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Why I want to get in shape
I've never felt happy in my own skin. I've always considered myself overweight or fat and hate even catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I want so badly to see my body and be happy with the way I look. "Awh, woe is me!" Right?! In all seriousness, I think creating this blog and treating it as my food diary and progression tracker will help me obtain my goal. 
I'm tired of waving at someone for a second and my arm waves for 3 seconds longer than my hand. I want to look good naked and I want to finally reach my goal weight that I've been on-again-off-again trying to reach since I was 16.

Way Back When - Never Again
Starting Weight in 2007: 218lbs
February 2010: 185lbs

Last Year
July 2013: 175.6lbs
October 2013: 153lbs

Starting Weight 2014: 179.4 (7/10/14)
Current Weight: 177.6 lbs (As of 7/28/14)
Goal Weight: 137-145 lbs
Waist: 35"
Hips: 43.5"
Bust: 41"


I'm remembering another motivator. 
I want to be okay with my boyfriend trying to pick me up. 
Correction: I want to be okay with my boyfriend picking me up.

This is it.
I'm doing it once and for all. 
137 I'm coming for you!


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Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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On the last day of July, it's the first day of my new work out for the next 6 weeks (and longer, but for sure 6 weeks)
The Beginners Body Weight Workout! 
Today also marks the 3rd complete week of working out at the local community college with my friend. We usually go for about an hour and complete a mile and a half of brisk walking around their track as well as stadium sets. 
There are 84 stairs and when you reach halfway up, they begin to get bigger. It's equally miserable and wonderful at the same time. When Megan and I showed up for our first day at the track there were people doing sets of 10 stairs. 3 weeks ago this seemed outrageous to me, on my first day I did 4 sets (jogging up 84 stairs x 4 reps) 336 stairs and I was beat. 
The second time we went I managed to do 5 sets, then I went alone one day and did 7 sets and I'm up to 8 as of this past Tuesday. 
The CC workout goes as follows:
  • Stretch for 8 minutes or so with Flamingos, touching toes bending at the waist, touching toes siting down, and a few others. 
  • Walk a half mile around the track at a brisk pace to get the blood moving and heart going a bit
  • Then I do 4 sets of stairs (or however many I can push myself to do in one go)
  • Walk a half mile around the track again to give our legs a break but keep our blood flowing
  • Return to stairs and do another 4 sets
  • Walk a quarter mile around the track at a brisk pace, again to keep the heart rate decent and blood flowing
  • Walk the last lap at a leisurely pace to cool down and complete the workout
The stair sets differ a little bit for Megan, but I encourage her to push herself to match what she did last workout or beat her last workout. 
Now, today is the 6th day of working out at the CC for me and I'm already noticing some changes. My legs are definitely getting stronger and I find that I face more motivation than pain when I'm working out. 
I took some measurements of my body, which I shared in my last post, and I will update those numbers in another 2 weeks to see if I've made any noticeable progress. 
Between my CC workouts and my BBWW by NF I should see some changes physically. 
But working out is only 20% of the challenge, right?! Diet makes up 80% (at least) And let's be honest, that's what I'm trying to do. 
I'll be posting my naughty daily eats as well, using this as a kind of motivator to not eat snacky or sugary foods. 
And now that it's public, I'm hoping I'll hold myself even more accountable than I have been already.
Lastly, today is the 28th day that I've been making Superfood Smoothies for Anthony, my boyfriend, and myself. Every morning (Should have been 29 but we went out for breakfast one morning because it had been a while) 
Anyway, I bought a Magic Bullet a few months back and we were using it pretty regularly, making random smoothies with kale and carrots and some sort of fruit and water, but for one reason or another (we got lazy and liked sleeping more than being healthy) we stopped.
Well, before my rude awakening at the gynecologist where I had to step on that scale, I had been researching smoothies and superfoods could be incorporated into them. 

I assume you know what superfoods are, but if you don't -> Here
So, after I did a lot of research I found this book by Julie Morris and let me tell you, it's been amazing. It was a little pricey to start off, but it's been well worth it. (I'll share some of my favorite recipes later.)

