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Found 4 results

  1. Almost 50 yrs old and returning to fitness with some fear of injury (suffered a fracture two years ago and a sprain last year). Would love to find someone with some fitness knowledge who wouldn't mind me tagging along. I'd like to get back into weight lifting I think, maybe some Parkour. Always down for a spin on the dance floor (80's R&B, Hip Hop, House, Dub-Step). If you're of a certain age and looking to level up, let's do this!
  2. So, who is going to Dragon Con this year? It would be really awesome to get a bunch of Rebels together to grab a light breakfast and go for a run or workout one day before the festivities are in full swing!
  3. Kicking off my 2016 trifecta with a little run through some Georgia red clay. Can't wait for March!
  4. I am Jaex, an unremarkable project attorney. Or I was until one cold day... I was out walking, sipping on a bottle of Coca-Cola, when out of nowhere came a great blizzard. I tried to find my way to safety but like most Atlantans was unable to do anything against the might of the winter storm. I was crushed under the overwhelming inch and a half of snow! It seemed all hope was lost until out of my Coca-Cola bottle materialized the Spirit of Atlanta. Appearing to me as a phoenix, it wrapped its wings around me and I felt the warmth as the Spirit of Atlanta fused with my body and soul. It imbued me with new life and purpose and I was granted great new powers. I had the eyes of Hawk, flight like a Falcon, magical tomahawk of a Brave, and the popularity of a Thrasher. And like the City of Atlanta that arose from ashes of the Yankee torching in 1864, I too arose from the snow as Captain Atlanta, protector of my city (and surrounding municipalities). The city is under attack! The twins Otto and Lotta Von Bier-Belä, better known as Glutton and The Sloth scheme to make the people of Atlanta fat and lazy. Only I can stop them, but I must be cautious and these are dangerous foes and I might fall at the hands of their schemes! Main Quest: Defeat the Von Bier-Belä family Mission 1: Defeat The Sloth's army of La-Z-Boys (+1 STR, +2 DEX, +1 STA) The Sloth and his army of La-Z-Boys aim to prevent the people from being active. To combat this I must do some sort of exercise four days each week. Mission 2: Stop Glutton's Gadgets and Gizmos of Gross Growth (+1 CON, +1 CHA) These months are full of delicious American treats. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, snickerdoodles, etc. But everything should be taken in moderation. Glutton's Gadgets and Gizmos of Gross Growth control people and force them to uncontrollably eat unhealthy foods with no attention paid to portion control or moderation. To weaken the power of the Gadgets and Gizmos of Gross Growth I will every other day abstain from eating unhealthy snacks and desserts abstain from eating unhealthy snacks and desserts 21 of the 42 days of the challenge (edited mission). Mission 3: With great responsibility, one needs great power (+2 STR) To be Captain Atlanta I must be strong. Who knows when I'll be called on to push a bus full of students out of lake or lift a bloody log. Outside of my regular Kung Fu training, I will once a week do some form of strength training. Life Quest: Keep my secret base, Underground Atlanta, clean (+1 WIS, +1 CHA) A clean and pure base is necessary to thwart evil-doers plans! You don't see other superhero bases littered with used napkins, dirty dishes, and unfolded clothes and I aim to do the same. Five nights a week, before I go to sleep, I will pick up around my base.
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