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Week One 12/03/15-12/10/15

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I do NOT want to try the join the six week challenge right now, so I am going to do my own personal one week challenges until I can join y'all next time :)

I've tried to do to much or look at the bigger picture too soon before I'm ready, and I get overwhelmed. In my post, #RelationshipGoals, I wrote out my Ultimate Quest goals. This is for weekly elaboration and progression.

I just watched a TEDx Talk about video games and how we are making real life a game. Whether that is through making time to play FarmVille b/c your crops will go bad, or going consistently to your favorite coffee shop ten times so you can get that free cup of joe, it's all about building upon yourself. And so is this website!

I'm not ready to RP yet, but I think it's been fun to try it out for one of the six-week challenges! Until then, here is my week one goal sheet:



-improve positive thinking about myself

by writing one thing that I like about myself each day and saving it


-become able to hold a conversation in Russian

by going to a study group (for however often that meets the next week)


-build relationship with my extended family

by calling/Skyping them this weekend


-build my relationship with my best friends

by planning their holiday presents and texting them to taunt them about it MUHAAHA


-build my relationship with my friends at uni

by posting about when I'm on campus and where


-watch one new movie or two episodes of a TV show a week, and a foreign film every month

Watch one movie



-study one extra hour a week outside of that course and hw per class met (ie if I have a class that meets T/TH, I will do two extra hours of study)

Start my paper this week!!!



Strength train: three times a week via resistance

Endurance train: three times a week via distance running/biking min. 35 minutes

Being social: go to one group ex class!

Being accountable: post on this thread daily to say what I did do.



Pack snacks (min.) for every day.



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