So, I bought the book and a blender and we got to drinking. It took about 3 weeks to feel any noticeable difference in our energy levels, but since that 3 week mark every day has been like drinking crack in the morning... but healthy and nutritious crack(?) Anyhow, I've also made a few changes in our kitchen as far as white rice vs brown and steamed veggies vs canned and white bread vs wheat. They've all been for the better and I've even got around to trying out new (to me) weird foods like quinoa! 
I also log my foods on My Fitness Pal - if you have an account, let's be friends! @amander110 
Well, here's to trying new things!
Good luck to me!
Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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I mentioned that I was working out at the local CC and doing sets of stadiums, right?
Well I took a picture of the Goliath that, I, Amanda, have to conquer every Tuesday and Thursday so you could see what I'm up against...
Have a look:

Talk about a great view though, right?!

84 stairs up, 84 down. And remember when I said I couldn't imagine doing 10 sets? Well, guess who did ten sets of them yesterday?! THIS GIRL.
I feel so incredibly accomplished that I was able to do 10 sets of those bad boys. I seriously faced so much motivation yesterday, it was really refreshing. I can't wait to see my reflection (naked) and smile.
One day at a time!
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Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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How have the stairs been miss lady? Last I heard you reached 10 sets! Have you passed that milestone since??

I'll let you know, were going again today. We went to a different location last time 

"Thousand steps beach"

haha it was fun, but it's harder to keep track there. 


Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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Well it looks like you are having fun and losing weight, awesome! Keep posting strong and keep fighting the battle!


You go girl!

Looks like you have been doing really well. Impressed with your stair mastery!

Thanks guys!!

It's really exciting to see actual progress! I did another 10 sets yesterday (without walking the track) and that was definitely gnarly. Walking the track in between sets of 5 makes a huge difference as far as soreness goes. I feel like I worked out my legs a helluva lot better just doing the 10 straight through. 

We made it to the track again today and did some jogging and walking. 

I plan to up my CC workouts to 3 times a week. Stairs for 2 of those days and then throw in a running day on the track. 

I'm really looking forward to making progress. 

I also need to get in the habit of signing into NF everyday.

Again, thanks for the support!! I'll keep you guys posted on how progression goes! :D


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Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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I'm really bad at logging my daily activity. 
First, the step counter I have is wacky and it likes to stop for no reason at random times throughout the day. I think I might actually have to invest in a real pedometer. I don't wanna buy a fitbit though because it's not compatible with my phone and I feel like that's a big deal. 

Maybe I should just suck it up and pay for one of the millions of step tracking apps on my phone. 

Gah. Stupid Apple and all your updates and new phones. Soon I'm not even going to be able to use my iphone4 - not S- because of all these bs updates they have going. 


I still have yet to successfully incorporate the BBWW into my weekly workouts- How terrible is that?

I also didn't work out at all last week. I missed Tuesday because I had to go to a training session for my potential massage position with a new (fingers crossed) potential boss, and then I missed Thursday because of some other bs reason. 

I did work out 3x this week in hopes of getting back my motivation and remembering that I'm not happy with the body I have right now. 

I'm doing a lot of wallowing lately. I've noticed I'm really moody and overemotional and it's seriously driving me up a f*cking wall. I hate it with such a passion. I swear it's my birth control messing with my hormones, but I'd rather be overemotional than preggo. No babies for me thanks!
To add to it, my skin has decided to be an asshole and pretend it belongs to a greasy high school kid who showers in Vaseline. I've been breaking out so bad and I got one of those under the skin pimples that you can't not mess with and totally fucked up my face. It's so disturbing and I hate everything about mirrors and reflections as of late. I literally bruised my chin from trying to extract this thing and then it was so raw that when I washed my face all my surrounding skin came off with the dirt. I seriously hate myself for ever touching it and I swear I won't ever again. I don't even like looking at my boyfriend...
It's given me more motivation to be out of the house though and usually when I'm out of the house it's because I'm working out. 
So there's a plus, I suppose. 

As I stated in the comment above

My CC workouts have been good. I did 10 sets of those gnarly stairs again yesterday and on Tuesday we went to "thousand steps beach" and walked 3 miles and did some stairs there. Today we went back and did the track. Ran about 3/4 of a mile and probably did a total distance of 1.5 miles today. 
I think I need to start going to the CC alone or doing runs on my own so I'm not holding back. I go with a friend and she's not the athletic type so I often slow my roll for her, because I'd feel bad "ditching" her on the track. I'm usually her motivator too, so if I'm not there to kind of egg her on, then she'd quit long before she was actually feeling a burn. 
I can tell she's pushing herself, which is great, but I'm not pushing myself as much as I could be if I were alone. 
It's something to think about I suppose.

