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Joining the rebellion

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Hi, my name is Jaradel and I'm a sugar addict.

I've been battling my weight most of my adult life, and the closest I've ever come to being a healthy weight was in January 2003, when I weighed 157ish (I'm 5'6" and big boned - no, really) after a solid year of low-carb eating. Problem is, I never unlearned my bad habits, and would seek out low-carb substitutions for my favourite high-carb foods. Long story short, I backslid on the eating and gained 25 lbs back, then I got pregnant in the fall of '03 and gained 70ish pounds over 9 months. I managed to get back to the low 190s with lower carbs (100g or less per day) and exercise, and then I got pregnant again in the summer of '06 and put on another 70lbs. Even after delivery, I was still in the 230s, and the weight started going up, not down, until I reached an all-time non-pregnancy high of 245.8.

Finally in January of '08 I joined a Weight Watchers @ Work group, and over the next 10 months I lost 50 lbs, going from 245.8 to 195. Got lazy again, and the two-month gorgefest known as Halloween thru New Year's started and I fell off the wagon AGAIN. I kept trying to get back on the wagon, but I couldn't get my focus back on WW. In March of 2010 I started the Couch to 5K program, and ate a little better, and got back below 200 again, but not for long. A brutal hot summer curtailed my running, coupled with eating out way too much, and once again the pounds started creeping back on. (Oh, not that it needs saying, but I'm an emotional/stress/boredom/whatever eater, and I graze constantly on high-carb/high-sugar foods.) When the weather cooled I started running again (and I use the term "running" loosely; I'm a penguin in the tradition of John Bingham), but I wasn't eating well, so the running did virtually nothing to help me.

2011 was a lost year, weight-wise; I finally cancelled my WW membership and started tracking my food on MyFitnessPal (which has a nice smartphone app, very handy on the go), but I'd fall off the wagon and then I wouldn't want to track anymore, and you know how that goes. Still ran, still participated in 5K races (I've done 9 I think - losing count!), but the weight wouldn't budge and I felt run-down and exhausted all the time. I think I reached rock-bottom right around Christmas, when I realized that I was stuffing my face with candy and cookies every time I turned around, and I couldn't stop. It's like watching yourself drink and drink and drink and get completely smashed, and you can't stop yourself. I needed a change.

On New Year's Eve I started researching the concept of clean eating, and sort-of turned over a new leaf at the beginning of the year, but after a couple days of "being good" I started giving into temptations again. Last weekend (the 7th and 8th) was particularly bad, and I was starting to despair again. I was aimlessly searching the web for information, anything to help me get back on track, when I found NerdFitness. I read Steve's posts and read up on paleo/primal eating, and something clicked. I came up with a primal-plus-cheese menu for myself and was surprised when, for the first time in ages, I was actually under my calorie goal for the day. I've stuck with it for the past few days, and I've actually lost a few pounds this past week. I've been lurking here for a few days, reading articles and board posts, and finally decided to join the rebellion - for accountability, for encouragement, for like-minded people. I am still on MyFitnessPal, because I've been an overeater for so long that I need to track my food (and they have an extensive database of food, which saves me time), but I like the vibe here. Sorry for the novella, I'm just happy to be here!

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

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Welcome welcome! I think you're on a great track with the paleo/primal thing. If you have questions about it, there are a bunch of friendly people on the forums who would be happy to offer you quality opinions and ideas. Best of luck with sticking to it! Remember, every little bit counts. :)

We're glad you're here!

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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Welcome! I too am a recovering sugar addict. I found that making sure I ate enough fats helped the cravings. Not stopped it, but helped. Man, today if there had been something sweet in the house I would have aten it. But, there was nothing there. I did really good Oct through Dec. But ate more sugar then I intended over the holidays (moderation doesn't work so well for me yet) and now am dealing with sugar cravings again. Ugh. But, you can do it, it is possible.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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