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    • 1. Take girls to park to blow off steam 2. Go see venom 3. Make next meal plan meal    I'm not really doing great at the active one but my lower back keeps tightening if I'm walking for too long. Usually it would go away working up to more walks but it doesn't seem to be this time. My one foot is also feeling a bit heel pain-ish. So I guess stretching would help   I measured myself and I'm pretty close to the biggest size in that gown. I think my hips and waist might need to lose 2-3  inches. My goal is to lose more but I'm thinking I can't really be picky at this point.   
    • I'm obsessed   I'm pretty sure the first and probably only time I've heard that term is during a D&D podcast 😂 I really hope it lives up to expectations if I go try it on. 
    • Ooooh this sounds like the kind of production I would love! I could see it being stressful for kids… that right there sounds like Return to Oz levels of potential art trauma, haha. 
    • Love  seeing all your paintings! SnarkyFishGuts makes a good point and I wouldn’t fault you for avoiding IG for that reason, but if you do sign up I hope you’ll share your ID here so a person can follow you.     Keep the argold flowing!
    • Week 1 Roundup!   Main goals Seek and defeat evil: 🌟 Fought a goblin that had tried to make its home in a hunting cabin, then ranged out from the cabin to patrol the hinterlands.  Regain spells:  Lesser Restoration: 🌟 Buff the party! 🌟 Protect the party coffers:  Side Quests: 🌟🌟   Bonus Patrol the Hinterlands: 🌟🌟 Satisfy the Alderman: 🌟 Awarded prizes promptly: 🌟   💪🏻 1/5 ☕️ 1/5   Running total: 9 🌟   It was Race Week! My foot pain returned like a kilometre past the aid station, 😭😡😭 but I was able to walk it off and finish at a run. Folks mostly were very positive about my butterfly wings (one person early on, while we were still packed quite closely, commented that it was a bit hard to see the footing because of them, but she said she was happy using it as an excuse to go slow). It was just as much fun as I thought it would be to run with the wings - anywhere the trail was wide and not too busy I fully airplane-armed along, rejoicing in my billowing cape. It rained almost the whole time, but it was a light drizzle that barely made it through the canopy, not the downpour I was worried about.  It was a pretty slow race because of the congestion at the beginning and because of my foot. I placed 333/350 😅 I hope I can one day get back to the level I was at in 2019, when I was just one place above the median, but. I’ll never be 37 again, so I kind of accept that it’s a long shot.    Here’s a few pics from the trail. It’s a chill one, lots of up and down but only a couple Serious Hills (though the big downhill was muddy af and I was terrified I was going to slip and fall 50m to my death), and there are lots of stream crossings and gorgeous ancient conifers.      My week was so full of social stuff, appointments, and Halloween costume shopping that I almost missed getting a strength workout (never mind checking in here). Did a body weight video in the hotel room in Race Town Friday night - I didn’t think to bring a mat so it was pretty rough on the knees, but worth it to have A View.      I’ve been super motivated to paint lately, which is cool but is eating my time for everything else. I started a Fancy Piece in hopes of doing a spooky diorama for Halloween - I now have about four spoopy minis and a few other lightly evil looking ones, so if I can get this crypt at least blocked in and inked, it will make for a cool scene. I also got a Side Quest star for cross stitch, a star earned with sweat and tears as I did a whole bunch of work and then had to rip most of it out and redo. I’m having so much trouble with this project, it’s been in the works for about five years, and I just find it so hard to work on the dark fabric, I keep messing up. I’m like 25% done now and when I work on it I’m making progress, so I figure it’s just another 4-5 years to completion 😅😅😅    
    • They are frozen in awe of your magnificence. By the time your spellbinding presence is gone they realize belatedly they didn't give you the proper respect you deserve.  
    • Take three breaths- YES Take a step back from the mirror and look at myself.  Make silly faces. -YES Do ten minutes of strength training. - NO Reduce screen time by one hour. It's just a distraction.- I don't know. Remember to look up and around when I’m walking instead of looking down. - I didn't walk today! Practice oral hygiene and skin care every evening. - YES Reflect on something good that happened that day. OKAY!   Today Mom and I went to see the ballet company perform Peter Pan! It was really a nice time. We could follow along pretty well, being familiar with the story. My personal favorite bit was seeing ALL the little girls dressed up in sparkly dresses to see a BALLET. Several were twirling with delight.  That was fun. The ballet itself was not great for little kids, there were some scary bits and several small kids were carried out of the theater with their wailing cries echoing. Captain Hook had a boney hand with a disfigured pointer finger instead of a traditional hook, and all the adult characters wore masks that made them seem distant and creepy. There were odd choices made for a show that should've been more considerate of a younger crowd. I still really enjoyed it.  I don't think I'm a big ballet fan now, but it was great to try something new and share that with my mom.   Tomorrow I'll do a quick review and share what's going to change for week 2, and what will stay the same. That gives me the night to sleep on some ideas too and see if they still shine in the morning   I hope you had a great day!    
    • Brekky- 2 cups loaded coffee, 2 peices of mini banana bread Lunch- Deli meat sandwich, chocolate milk  Snack- 1 loaded coffee, 4 oero cookies, 2 peices banana bread Supper- Pizza Snack- fruit bar   Afternoon   I overate today. I was just in a depressed mood again. But hubs and I talked about not giving up on my goal, otherwise I'll gain weight. So I'll keep trying to find balance and lose weight.    Hubs had a nap so I watched 'The chosen' all afternoon. I love that show!   Then we went grocery shopping, came home and I made pizza for supper. Got the kids in bed, had a fruit bar to snack on, then bed! 
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