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Harbard's Log

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Current stats are 5'10" at 192 lbs.  I lost 4 lbs within the first two weeks (probably mostly water weight), and have stabilized at 192 for the last 4 weeks.


I ran StrongLifts 5x5 for about 5 weeks before joining NF, then decided to switch to a routine inspired by Starting Strength.  I say "inspired" because Rippetoe makes it clear if you deviate at all from his prescription, then "you're not doing the program."  Because of my age and time constraints with job, kids, wife, blah blah, I'm actually only training twice a week.  From what I've been reading, I can expect about 80% of the results I would see with a 3 day split, and I'm fine with that.  I'm only interested in competing with myself for now.  Because of the decreased volume, I'm adding one accessory exercise per workout.


Lifting Program (each workout once a week):


Workout A


Squats 3x5

Bench Press 3x5

Deadlift 1x5

Chinups 3 x failure (start adding weight at 3x10)


Workout B


Squats 3x5

Overhead Press 3x5

Deadlift 1x5

Dips 3 x failure  (start adding weight at 3x10)


Eventually, I'll alternate between Deadlifts and  5x3 Power Cleans if I convince myself I can safely perform Power Cleans in my garage.  Will probably need to get some advice in the forums on that subject.


Starting weights:

Squat: 175 (+10 linear progression to start)

Bench press: 165 (+10 lpts)

Deadlft: 195 (+15 lpts)

Overhead Press: 105 (+10 lpts)

Chinups: 6,6,4

Dips: 10,10,10


Chinups and Dips are both body weight only now.  When I feel absolutely solid on the 3x10 scheme for each, I'll start adding weight on the belt.  These are usually tough because I save them for the end.  I'll probably have to start decreasing the linear progression pretty quickly, but I wanted to take advantage of the early novice effect while I still can.


I've got one week of that under my belt, so I'll log that retroactively.


A quick note on diet.  I haven't gone Paleo, and don't really intend to.  I eat mostly lean meats, eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables anyway, but I still enjoy plenty of dairy and whole grains as well.  I have no dietary issues with lactose or gluten, so I see no reason to deprive myself as long as I go organic, whole grain, and unprocessed as much as possible (i.e. oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat pita bread, etc.)  I eat 4-5 quality meals on Monday - Friday lunch (i.e. my main training and recovery period) and eat fewer, less healthy meals on Friday dinner - Sunday.  This allows me to make progress without driving my family crazy :)

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3/31/2015 - 8:00 pm  190.5 lbs body weight.

  • Squats 3x5 at 195
  • Bench Press 3x5 at 175
  • Deadlift 1x5 at 225
  • Chinups 6,6,3

As Deadlifts go up, chin-ups tire out faster.  May need to increase rest time.  Also, I think I'll need to incorporate straps or the mixed grip within the next 1-2 weeks.  My last set of DL's has my grip getting a little sloppy.  I want to focus on form for that working set, and strengthen my grip with the warm ups sets and chin-ups.  

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4/2/2015 - 8:30 pm (lbs)

Squats 3x5 at 205

OHP 3x5 at 115

Deadlifts 1x5 at 240

Dips 10,10,10 at 2.5

Squats and dips felt great. OHP got a little tough, but I increased the rest before the last set and it felt much better. I think I'm going to up the rest period going forward. Deadlifts were ok, but I had to use mixed grip on the working set. Felt a little upper back rounding, which probably means I need to keep my lats more engaged.

Overall, I think some standard creatine supplementation would help. Will be adding that soon.

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4/6/2015 - 8:30 pm 190 lbs body weight

Squats 3x5 at 215

Bench Press 3x5 at 185

Deadlift 1x5 at 255

Chin-ups 6,6,3

The bar was moving really easy tonight. I slightly increased both my calories and rest times today, and felt a difference. I also have some Creatine coming tomorrow, and will begin standard supplementation (no loading phase) tomorrow night. As usual though, I was gassed out by the last set of chin-ups. I think putting these at the end of a "big three" workout is too demanding.

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4/8/2015 - 8:15 pm

Squats 3x5 at 225

OHP 3x5 at 125

Deadlifts 1x5 at 270

Dips 10,10,10 at 5

Everything felt great except OHP. Missed my last set. I started creatine yesterday and had enough calories and rest, so the weight was just too much for me right now. Going to reset OHP back to 115 and decrease the progression to 5 instead of 10. Going in to my first challenge, I'll be looking to hit +20 lbs in 6 weeks. This would put me at 135, which should be doable in that time frame.

I can already see that OHP and chin-ups are going to be weaknesses. Not abig deal, since those aren't competition lifts anyway.

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4/16/2015 at 8:30 pm

Squats 3x5 at 245

OHP 3x5 at 115

Deadlifts 1x5 at 300

Dips 10,10,10 with 7.5 lbs on belt

Lifts felt good, but I'm really having to focus more. I'm also putting on a belt for my working squat and DL sets. I guess that's to be expected after 10 weeks of linear progression. May need a deload after this challenge.

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4/30/2015 at 8 pm

Squats 3x5 at 260

Bench Press 3x5 at 200

Chin ups 7,7,5

Squats and Bench felt really strong. I decided to completely drop the fourth exercise in Workout B, to aid in fatigue management for the last 3 weeks of the challenge. After this challenge, I will be incorporating dumbbell rows instead of power cleans or Pendlay rows. Those have always been great mass/strength builders for me, and are way more schedule and back friendly.

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5/14/15 at 8:00 pm

Power goes out so I opened my garage door and lifted to the sounds of rain and thunder.

Bench 3x5 at 210

Deadlift 3x5 at 332.5

OHP 3x5 at 135

PRs on both Deads and OHP. I switched to Sumo, and I'm never looking back. With conventional, my lower back feels fragile. With Sumo, it feels like a piston. Thor would be proud.

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