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Found 5 results

  1. I'm so excited about everyone's challenges and the energy they're bringing to the forums. I've been through almost a year here making small steps of progress toward better health and mobility. Long rambling tangents of where I'm coming from: And I have three goals to track! 1. Write 1667 words every day (starts April 1) 2. Do a mobility exercise every day (bonus points for biking and/or DDR) 3. Eat a fruit, a veggie, and a portion of mixed nuts every day (bonus points for ones that I don't already eat on regular basis) Gotta go get ready for work! Thanks for being here! Sincerely, Maerad
  2. Hi. Going to give myself some challenges to do because I'm getting restless waiting for the next 6 week challenge but its too far gone and I don't want to start so late. So I'm going to do my own '10 day challenge'. I'll give myself a few of the attribute points for it but I won't level up and it won't be much. I'm just itching to get started. So yeah here are mine. This will last 10 days until the next challenge. Quest 1: Drink roughly x3 500 ml bottles of water a day A. Successfully managed on 9-10 days (+2 con) B. Successfully managed on 7-8 days (+1 con) C. Successfully managed on 6 days (+0 con - I know, but this is just a mini one) Quest 2: To do any kind of workout 10 days (+1 str, +1 dex, +1 sta) - but I might alter them afterwards depending on what I did A. Worked out 9-10 days (+3) B. Worked out 8 days (+2) C. Worked out 7 days (+1) Day 1 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 2 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 3 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 4 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 5 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 6 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 7 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 8 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 9 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x] Day 10 Drinking Water [x] Worked out [x]
  3. I just finished reading "Convict Conditioning" and want to start training according to it. Alas, the "Self Coaching" chapter wasn't as detailed as I had hoped. So I'm still not sure how to start the program. First of all, Paul Wade recommends warming up by doing a 2-4 sets (depending on the individual) of easier variations before proceeding to the working sets. But how do I warm up when I'm at step one with an excercise? Then, how do I determine the rep counts of my working sets? Here's how I understood the program. Let's use push ups as an example. From what I've read, I'd probably do one set of wall push ups for as many reps as I can do with perfect form or until I meet the rep count for the the intermediate standard (whichever comes first), then pause and continue with a second set given that I met the intermediate standard's rep count on the first set. Then, after meeting the intermediate standard on my second set, I'd add a third set and add reps to each set until I meet the progression standard. I'm supposed to do this using the "New Blood" program until I'm at stage 6 of all 4 excercises. Then I proceed to "Good Behaviour" and include the other two excercises. At this point, I'll probably be experienced enough to decide when to try the "Veterano", "Solitary Confinement" or "Supermax" workout. Is that about right?
  4. Hey guys I'm trying to build up a routine, but importantly I need a good warmup and something to work on my ankle and hip mobility/strength. I follow the progressions from El Diablo's website, it's definitely been working. Previous routine: Dynamic Stretching Deadlift - 3x6 Squat - 3x4-8 Pullups - 3x4-8 Handstand Pushups - 3x4-8 (Basically begins with pike upshups) Leg Raises - 3x4-8 Pushup/Dips - 3x4-8 Rows - 3x4-8 Planks - 2sets (Cardio - though I did it rarely) Static Stretching Here's what I was thinking of doing now ~ Warmup: Dynamic Stretching Standing on one leg Balance - 3sets each leg Bodyweight Romanian Deadlift - 10reps Handstand against the wall - 2 sets Back Bridge - 2 sets Lunges - 2 sets of 5 reps - front and back (I've also thought of doing Agile 8) Workout A (Wed/Fri) Deadlift - 3x5 Pullups - 5x3-5 (Could not get past 5 reps of pullups, so I'm increasing the volume first) Rows - 3x8-12 Planks - 2 sets Workout B (Thu/Sun) Squat - 3x8-12 Handstand Pushup - 3x8-12 (Pike Pushup) Pushup/Dips - 3x8-12 / 5x4-6 (Due to never completing 3x8 of Dips, decided to increase the volume) Leg Raises - 3x8-12 Cardio Monday - Football 90mins full pitch Wed/Fri/Sun - C25K on treadmill Thu - Steady state cardio on Ellipticals or Rowing Machine. What are your thoughts on this?
  5. I've noticed lately that my hammies and quads feel a little wonky after doing any sort of hard sprinting (specifically during my softball games). It's like some sort of pain, but it's not a pull or anything since it goes away as I get more and more warm. I'm thinking I might not be warming up enough. Does anyone have any good warmup routines for doing sprints? I found this one, and might give it a shot:
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