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Ali's 2016 level-up strategy

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So I have a really, REALLY long bucket list.  Obviously, I can't do everything in one year, or possibly one lifetime.  But I'm sure as hell gonna try!  I decided the best way to do this is to pick one task in each category, break it down into steps, and mark off when those steps are completed.


Category 1: Career

I hate my job.  I love being a pharmacist, but I despise retail.  It's all about sales, and not about taking care of patients.  I've done retail all through school and for 2.5 years after graduation.  I'm tired of it.

Step 1: Update resume - DONE

Step 2: Complete at least 2 applications per week, until interviews happen.


Category 2: Spirit

My goal this year is to read through the Bible.  I've done it before, so it can be done.  It's just been a while.  One of my Christmas presents from my brother was a chronological Bible, so I'm going to read through that.  I'm a fast reader, so I really don't need more than five minutes a day.


Category 3: Hobby

I used to love cross-stitch.  I'd love to get back into it.  I just need to pick smaller projects that I can complete quickly.

Step 1: Get a couple of nerdy cross-stitch patterns

Step 2: Complete an hour of work on days off.


Category 4: Skill

Before I got sick, I was a soloist on my church choir.  But I'd been slowly disassociating myself from choir over the past year (mostly because of my work schedule), and I'm starting to realize how much I miss it.  Another part of my desire to change jobs is to make it to practice more often.

Step 1: Go to choir practice whenever I don't have work

Step 2: Investigate voice lessons.

Step 3: Start taking voice lessons (if the budget and the job permit it).


I'll probably add to this later.

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Level 2 Mutant Druid

"No! Pillage, then burn! It's really hard to do it in reverse!"

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