I need to make sure I actually accomplish shit this time. 
Last I stepped on a scale I was 170. Down 9 pounds from when I started. 
I refuse to update that number though, because the scale I used was kind of wonky and my mom's had it for years so I don't know how much it can be trusted. 
I shall wait to update until my next Dr. visit. At least then I'll get a really accurate read on the same scale I started with. 

In the meantime, 
I shall continue working out. And by the next time I log I hope to inform you that I have completed running/jogging a mile without stopping. 

I can totally do that. 

Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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Woo! Sounds like you're doing well keeping it up!

Maybe you should try a workout on your own so you can really push yourself and make it count. :)

Ps I totally understand BC making you cray. It happens and if it's a new pill it could be what's causing your skin to break out too. Have you heard of tea tree oil? It works miracles on those nasty zits buuuut maybe you should let that open wound heal before applying anything. ;p

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STR 6 | DEX 2 | STA 5 | CON 4 | WIS 6.5 | CHA 1

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Woo! Sounds like you're doing well keeping it up!

Maybe you should try a workout on your own so you can really push yourself and make it count. :)

Ps I totally understand BC making you cray. It happens and if it's a new pill it could be what's causing your skin to break out too. Have you heard of tea tree oil? It works miracles on those nasty zits buuuut maybe you should let that open wound heal before applying anything. ;p


Mega she-ra has some awesome advice. Let it heal.

Ugggggh I knowwwwwwwww. 

It's just so... THERE! haha I got a bunch of antibiotic ointments and new bandages specifically for scrapes and burns and they have some miracle ingredients that help heal wounds faster. I wore it all day yesterday and slept with it on and my wound looks so much better. It kind of messed it up a little by removing the scab that had kind of grown over, but it dried out the surrounding area so it's not super raw and ready to fall off my face. (ew)

I really can't believe I'm updating you guys on this... it's really gross and I'm sorry I don't have anything more interesting to report to you. hahah

Also, as far as the BC goes, I'm sure that's playing a roll. I have limited options for birth control because of my migraines. Apparently if you have migraines with aura you're not allowed to take any BC with estrogen because it increases your chances of blood clots and heart attack. So I'm on a progesterone only pill and it's definitely fucking with me.

I have definitely heard of Tea Tree Oil and that will be my new best friend once this shit heals. lol I vow to never mess with a undertheskin bastard again!


On Tuesday before our CC workout I'm going to do the BBWW and maybe start the 30 day squat challenge. 

I need my butt to look better and my arm to stop waving when my hand does. 

And my belly to be less big. hahah

I'm trying to figure out a good day to work out by myself. I'm already working out on Tu/Th/Fri

Mondays are hard because I work from 9-2:30 and then I do massages for 2 clients at their house from 3-5 or 4-6 and I usually pick up my bf and we cook dinner right when we get home. 

Wednesdays I work from 3-8 so I guess I could work out before, but I'm afraid I might wear myself out and "bite off more than I can chew" by working out 4 days in a row. 

Saturday is my only day off with my bf and we usually do most of our errands and shit... I guess I could ditch him for like an hour to run, it's at his benefit too, right? (eventually it will be anyway) haha

But then that's another 3 days in a row... maybe since it's a different exercise I won't feel so sore and worn out? OH AMANDA, SUCK IT UP. 

And Sunday is soon to be football day... and let's be honest. Ain't nobody got time to workout on Football Sundays!



3 days with Megan, 1 day alone. 

I got thisss. 

(...oh god)


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Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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Updates on body measurements!

Waist: 34" (-1") YAY! baby steps, right?

Hips: 43.5" (-0") but my bum is looking better! (woo!)

Bust: 40" (-1"...I'm totally okay with losing SOME boobage)

I'll update these again in 2 weeks.

Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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Danggg gurl! Good job on your plan making. Working out 4 days outta the week is definitely more than I've been doing, so I'll have to keep up. What's this 30 day squat challenge you speak of…?



Should I buy a scale?


