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  • Most Recent Posts

    • Nothing like a Boss Battle event to motivate you!  
    • Although groups like this often tend toward "faster! better! stronger!" it's still good to sometimes say "cool, I'm going to take a break and just be where I am for a bit." It also sounds like you're recovering from illness, and need to spend some time resting and leveling up your life in other ways.   Enjoy all the creativity flowing through you at the moment! 
    • Fistula Homeopathic Treatment offers a natural and non-invasive approach to treating fistulas. By addressing the underlying causes and stimulating the body's innate healing abilities, homeopathy aims to provide relief and promote healing without the need for surgery. Below, we discuss some of the most effective homeopathic remedies for fistula treatment. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that utilizes highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Founded by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, homeopathy operates on the principle of "like cures like," meaning that substances that produce symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic treatments are tailored to the individual, taking into account their unique symptoms and overall health. A fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway between two organs or vessels that do not usually connect. It can occur in various parts of the body, including the digestive tract, the urinary system, and even between the skin and an internal organ. Fistulas can be a result of surgery, injury, infection, or inflammation. While conventional treatments often involve surgery, many individuals seek alternative methods, such as fistula homeopathic treatment, for a less invasive approach.
    • The feeling is mutual. 🥰   Anyway, titsworth was able to move my challenge thread from one challenge to the next when I jumped the gun and posted without confirming the spread of dates. 😉
    • This challenge will encompass so many different situations, I feel like it's hard to make one set of goals that'll make sense for the whole thing! The first week is 100% still summer vacation - yay! The second week is partly back at work - I work Monday through Wednesday only, and it's very nearly 100% classroom time. The third week is a step further yet - I work Tuesday through Friday, with a huge majority of that being pointless meetings 🙄 The fourth week is another step forward - Monday and Tuesday are a mix of meetings and classroom time, then student return full-time starting that Wednesday. The final week is full blown school year - 5 days of full-time teaching! Also somewhere in there I need to figure out what's going on with my grad classes, as I need to take another class this fall semester but honestly haven't even looked at their calendar or course offerings yet. But that'll probably start somewhere in there too.  Family-wise, my husband doesn't work at all until Monday of that 3rd week, but my son doesn't go back to his school until Tuesday of the 4th week, so we'll need to figure out how that'll work. There's a good chance I'm going to be begging my principal to let him hang out in my classroom with his books and some coloring supplies for a few of those meetings. Baby Girl's daycare opens back up on that 3rd week Tuesday, since it's part of the district I teach in, but I am concerned because her separation anxiety, while entirely developmentally appropriate, is getting worse. (It is not open yet for that second challenge week, as not all teachers go back that week, but my husband will be home, so the only thing I need to worry about is getting enough pumped milk in the fridge for her for those 3 days)   So here are my main ideas for this challenge, though it will almost certainly change as we go! Quest 1: Stamina/Movement Last challenge was my most successful one for this in a long while, even if I did fall a tiny bit short still in the end! So let's repeat that exactly and maybe this time I'll make it? So the rules are simple: 1 point per mile walked, 2 points per mile run, with a goal of 10 points or more by the end of the challenge. I can count in 0.1 mile increments and try my best not to round too much, but basic math rules apply (aka 1.31 miles would be 1.3 but 1.38 miles would count as 1.4)   Quest 2: Nutrition and Water This is a bit of a mixed bag. At least during spring semester, I did way better at getting enough water but way worse at getting nutritious meals in my belly. The school routine tends to break me that way (bells and the need to cling to a mug like an adult safety blanket make drinking water easier, but being super tired and only getting a 20 minute lunch break pushes me to a lot of super processed convenience foods). So I'm going back to my 96 ounces of water a day goal but going to start my food goal once I go back to work with at least 2/3 days of healthy lunches packed the night before. Probably a lot of dinner leftovers, depending on what we ate, or maybe I'll try the Greek yogurt + add-in thing again. Sandwiches could even be a decent "I have no other ideas and want to go to bed" option - it's still healthier than microwave mac and cheese, which is my most common last resort! Quest 3: Personal Goals My weird catch-all category this time around, with goals that can possibly be best summed up as "you have a lot of cool stuff on your plate to work on but please don't forget you're an actual human being at the same time". I can make this about a trillion goals long but here's where I'm going to start (broken down into 3 categories): I fell pretty short on my Japanese goals last challenge and also realized it was really hard to track that way, so this time I'm just going to set an end goal: "chapters" 10 and 11 on my Busuu app! That's 20 lessons from where I am right now. I also still want to take on El misterio del águila chapter 1 though I may do so without the intensive reading notes at first and go back through for those later to save myself the immediate headache.  Immediate work goals, outside of curriculum and school year prep, would include 9 extensive reading quizzes to finish off the Magic Treehouse book I started writing quizzes for back at the beginning of the last challenge, oops, and also finishing and presenting my Seal of Biliteracy proposal to my principal so we can get that underway already!   I also want to sew Baby Girl's dress and I started a kinda tailoring-dish project of my own - I have this really nice, gray, faux-wrap skirt that is simply too small in the waist unless I'm severely underweight, so I started taking it apart to widen the waist. Of course, it's not that simple...as a faux wrap, they cut out a good chunk of the gray that would have gone underneath, so I need to worry about opening up an accidental hole in the side/hem where that cut bit could be exposed. Of course it's fully lined, and the seams in the lining and the outer skirt don't match up at all, so that's fun. There's a pocket sewn directly into the best outer seam to open which I'd rather not lose, so that's a mess. Oh and of course I don't own any matching gray fabric, so I get to tackle the challenge of adding width without having the actual fabric to do so (current thought: patterned stripe from the heaviest quilting cotton I can find?) 
    • 2024 - Year of Progression Word of the Year: Consistency  Sleep: 10 Hrs Weight: 247.0 lbs Water: 3/4   Meals:  10:00am - Coffee, Oatmeal, egg white omelette  1:30pm - Protein Shake 3:00pm - Coffee, banana, Low Fat PB 6:00pm - Popcorn 8:00pm - Diet Soda, Soup, Chicken Cesar   Fitness: 1 Hour- No Gi Jujitsu 3 Miles - Treadmill   Language: 0 Portuguese Lesson 0 Spanish Lesson 0 Japanese Lesson   Reading: 0 min   Meditation: 5 Min   Notes: Another day down.   Training Notes: 2 Positives -  - Pulled some nice reversals against some upper belts.  - Landed a few submissions I have been working on. 1 Negative -  - Was absolutely gassed after 4 x 4 minute rounds. Need to attend more classes and do more conditioning.
    • 😉 Love you, Maerad. 😉😉😉
    • We are still here loving you even if you're away. 💜
    • The wildflowers are lovely. I hope your recharging goes well
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