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2016 Road Map


These are my big goals for the next year, there is a lot I want to accomplish so I reserve the right to alter them as life happens  :)

  1. Mental Health
    1. Live In the Moment- take things second by second day by day
    2. maintain good habits
      1. Meditation at least 5x per week, preferably daily
      2. Inspiration
      3. Gratitude
    3. Positive Self Talk
    4. falling in love with myself
  2. Physical Health
    1. Exercise
      1. Pilates 2x per week
      2. Lifting 2-3x per week
      3. walking- as active rest
      4. yoga?
    2. Eat your Freggies
    3. Sleep
    4. Water
  3. Creative Health:
    1. Writing
      1. write another book this year (Camp NaNo)
      2. finish second draft of 2014 Nano by april (Editing from Jan-March)
      3. finish third draft by june (March-May)
      4. finish 2015 Nano (May-June)
    2. Drawing
      1. 1 per challenge
    3. Music
      1. Write an EP
        1. 3-4 songs I like
      2. Become proficient at guitar, this means:
        1. able to play songs 
        2. change chords well
        3. know all the notes on the frets
  4. Return to School:
    1. Financial Aid for School
      1. tax returns (by april priority deadline)
      2. fafsa (by april priority deadline)
      3. CSS profile (by april priority deadline)
    2. Finalize return to Wes (May-June)
      1. email dean
      2. email advisor
      3. pick classes
  5. Learning:
    1. Read 20 new books this year
    2. Take 3 coursera courses to get used to studying and classes again
    3. Fluency in French?
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level 21 magic cat druid, doodlie for life

sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something

past challenges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Current

(old) Battle LogBattle Log

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So many awesome things on your list!  I love the writing and reading goals. Best of Luck!

Thank you so much! I'm going to beast these goals in 2016 :D

level 21 magic cat druid, doodlie for life

sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something

past challenges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Current

(old) Battle LogBattle Log

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