I'm gonna lean towards no, but honestly… buying/not buying both have their benefits. On one hand, you could pick someone else's scale (the CC's if they have, your mom's, or heck – mine) and just weigh in whenever you're there/in town. As long as you keep to one scale, your weigh-ins will be consistent. Plus, more time will pass between each weigh-in so it'll feel super good when you jump down 5 lbs at a time or whatever.


With a scale in the house I weigh in about once a week. The progress feels slow (since it goes down ~0.4-1 lbs/wk) but I also like seeing the steady progress. Motivates me to stick with my program and feels like this weight will actually stay off since I haven't experienced those nasty fluctuations. But if/when I do, those might bring me down soo…


But if you do buy, don't get those expensive ones that claim to measure your body fat %. It's a total lie and they're completely inaccurate, so don't waste your moolah.

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Yeahhh. Okay. So I won't buy one (yet)
I plan on sneaking into my drs office and using the scale that's in this little cubby area. Since it's the first scale I used when I started this I figure it's gotta be most accurate with it's reporting. Plus, it's a drs office. Those have to be reliable haha

I would probably obsess over weighing myself
When I was losing weight in October last year, I did my best to avoid using the scale more than once a week. I did okay. But I also had a lot more patience then, than I do now. I could totally see myself checking or wanting to check every day.


Oh Amura, I'll post the squat challenge for you. Maybe you, Hannah and I can do it and get nice asses ;)

Er, you guys are welcome to join, but I'm definitely doing it. :))

Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


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Goal: Lose 45lbs

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Here's the squat challenge plus a few others. 
All of them are 30 days. 
All of them to be added to your daily routine. 
It's supplemental, of course. Doing only these workouts and no others you won't see as good results. 
I'm starting today. 
Going with the 30 day Ab & Squat. 
Then Squat. 
Then Little Black Dress. 
And finally Planks. 

Join me?

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Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


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Goal: Lose 45lbs

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HA! Before I saw this post, I thought to meself, "Hey Self, You should do this with Amanda cause ya bootie could be more poppin'." Then I saw where the squat challenge STARTS. 50?! Oh good lawd. I guuuuuesss I can do the ab & squat challenge with you. I need to work on being more consistent with my workouts. Damn unexpected social plans! Anyways… if you're gonna put me through this, I'm going to keep you accountable chica. Expect The Pain.

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Dude, I'm on it. 
This picture is saved as my desktop background.
It might be my phones background soon too. 
I even told Tony and he always asks about how my workouts were. 

Let's do it!

Ab & Squat Challenge! WOOH!

Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


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Goal: Lose 45lbs

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So today's workout:

I went alone because of two reasons A) my boyfriend wanted to game after work, but he never eats dinner when he games so we decided we'd cook dinner and then he'd go. This required me to be home by 6 so I could help cook dinner and eat before 7. Meaning my usual workout time with Megan couldn't happen.
& B) I wanted to see what I could do when I pushed myself alone. 

I went to the CC at about 3:45 and started out with some stretching to get my muscles all warmed up! We all know how important that is!
Then I started on my goal of running a mile without stopping. 
I WAS SO FREAKIN CLOSE, MAN. I TOTALLY HAD IT. But I caved the last lap and walked for a total of MAYBE 20 seconds. 
Next time it will be a mile non-stop.

After my mile I did a set of stairs and when I got to the top I did some more stretching and other workouts

All in all this is what today looked like:
(I also started the Ab&Squat Challenge today)

1 Mile Jogging (Almost nonstop) ~ 12mins
5 x sets of stairs
10 x squats*
10 x sit ups*
20 x crunches* 

10 x burpees
10 x wall push ups

Then closed out with some more stretching. 

Then I got home and did dinner and watched some Arrow with the bf. 
When I checked the list for today's challenge I realized I needed to do 15 more squats. 
So I just did those. 

WOOH! COMPLETE. Good workout. 

5 If I count from 180-> 175
But I technically started at 179.6 or something. So... IM DOWN 4 POUNDS. (I know this cause I snuck into the Dr's office today. HeeHee)

* Ab & Squat challenge

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Adventurer | Level 2

"The time has come to test thy courage..." - Great Deku Tree - OoT 


Challenge | Battle Log 

Goal: Lose 45lbs

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