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  1. It's been a long time since my last challenge and even longer since my last successful challenge. This is my third try at level 5, and I'm determined to finally master this level. My Stealthy Ninja buddies and I are cheering each other on. Because life is crazy, I'll mostly be posting on Facebook, although I'll check in here weekly. I'll also be doing most of my tracking through Todoist which is a to do list app, and has been a lifesaver for me over the last couple of months as I've started using it every day to keep track of my life. Main Quest I'm ready to start pushing limits: running more, running faster, lifting heavier weights, building a stronger, healthier self. I want strong, solid habits that will carry me through tough times.. This is longer term than just a few months. I want to lose weight and get stronger. It will probably take at least a year or two, with regular plateaus built in, for me to lose enough weight to weigh 150 pounds (or less,) which is the upper end of the suggested weight range for my height. I'll judge more by how I look and feel than by the number on the scale. This isn't just about getting SKINNY, though; I want to be able to do more, live longer, and look better. One of my big intermediate goals is to to run (jog, NOT walk) a Warrior Dash. I'm working up to that with daily cardio exercise and monthly 5k races, some of them trail races. My short term goal is to run the Warrior Dash in May 2015. Motivation I don't want my fitness level and size to limit what I do anymore. Current Missions Fuel myself properly and earn CON+2 by Eating ONLY when I'm hungry (1 pt per day) Eating ONLY real food--minimally processed meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, and minimal dairy (1 pt per day) Drinking plenty of water (1 pt per day) Eating ONLY between 9 am and 8 pm (1 pt per day) Exercise every day, with a Zombies Run 5k workout twice a week to earn STA+3. I'm starting with walking 1.8 miles on other days, but may mix it up later with some strength training. Improve my health, get stronger, faster, reduce stress, live longer and earn CON+1 by sleeping 7-8 hours every night. Life Quest Calm and focus my mind, reduce stress, live longer and earn WIS+2 and CHA+2 by meditating for 15 minutes every day (1 pt per day, 1/2 pt for any meditation time) Bonus Quest Build strong habits by succeeding in ALL the quests for this challenge. Scoring: CON+1 for All B's or higher on all challenge goals CON+2 for All A's on all challenge goals STR+1 STA+1Grading A (100%) 34-42 days 25-30 workouts B (75%) 25-33 days 19-24 workouts C (50%) 16-24 days 13-18 workouts D (25%) 7-15 days 7-12 workouts F (0%) 0 - 6 days 0 - 6 workouts
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