I stuck to my goals.

My husband suggests that I break up my weight loss goals into something more bite-sized, so I don't get overwhelmed. So, I am aiming to lose 2.5 lbs by December 1st. See, that seems almost too easy compared to "lose a pound a week for the next 7 months". I like it.

I like this. I think once I start focusing on 'weight loss' again, after 'getting my habits to the point where I could conceivably not be gaining weight,' I'll only try to lose an average of .5 lbs a week. After all, that's 26 lbs in a year, at which point I'll be out of the obese range, which I've been trying to escape for over two years.

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I'm glad you are back. Respawn Is off to a good start. I'm following along to cheer you on. Also, feel free to "burden" me anytime...seriously that's what I'm here for.

Ranger/Recruit/Professional Do-gooder

Challenge #1Challenge #2, Challenge #3, Challenge #4, Challenge #5, Challenge #6

Challenge #7, Challenge #8Challenge #9, Challenge #10, Challenge #11,

Challenge #12, Challenge #13,  Challenge #14,

Challenge #15, Challenge #16 , Current Challenge

"The Hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live." -Buffy Summers

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I like this. I think once I start focusing on 'weight loss' again, after 'getting my habits to the point where I could conceivably not be gaining weight,' I'll only try to lose an average of .5 lbs a week. After all, that's 26 lbs in a year, at which point I'll be out of the obese range, which I've been trying to escape for over two years.


Yeah, spectacular weight loss is fun to see, but difficult to maintain.  Slow and steady wins the race.


I'm glad you are back. Respawn Is off to a good start. I'm following along to cheer you on. Also, feel free to "burden" me anytime...seriously that's what I'm here for.


Hello!  Thanks for the offer.  I may take you up on that.


And you are back, yeah!!!  Ugh ligaments!  Good books and a simple plan sound like a winning combo


Yay!  I started reading your thread, and I ran out of time.  I will get back over there, though, I promise!

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Journey before Destination

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Okay, status report:



I took my kids for a walk in the woods.  Nothing too long, maybe half an hour.  We went well equipped with swords and battleaxe to fight off "poison ivy and barbarians with blowdarts".  I figure, whatever gets them moving and off their video games works for me.

Paid the closet tax (even a few extra reps, I think).

No sugar before noon, but at 12:04 I was sitting down with a stack of pancakes.  And I drank a Dr. Pepper in the evening and ate 3 oreos (not at the same time).  Waiting until noon is harder than I expected, so I am glad I didn't aim for anything more stringent.  I will wait until this feels easier before making any changes.



I had planned to do some speed work that morning, but the weather forecast called for thunderstorms and flash flooding all day, so I decided discretion was the better part of valor.  Aside from the closet tax, the only strenuous thing I did all day was to farmer's carry 3 loads of groceries up two flights of stairs.

No sugar before noon.  I did have a milkshake mid-afternoon, but I didn't have a dessert after dinner or any sugary drinks, so for me it was a pretty big win day.


Friday (so far)

The weather cleared up, so I went out for a good run.  After a mile warm-up, I did 8x400m at race pace (9:33/mile).  It actually felt pretty good, unlike last week's 6x400m, which felt much harder.  It seems my current plan agrees with me.  I am already down 1.7 lbs, which is encouraging.  Only 0.8 lbs to lose to meet my goal for the month and 10 days to do it.  Very reasonable.

Closet tax is being paid, and I am happy to say my elbows are holding up well.  I was concerned that going to every day would be too stressful, but it seems to be okay so far.  Everyone please remind me not to add any time to my 5s for at least a month so I don't get too ambitious and hurt myself.

No sugar before noon today (in fact at 2:30 I have yet to have any).  It was reeeeeally tough to resist today, especially after that run and my body wanted a quick pick-me-up.  I have to say again I am surprised at how stressful it feels just to wait until noon, even knowing I am free to eat sugar the whole rest of the day.  Of course, I am trying to reduce the amount of sweets the second half of the day to semi-reasonable amounts, too.  Or at least not eat double to make up for the morning.  I mean, it isn't beyond my willpower to wait, but it isn't "no big deal", either.

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Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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I think you have found a way to win with the sugar thing, it is a very manageable way to get started. I like the idea of you taking your kids out with weapons for a walk in the woods.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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I think you have found a way to win with the sugar thing, it is a very manageable way to get started. I like the idea of you taking your kids out with weapons for a walk in the woods.

Yeah, kids don't really get walking just for exercise, so the weapons-play helped keep them focused and enthusiastic. I am tempted myself to bring a bow and join them. It's like an informal LARP session.

Well done on the closet tax

I keep forgetting my bar for days. I think I'll go do some reps now.

Only gazbazillion posts behind!

It's definitely helpful for making the pulls a regular exercise. I used to keep my pullup bar in the back of the coat closet, behind the vacuum and my parallette bars. It was such a pain to get out, I hardly ever used it.

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I tried a dietary experiment yesterday, but it didn't really work how I expected. I walked a fine line of eating plain oatmeal with half a banana and about 1/3 cup of blueberries. No added sugars, but still sweet. I wanted to see if it made the cravings better or worse. Interestingly, while the physical craving was virtually gone, the mental craving was still there. And when I ate sugar later to assuage the mental craving, I had no sense of relief, so I kept on eating, more so than previous days. I am not sure how to deal with this information. Eating fruit both helped and made it worse. Maybe I should experiment more with timing my fruit consumption and seeing if that helps.

Any who, I paid the closet tax, but made no other attempt at exercise yesterday. I did go for a rain run this morning, though. The funny thing about rain runs is that I am always reluctant to start one, but I invariably enjoy it once I get going. You would think my brain would have made the connection by now that rain = fun. So 3/3 on runs this week.

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Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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